Joe’s “Condition”… Tipping Point Moment …. Team Biden Where Do You Go From Here?

Joe’s “Condition”… Tipping Point Moment …. Team Biden Where Do You Go From Here?

Oh, What a Tangle Web We Weave….When First We Conspire to Deceive

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sir Walter Scott ?


Hard to even imagine a more disastrous week for the West Wing handlers and staff at the White House

Even Captain Kirk on the Starship Enterprise would be insistently yelling…

Mr. Sulu …Damage Control….Damage Control !!

For the public …like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz is being told

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

…as some of Biden’s best handlers flanked him at this week’s tumultuous “Press Conference”

This got to have been a White-Knuckle Week at the White House where things have truly come of the rails

To the “image-makers” the line between fantasy and reality has lost all proportions of any level of credibility.


All the spinmeisters in the Deep State came forth with this “sanitized” Special Counsel Report

…of course, to gain any semblance of validity this tome was nearly three hundred and fifty pages long

Yet within the reams and ream of usually fluff ….several key sentences became the only facts that mattered to the press/public

….they were intended to provide the necessary “cover” for not prosecuting an obvious mishandling of classified documents that is not unique to Biden or Trump but in my perception has been an ubiquitous occurrence of many officials.

The Special Counsel “diagnosis”….analysis of Biden’s Sterling Character and Willful Intent contrasted to his diminished Elderly Cognitive Capacity???

This is the storyline the Biden's et al – Spinmeisters wanted to pump out to the public as it was in their contorted minds a political foil to the “unwilful” and obstructionist Trumpian efforts at deception.

For my part both Prezs. .,.,.were cavalier and misused their privilege here

End of Story …!


Yet for Team Biden this would be yet another opportunity to showcase the difference between …..them and #45 in which they could claim the “high ground”

…the moral Guardians of Democracy, Freedom and Truth?


What happened to these “handlers” is their absence of objectivity and removed sense of experiential reality

…this Report is but another “coffin nail” for the President


Most disconcerting is the impact this Ageist Perception possesses for eighty to one hundred million Americas.

Sir Walter Scott best “diagnosed”? Biden’s Condition

It is one of Deception not Decrepitly

Its not that he is old, but he never tells the truth

In fact, his perception of truth and reality has become totally skewed


His long perseverating tales are “constructs” of his situational ethics, need to convince – connect to many constituencies and complete disregard for self responsibility….the basis of integrity

Joe is a creature of WDC …. No one stays there for fifty years without being a total fraud …a consummate Machiavellian.

…cunning – deceitful …plotting …conspiring

…so much intrigue in a non-stop deluge of lustful power that it is impossible to preserve your authentic selfhood being surrounded by just so many people of low character and virtue.


This is the invisible boulder that sits on the shoulders of Joe Biden

…the weight of his misdeeds that for a man of eighty plus is a herculean task to manage each day


While Joe does exhibit some symptoms of Dementia and Parkinson's

..this is not the underlying source of his dysfunction.


His “hazy” interview with the special counsel was the operative strategy mapped out by his team.

While it gave him the “pass” he desired

…it further raised yet another issue of competency.

Either Joe is a liar, or he is incapacitated?

Sorry ….you cannot have it both ways.

This is the path they selected and that now they must live with


The West Wing Team attempts to Double Down and refute these observations further adds evidence to the widely held perception of Mr. Biden’s Cognitive failure


This explains the President’s poor polling numbers and while he unlike Trump has never formed a cohesive attachment to his own Democratic base


It all comes down to Unconscious Correlation….

The immediate spark your mind fires when it sees an image or hears a word that relates to your authentic “feelings”

Perception is Reality…even in our fast world of overstimulated data

We all possess a construct of our self-image, place in the world and the concepts that we value. ?

Herein lies the magic that spinmeister in the West Wing want to manipulate for their own purposes.

This Unconscious Mindset is the result of layering experiential learning

….Impressions…that repetitively form patterns of connection to objects, people, concepts, beliefs.

The “clever” spinmeisters in the West Wing to craft the “Honest Joe” have much too much done this at the expense of the "Consistent Joe" whose behavior is linear and congruent

…corresponding to authentic image of who the individual truly is

We have no idea ..who the real Joe is?

In fact ..neither does Mr. Biden

It is in this lost sense of reality and the attempts to continue to re-write the narrative that have all fallen apart .

I do not know where these handlers go from here?

As the more they try to “right” the image-making they desire

….. the further away they get from convincing people that Biden is in control of his faculties or even his job as president.

Who is running the “store” at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ?

?While most of us have a “fatigue” with all this political nonsense, the prevailing Zeitgeist it creates becomes a part of the popular culture

…which becomes “baked-in”

No amount of damage control can fix the trajectory here and the quiet whispering of his most loyal quarters will soon become open discussion of why he must go.

If his Vice President possessed a more compelling narrative Joe would be already gone

Yet Harris’s challenge is not one of mental fitness but one of professional ability the result of making an “identity hire” instead of selecting the Vice President on the objective standards of excellence.

Team Biden finds themselves between a rock and a hard place

?A Gordian Knot of their own construct …..

…the more they weave it

…the more impossible it is to undo







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