Its been a busy but productive week! It started with Spearing Waite supporting a Law Taster Session in conjunction with the University of Leicester Law Ambassadors Programme at Soar Valley Community College. "It was good for our students to have an employer in the industry present to talk to them from an employer perspective." "It was good to meet with the students and be able to offer them a bit of an insight into what it is we really do."
The next two days were busy with almost 550 students coming through the door for mock interviews at both Sir Jonathan North Community College in Leicester and King Edward VII College in Coalville. We were supported with lots of volunteers from member companies such as Aggregate Industries, Howes Percival, Sytner, Hinckley & Rugby Building Society, Office Depot, Thermofisher Scientific, Evolve IT, Saladworks, Santander, Aurum Holdings, NMBS and University of Leicester. In addition I am keeping my fingers crossed for the 8 year 11s who had their first stage apprenticeship interviews with Pallex at King Edward VII during the Interview Technique event.
New volunteers from Evolve IT started yesterday at Beaumont Lodge Primary School as part of the Number Partners project which supports children in primary school to develop numeracy skills, while the Howes Percival team also began yesterday at The Lancaster Academy for Go for Reading, our literacy project that supports struggling readers in Key Stage 3.
The rest of the week has been spent matching up and creating - lots of speakers lined up for school assemblies and new ideas for workshops coming out. Watch this space to find out more!
Definitely a week to make you smile!