Jobs 3.0

Jobs 3.0

A conversation with Yasmine Morrison, Early-stage Investor, Former Founder, and Future Of Work Advocate

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“We’re now entering the fourth industrial revolution, and I think this is really where Jobs 3.0 is happening. And if I had to describe it in one word, I would probably say fluid. It’s a much more fluid model, and it comes down to all those different things we touched upon. It’s the global citizen, it’s the role of the office. It also comes down to your background in education, how that role will play, and these new structures of DAOs, and the way you are being compensated. One thing as well to add there, which I think is going to be a huge role is truly your skillset and how you evolve that. I think there’s going to be a lot of importance of having a mix of hard and soft skills. So as we know, you have to, regardless of what job you have, you need to have some sort of technical skills. And I mean, I’m personally, doesn’t come from a technical background, but I do realize that there are certain ways that I can upskill in terms of being more technical. And I need to focus on that.” –Yasmine Morrison

In this episode of Control the Room, I had the pleasure of speaking with Yasmine Morrison about her diverse background in management consulting, venture capital, and entrepreneurship and how it has informed her view on the future of work. She explores why lifestyles will determine the locations we work from, the future of collaboration, and the global talent pool. We then discuss Decentralized Autonomous Organization and how to best contribute to them. Listen in for more reasons and tips on how to best prepare for work 3.0.

Show Highlights

[1:35] How Yasmine Got Here Start Investing In The Future Of Work.

[8:00] How To Time Innovation

[16:25] How To Contribute To DAOs

[28:25] How To Upskill For Work 3.0

Links | Resources

Yasmine on?LinkedIn

Yasmine on?Twitter

About the Guest

Yasmine is an early-stage investor, former founder, and future of work advocate based in Miami. She is strategic, creative, and curious with 7+ years of startup experience, ranging from building Tibba, a blockchain-based barter/cryptocurrency app launched in the Middle East to creating Scandinavia’s largest future of work news site. She is now publishing a new investment thesis (everywhere economy) very much focused on the future of work being published next February.

About Voltage Control

Voltage Control is a change agency that helps enterprises sustain innovation and teams work better together with custom-designed meetings and workshops, both in-person and virtual. Our master facilitators offer trusted guidance and custom coaching to companies who want to transform ineffective meetings, reignite stalled projects, and cut through assumptions. Based in Austin, Voltage Control designs and leads public and private workshops that range from small meetings to large conference-style gatherings.

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Full Transcript

Douglas:?Welcome to the Control The Room podcast, a series devoted to the exploration of meeting culture and uncovering cures from the common meeting.

Some meetings have tight control, and others are loose. To control the room means achieving outcomes while striking a balance between imposing and removing structure, asserting and distributing power, leaning in and leaning out. All in the service of having a truly magical meeting.

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Today, I’m with Yasmine Morrison at Florida Funders, where she invests in early-stage startups. She’s also a teaching fellow at Harvard. Welcome to the show, Yasmine.

Yasmine:?Hi, thank you for having me.

Douglas:?Of course. So I’d like to kick things off with just a story about how you got your start. How did you get into this world of investing in startups and thinking about the future, the future of work, and all these crazy things?

Yasmine:?Yeah. So I have a pretty mixed background, and I’ve spent a lot of time in different places. So I’ve done everything from management consulting to venture capital to entrepreneurship. I started a few companies back in the day, some were successful, and some were not successful.

And then, I started management consulting. I worked with a range of different companies, from large tech companies like Amazon to telecommunications, to a gaming startup. And it was a great experience. I’m a very curious person, I would say. So I got to dive deeper into different industries’ different business models. Really enjoyed that.

And then, I took the part that I loved about management consulting, and I also loved being an entrepreneur, and that’s why I moved into venture capital. Moved to the US, so before that, I spent time in United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, UK, and Sweden.

So moved over to the US, went to Harvard for my graduate and moved into venture capital. Then started with a pre-seed fund in New York. And like many other people, I accidentally ended up in Miami throughout the pandemic and joined a local fund and been investing in early-stage startups ever since.

Douglas:?Not surprising that you found success in the world of venture capital with such a diverse background because being able to see lots of different potential outcomes and having the perspective of, “Oh, I know a little bit about this and a little bit about this.” And so you can see the angles, right?

Yasmine:?Right. Absolutely. And I think one part of your question I actually missed, that was the future of work and that’s an area I have been very interested in since 2016.

And I remember back in 2016, people used to ask me, what is the future of work? No one knew. And then obviously, in the past two years, we’ve been talking a lot about the future of work. And now it’s more of a question is what does the future of future work look like?

Douglas:?Yeah, it’s interesting. We just released our Work Now Report, which is my somewhat snarky way of saying all this future work talk is really about stuff we should be doing now, so let’s just call it what we should be doing now, what’s happening now, in the trends.

And I love that you’re framing this view further down in the future, which makes sense from an investment thesis standpoint, right? If we’re going to look at investments that are going to be informed based on how people work, and we want to help companies that are helping people work better together or are going to be more successful because they are aware of these trends and then we can make smarter investments. Am I getting the right read on that?

Yasmine:?Yeah. No, definitely. It’s a lot about being an investor to look into the future, and I would definitely say I’m a very futuristic person. I did one of those personality tests, I forget which one, but it was super strong in “Your biggest skill is being futuristic.” So it’s definitely a big part of who I am and an important thing about being an investor.

But then I think there’s also that if you look too far in the future, then you’re actually wrong. So you have to balance that off if it’s in 10 years, well then it probably might not be the best investment. It should be in the next few years.

Douglas:?Yeah. I lived that story because pretty much straight out of college, the startup that I went to was so far ahead of its time. It was basically Facebook, or I guess you could’ve called it MySpace, but it was ’96. And so it wasn’t like they were just starting, they already had the product, and they were in market with this thing that was for any old-timers listening. It was actually written in Flash.


Douglas:?So Java, Spring and Flash. So the fascinating thing, that comment just around being too early is just as the same equivalent of being wrong.


Douglas:?And so what are some of your go-to strategies for trying to dial in that vision, so it’s just hitting at just the right-in-time horizon.

Yasmine:?Right. So one thing to add there too. One of my startups that I had, and one of them unfortunately failed, was actually, I would say we were a little bit too early, so we were trying to develop a barter coin. And so we had our own tokenomics. This was back in 2015, 2016 when the crypto space and tokens wasn’t really what it is today. So, we tried to explain it to investors, and people were like, “Wait, what, what are you talking about?”

But it was a good thing for me though, because it put me on an early path to understand the crypto space. But to answer your question, I spent a lot of time looking at macro trends and trying to understand what is happening. I speak to people who know technology better than me to also try and understand is this actually possible? Or how many years are we until we can have a technical solution?

I spent a lot of time in the past few months talking about the possibility of metaverses because at the moment, a lot of them are pretty gimmicky, and you use one of them and you’re like, “This is a really shitty experience,” to be completely honest. So, that’s one of the things, will it actually be a good enough experience to, I don’t think it will ever replace the physical meeting, but will it be good enough that it’s that close? And I think that we are a few years out, although that’s the direction we’re going.

But I think that this is a brilliant example of something that it could be happening the next few years, but it could also being quite a few years. So yeah. You never know either.

Douglas:?Yeah. Especially with some of those bigger things that require so much to align and come together and coordination across companies even.

Yasmine:?Right. Yeah. No, those are many parts that need to work out.

Douglas:?So I’m curious about what you’re noticing trends wise and when you look at the future of future work, what about, just the notion of working together in collaboration, are there any super trends that you’re seeing that you think are going to play out in unexpected ways or ways that people just aren’t paying attention to right now?

Yasmine:?So, I think in terms of that, I think there are a few trends that I actually don’t think they’re trends, I think things are fundamentally changing in the way we do things. And the first one comes to location. I mean, we all have seen the announcement of all these large companies announcing that you can work from home or remote forever. And what I think it’s more interesting here, though, is that we have these concentrated talent pools in large cities that really developed during the first, second, and third industrial revolution.

And I think these cities will remain important, but I think they will become a little bit less important than what they used to be. And what we’ll see there as well is that cities will have to attract citizens. Cities and countries and we’re already seeing that happening in the US. We’re seeing that happening around the world. So that’s truly changing in terms of, we don’t have to be in a space anymore. And I like to say that we are entering a time where lifestyle determines labor rather than labor determining lifestyle.

So that means that we basically can live and work from anywhere. I mean, I think we will able to truly do that in the next few years. There’s still some limitations right now. And then if you tie the office into this, I think that will remain important for these physical meetings. But I think the role will change completely. We’re already seeing hybrid models, but I believe that the office will be used more for collaborative work, social encounter.

It might be that you meet once a month or you meet once a year even, but it will be like a special time to come together. Because again, the physical meeting is super important and I think we’re a long way from the metaverse replacing it. So I think that will… A company, I believe it’s Dropbox, they started putting up these little studios around the US for their employees to be able to come into an office space for those, for collaborative work and socializing. And I think we’re going to see more of that, more importance of coworking spaces as well, because you can gather people when it suits them.

Douglas:?Yeah. It makes me think a bit about what I really lean in on the word that you mentioned, which was special. And I think one of the issues that I noticed with a lot of people’s hybrid plans are they’re back to work or… I really hate that back to work.

Yasmine:?Yeah. Right?

Douglas:?Because just conceptually it’s like we haven’t been working this whole time.


Douglas:?It’s like, I’m pretty sure we’ve been working pretty hard. And our research showed that it was the managers who never fully came to terms with what it meant to manage a distributed team that are really driving the desire to reopen the office.

But this notion that it’s special and we punctuate these special moments, I think is pretty critical. And often you see folks really wanting to find a cadence, like how many days a week are we going to be in the office or how many days a month? And it’s like, why don’t we just have it there when we have a special need? And we use it when we need it versus… It’s like the whole hammer looking for a nail. It’s like, we got this office, so when do we need it? When do we need it? It’s like, why don’t we just let it emerge and know it’ll be there when we need it.


Douglas:?So all that being said, I want to come back to something else you were talking about attracting talent in the cities, and something you mentioned in the pre-show chat was this notion of global citizens. And I’d like to unpack that a little more because it’s a fascinating concept that I doubt a lot of people are thinking about.

Yasmine:?Yeah, definitely. And I think, well, it comes down to obviously what’s happened in the past few years and technology. That we have the ability to, first of all, technology allows us to work from anywhere and as well now, the perception of the office is changing. So that is also changing the way we look at it. But another thing that I think it’s even more interesting is that I think in the next few years and what we’re seeing in these Web3 companies too is that people don’t have to live in the Valley, have attended Stanford. It doesn’t matter as much anymore. And I think that’s where this kind of global citizen comes in. It could be anyone with any type of background that can participate.

And again, I think we are a few years out, but we’re already seeing this. Coming back to Web3 again, we have, it’s super interesting, there’s a lot of companies in the Web3 space that are competitors. And you have one company that, for example, raised a bunch of venture capital in the US a lot of the time they have this pedigree of they went to these Ivy League schools, they’ve been in the Valley or somewhere, another one of those clustered ecosystems. But then you have the competitor who could be some people that started it from India, who didn’t go to an Ivy League school, who doesn’t have that network, but they are still competing and they’re bootstrapped with this other player.

And I think we’re going to see much more of that. And that’s really coming back to that global citizen. That’s really what it’s all about. It doesn’t matter as much. I mean, the network is always going to be important, but I think it’s going to matter less in the future.

Douglas:?Yeah. It’s interesting this notion of where’s startups come from and what is that source of origin? Because there is that classic story of someone attending Stanford and then there’s this network and Sand Hill Road, access to all that ecosystem that’s happening. And we’ve definitely seen it spread out into other communities and ecosystems where startups are being founded in Miami and Raleigh, North Carolina and Austin, and all these other places.


Douglas:?And even during the pandemic, I’ve noticed a lot more companies are coming out of Europe even and establishing dominance in the market for different use cases, which every now and then there’d be a European company that would be a player, but not the dominant player. And it feels like the playing field’s leveling a little bit.

Yasmine:?Absolutely. And I think that’s truly what is happening, and we’re going to see more and more of in the next few years.

Douglas:?And have you noticed with this global workforce or the global citizen, are companies finding it easy to hire employees across multiple companies? Is that something, is that a challenge young startups have, as far as managing payroll across different companies. Is that something you’ve seen in your portfolio companies is they have solutions for those things, or is that an unsolved problem right now?

Yasmine:?I think there are still a lot of legal challenges that come with this. And that’s, again, I’ve said a few times now, but why it’s happening, but it’s still a little bit longer until it will fully be functional. But there are some great startups out there. There are for example Oyster and Deel, they are competitors but they’re truly solving this. They allow you to hire from anywhere and manage this workforce. So I’m seeing a lot of interesting solutions and yeah, I think we’re going to see more of that.

Douglas:?Yeah. That is really fascinating when the sheer nature of how people are living is driving new business opportunities because now companies have to respond to the way people are behaving and then that creates a challenge, and then there are other companies spring up to solve those challenges.


Douglas:?So what about I mentioned collaboration, a specific target area because that’s this meeting, collaboration, facilitation is our core service and interest and passion. Our listeners definitely tune in to learn more about these things. And I’m curious if you’re noticing in whether it’s future of future work or even startups that you’ve been researching or trends that you’ve been noticing in your VC research, anything that you think is exciting promising as far as just how people work together, and the tooling or startups that are supporting those spaces.

Yasmine:?Yeah, absolutely. There’s one space that I’ve been spending a little extra time in the past couple of months and that is in DAOs, and that stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. I was reading a lot about it, and I decided to actually join one so I truly could get the insight and the understanding of it. And it’s fascinating. So the DAO that I joined it’s managed for a Discord group, we use our digital names, so we don’t go by our real names. We don’t actually use videos when we have meetings, we have our kind of NFT profile pictures. It’s truly about how much can you contribute and where can you help. When you introduce yourself you’re not saying, “I went to Harvard, I did this and this.” You’re saying, “I can do this. This is my expertise. This is where I want to help.”

And that’s coming back to that global citizen approach. These are people coming together from all over the place and organically starting to work together on different projects. This is a consulting DAO, this specific one. And on top of that, you are being paid in crypto. So, this is completely changing everything you know, and it’s also funny, I spoke to a friend of mine probably in November, and I was telling them about this is how I believe things are going to be in future. And they said, “You’re crazy, there is no way.” And then here we are, it’s already happening.

And I think there is two things to dive a little deeper into here, and that’s the contribution and the compensation. So contribution is really the key, right? It’s not about who you are, where you’re from, what you’ve previously done. It’s about if you’re a doer and if you have an expertise, then you can get really high. I believe in these DAOs. And then on the compensation part, it’s fascinating because we have been paid in fiat, biweekly. That’s the full time job. And of course, freelancers have a little bit more be more creative. But now I think we’re going to be paid in crypto, tokens, equity, and fiat, a mix of all these different ways, which is going to definitely be challenges, but be very, very interesting I think, in the future.

Douglas:?That’s really fascinating to me because in a way the VC model is to fund startups or companies that would manage a labor force that then would extract value from that labor force. So just classic capitalism. Right?


Douglas:?Whereas the DAO is compensating the doer for being able to do things, and there’s no money extraction from the laborer except for the doer. Right? As a direct insertion to the value to the doer, which is really fascinating. I hadn’t really thought about it in those terms.

I’ve known about DAOs for quite a while now, because as a, I would say, reformed CTO, I’ve been tracking it for a while. But I never really thought about it from the terms of socialism, capitalism, and then DAOs are neither but it’s playing this land of laborer and compensation of labor. I don’t know. I don’t really have a well-formed thought except that it’s somewhere in there, but neither. I don’t know. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Yasmine:?I don’t know. I think it’s still very much taking shape, and it’s going to be a lot of changes. I know there’s a lot of innovation around this as well. Plenty of startups creating these tools for DAOs. And of course, there are so many questions that arise if you’re working together and there’s a team of people from all over the place, they’re being paid in crypto, I mean, there are so many questions there. But it is fascinating, and it is actually happening, even though I know my friend called me crazy, there is a new world, new brave world.

Douglas:?And so this group that you’re a part of, is that DAO, is this on Ethereum or is it using a different platform?

Yasmine:?It is on Ethereum, so yeah.

Douglas:?Cool. Excellent. And so that’s getting into Web 3.0 land, if we’re talking cryptography, DAOs, and whatnot. You also speak about Jobs 3.0, is that related, similar, adjacent? Tell us a little about Jobs 3.0.

Yasmine:?Right. So I think if we go back a few years, quite a few years and we look back at the first industrial revolution, people really started moving from the countryside to the cities. And then the second industrial revolution accelerated this. And I like to call this time Jobs 1.0 and anything before, to simplify a lot, would be Jobs 0.0. But then you have the third industrial revolution, and we have the rise of computing and telecommunication. And what happened here is that we shifted working from factories into offices. And this is where the nine-to-five happened and very much the time we’ve been in the past decades.

Yasmine:?We’re now entering the fourth industrial revolution, and I think this is really where Jobs 3.0 is happening. And if I had to describe it in one word, I would probably say fluid. It’s a much more fluid model, and it comes down to all those different things we touched upon. It’s the global citizen, it’s the role of the office. It also comes down to your background in education, how that role will play, and these new structures of DAOs, and the way you are being compensated.

One thing as well to add there, which I think is going to be a huge role is truly your skillset and how you evolve that. I think there’s going to be a lot of importance of having a mix of hard and soft skills. So as we know, you have to, regardless of what job you have, you need to have some sort of technical skills. And I mean, I’m personally, doesn’t come from a technical background, but I do realize that there are certain ways that I can upskill in terms of being more technical. And I need to focus on that.

But then you also have these soft skills, which are becoming more and more important. And I actually saw two tweets in the past month that I was fascinated by. So someone tweeted, they said, “It’s harder to find a great community manager than to find a great developer these days.” And then someone tweeted, “It’s harder to find a hiring manager than a developer.”

So I think that potentially we are coming to a point because for the past years, it’s always been like, it’s so hard to find that good developer, it’s so hard to find that tech talent, and I think it still is. But I think we’re seeing that people are appreciating these soft skills a lot more, the hiring is a huge part and then the community aspect is another huge aspect of Web3. So we are going to see more importance on these soft skills and celebrate those more than we have had in the past few years.

Douglas:?I would say it’ll become increasingly more important the more that is automated and the more that AI tends toward general intelligence, because it’ll get really good at those things that can be more tacit, but not great at the creativity, the curiosity, the relationship building. Those soft skills are going to be a lot. That’ll be the final frontier of the AI. And that’s probably still ways off.

Yasmine:?I couldn’t agree more. And I mean, we’re going to have anything we don’t have to do is going to be done by technology. So the only things that we’re truly going to be done is what humans can do. And that’s has to do with a lot of soft skills.

Douglas:?The other thing that strikes me as the Jobs 3.0 is even in Jobs 2.0 there were some serious issues with hanging on too tightly with what worked in prior iterations. So when we look at the industrial revolution and the age of factories, and I think Frederick Taylor was the one that like ran stopwatches and mechanized everything.


Douglas:?And that got copied. And we’re doing that in offices and managing teams using these same philosophies. And I don’t think enough people even caught on that is not a great way to even work in that era. And so, it’s funny that we’re about to go through another massive shift and we haven’t even mastered the current era, right? How much of this reductionist belief…

Or maybe the shift will be about also fixing that and moving away from that mindset too, because clearly that’s not going to serve us well because reducing things to repetitive, very managed process makes us very focused on repeating things the same way every time. Which is not going to be helpful in a world where you have to constantly learn new things and constantly adapt.

Yasmine:?Yeah, no, I totally agree.

Douglas:?So I was thinking, I was formulating that thought I wanted to share it as you were talking about the skillsets and how you have to keep growing your skillsets and staying curious, so that’s fascinating to me. Hopefully, people are tuning into this 3.0 and the work you’re doing there. What’s a great place for any of the listeners to learn more about that and the trends or what’s evolving?

Yasmine:?I think everyone obviously has different jobs. Right? So I think what the best thing to do is to truly sit down and take some time to do some research and look what is actually happening in the future in your type of work. And then look at, “Where can I be replaced by, for example, AI? Which skills can I improve on? Is blockchain disrupting my industry? How can I, can I take a course in this or, or what are forms that I can upskill?” And that would be for example, more of a hard skill. And then as well, always on the soft skills side there are certain, I think the World Economic Forum, they publish every year the most important skills in the workplace. And it is often public speaking, analytical skills. So it’s a mix of the hard and the soft skills.

But take a look at these different reports and understand what are people looking in terms of skills and make a plan and commit to it. I really, really think that upskilling or even reskilling, it’s going to be a big part of our future. And we’re going to have to be much more nimble on how we work, and I think I mentioned before, Jobs 3.0, there’s one way I would describe it, it would be fluid. I also think we are going to have to, we are not going to work in the same way we have done. We’ve already seen what freelancers, how they are working in a different way, but I think that’s going to be most of us. We’re going to work on different projects in different ways, how can you adjust to that? And how can you… Yeah, there’s going to be a lot of adjustment, I believe, in the next couple of years.

Douglas:?If you were to say that there was one soft skill, it’s going to be the most important, and this is probably a hard one to answer, but if you had to pick one, what do you think it would be?

Yasmine:?I mean, I want to say emotional intelligence. But I mean, that’s the unfortunate part is that it’s almost some people are born with that and some people are born with like super analytical skills, right? So it’s not an easy one to train, I guess. It might be unfair to some people, but I do think that is really, that is really helpful.

Douglas:?The thing I’ve found there is for folks that don’t find it as natural, a coach can be really powerful.


Douglas:?Because taking the time to unpack the moments with someone can sometimes train that ability then to recognize, even if it’s not instantaneous, it might still come to you, which is better than never.

Yasmine:?Right. And I think that’s very true. And I think EQ is, it’s a very powerful skill to have, because you can understand sometimes before others what people are truly trying to say and understand situations in a different way. But yeah, it’s the same thing. If you’re not very analytical, there are ways you can improve that. But yeah, it seems that there are people who obviously are better at certain things, but I think everyone has the possibility to improve their skills.

Douglas:?Absolutely. Well, as we draw to a close here, I’m curious to hear your thoughts on as this stuff unfolds and we look really far out, because you were talking about the future of future work, what becomes possible? Because it almost even sounds like boundaries start to blur and I get curious about what are the second and third order effects of some of these changes you’re talking about. So I don’t know, have you thought much about what does the world look like after Jobs 3.0? We’ve all transitioned there, and what is life like then?

Yasmine:?Yeah. I definitely think boundaries and borders between countries are going to look very different. And I find that very fascinating, and I’ve been studying that some for some time trying to find an answer to it. I don’t know exactly how it would look like, but I think in terms of looking from a job perspective, we’re going to have a lot more flexibility, a lot more freedom to live and work in ways that are suited to us. And this is being enabled by technology, changes in behavior and how we look at different things. So I think it’s a very exciting time to be alive and yeah, the next few years are going to be very exciting.

Douglas:?Absolutely. I’m personally curious as more of this stuff unfolds AI’s got this current existential crisis around bias in AI. I think the more global, the more that we become, to use your words, the global citizens, it seems like the equity gap comes more of a concern of who can actually play because of access to the technology. And it seems like that’ll be an interesting ethics question, and even maybe that opens up a market opportunity for people to solve that challenge. I’m curious if you have thoughts or know of people that are working in that space right now already.

Yasmine:?I know there is a few startups trying to solve some of these issues, But I mean, of course there is as well, when I say the world is going to be changed, it might not change for everyone, unfortunately. I think there are some good aspects, like I mentioned about the global citizen that you don’t have to be very privileged or different levels of privilege to get to certain points. But I think there is still going to be a large part of the world that is left behind and that’s of course a huge concern and yeah, there is definitely a few players working on that and I think we’re going to hopefully see more initiatives to truly remove that digital divide that exists in the world.

Douglas:?That to me seems like an interesting thing to ponder from this aspect of those that are thinking about this work and how to shape it because we have a lot more power to do so now when it’s early versus when we get there and we go, how do we solve this problem?

Yasmine:?Right? No, absolutely.

Douglas:?So, great. Well, it’s been fun thinking about the future. So many of my podcast episodes were focused on, “Hey, what’s happening now in meetings and where are people struggling with collaboration? How could they do better?” And so, this is fun to just think a little bit about how DAOs and global citizens and these kinds of things might impact how leaders think about collaboration or how they set up their workplaces.

So, thank you for that fun thought journey with me and I want to just invite you to leave our listeners with a final thought before we totally wrap today.

Yasmine:?Yeah, no. Awesome. And thank you so much for having me. I really enjoyed, I was going to say brainstorm the future, but I guess it is brainstorming the future. So the final thing I wanted to tap onto what we said in terms of what will the world look like in the future with disappearing borders, and so. And I’m working on a new thesis that I call the everywhere economy where I will dive a little deeper into this space. So I’d love to, anyone who’s interested, they can follow me on Twitter, I’m YasMorrison, and stay updated when I’m actually publishing this thesis which will dive a lot deeper into what potentially the world could look like, problems we are going to see and also opportunities in this everywhere economy that’s taking shape.

Douglas:?Excellent. Well, we look forward to seeing that get published and we’ll make sure that we get it in the show notes as well, especially if it’s published by the time we launch the episode. So we’ll stay in tune for that, and thanks so much for joining today.

Yasmine:?Thank you so much.

Douglas:?Thanks for joining me for another episode of Control The Room. Don’t forget to subscribe to receive updates when new episodes are released. And if you want more, head over to our blog, where I post weekly articles and resources about working better together,


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