A JOB you love, that loves you back. Why not?
Nevena Vujosevic
Organizational Psychologist & Strategist / Certified Senior Executive Coach, Life Coach, Business Consultant & International Speaker
Are you happy in your job?
The answer I usually hear is “It’s…okay”.
What this may mean is:?“It’s not what I really want to do but it pays decently and I have two kids to support which is enough to be grateful for in these times.”
Understood.?And absolutely fair.
Still,?the majority of people who come to me these days are looking for support in either finding a career they love or building their own business.?Despite or because of their circumstances.
And in an ever-changing?VUCA world, this topic is certainly on many people’s minds.
Why do you think this is??
Do we have higher expectations of life today such that we believe even work should be fulfilling? Has the economic crisis, the pandemic and the lessons that emerged inspired us into taking our jobs into our own hands and setting a better example? Trends like the Great Resignation would suggest that.
I believe?our search for ‘a job that we love’ may be a critical factor in building a better world?and positively advancing us as a species.
Jobs make the world go ‘round. Not because it is more important than other things but because it literally encompasses the actions that build our houses, grow our food, educate our children and the myriads of other activities that make up our lives. Someone has to do them. We do them.
But for a long time, and in many instances still, a job has been perceived as a necessary ‘evil’ until (and to make possible) the next weekend or vacation.?Many societies have fallen into one of two extremes – those that encourage over-achievement and workaholism at the expense of all else, and those that have shunned work altogether as the ‘thing’ that keeps us from living our ‘real lives.
In both scenarios, people are then usually encouraged to pursue either the best paying jobs or the most monotonous but well-protected ones.
But what about the job we WANT?
Typical responses to this question may be:
“You can’t get everything you want in life.”
“Is ‘what you want’ going to pay the bills?”
“What if I fail?”
As a result, many of us believe that we do not deserve to pursue jobs that fulfill us – which usually means?work that we like?and?are good at. Or that if we do, we are somehow more likely to fail at it than the other things?we are okay at?and?have?learned?to like?(or not) that?pay the bills.
Does this make sense to you?
Why would we be more likely to fail at something that we naturally love and are good at?
The answer: we are not.
But we are often more afraid that we will. And this particular fear of failure often prevents us from even trying in the first place.
If you want to overcome this, you can start by reading the first of our NEVBlogs series:?“Breaking the Fear of Failure ~ Part 1”
What would the world look like if more people worked in a job they liked and were talented in?
Would they be more inspired and innovative? Give better service and be more responsible and thoughtful about quality? Would they be more profitable and successful? …Be more likely to contribute to the greater good?
I think YES.
There is a lot of research to support that?happier workers do better work. And I would venture to say that when we feel good, we are more likely to do good, overall.
But here is the key:?finding a job you love is a very PERSONAL question. Each of us has to define it for ourselves, within the considerations that are important to us.
What does this mean?
It means that not everyone has to be – or wants to be – a CEO, a celebrity, a doctor or any of the other popularized professions. Nor does it mean that we should all be business owners or that our career should be about our?greatest?passion. There are no ‘shoulds’ here.
But we all deserve to be content in our work. Whatever that means to each person.
Read our NEVBlog?“Do we all have a Talent? The case for everyday greatness…”?to dig deeper into this.
So what does this mean FOR YOU?
While the criteria are subjective, I have heard many folks mention the following as important criteria for?jobs they love and that love them back:
It should not be a privilege to have a meaningful job, but a necessity to run a healthy world.
I believe that there is as much glory in being a star tennis player or a business guru as being a farmer with civilized rights, an innovative hairdresser, a motivational gym teacher, or a damn good accountant. The key is being content with your work and doing it with quality, professionalism and pride.
So what are your criteria for a job you love?
How do you think happier workers can impact an organization or a community?
Would you work even if you didn’t have to?
To get you started, try out this simple exercise and?let us know your thoughts?if you wish:
1) List at least five (5), specific SUPERPOWERS that you have
2) Now list at least five (5), specific CORE PRIORITIES you have you in your life right now
3) Finally, brainstorm potential jobs that might allow you to connect at least 2 of your SUPERPOWERS with at least 2-3 of your CORE PRIORITIES.
This exercise is a small part of much deeper work we do with our clients to really help them make their career dreams a reality.
And we have plenty of powerful evidence that this is indeed possible.
If you’re even a little curious, don’t hesitate to?contact us for a FREE Consultation?and we will play with the possibilities together.
Every person’s greatness is a gift to this world. So don’t let yours get left behind.
You deserve to experience the joy of a meaningful professional existence.?
#NEVBlog #IloveMyJob #PositiveChanges #ProfessionalCareer #Coaching #ProfessionalCoaching #ProfessionalCoachingValencia #CoachingValencia #LeadershipDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment #Empowerment #WorkLifeBalance #Success #Happiness #Skils #PersonalInnovation #TheGreatResignation #ILikeMyJob #MyTalent #FearOfFailure #VUCAWorld #NEVCoach #Goals #Priority #Challenge #Satisfaction #Superpower #Talent?#Job #work?