Job Stress and Management
Being a professional, day after day, month after month, we have been following the same routine, get dressed, leave for work, etc. But, at the back of our mind, there's something nagging us, something that we can't put our finger on. Is it job stress?
It's only now that people are waking up to the fact that jobs and organizations produce stress that directly affects individual. In fact, job stress is the most complex of all stressors. The reason for this is simple: job stress is an amalgamation of a number of stresses, right from our physical environment, from the people around us, plus all the usual pressures of decisions, deadlines, and workload.
Surprised, and then read on. We think our office is comfortable - after all, it's air-conditioned, wall-to-wall carpeting, modern, having all the basic amenities? Well, if we were to probe beneath the exterior we would be surprised! Along with the pay package at the end of the month, we take home ulcers, heart problems and acidity, just to name a few of the many health-related issues.
Just because we not work in a hazardous or physically stressful job such as a chemical factory; that doesn't mean that our desk job is less traumatic. It may not physically tiring, but it has its own set of stresses. There are individual techniques that are needed to manage our stress at work. While we are at work, we will not only have our hands full but also our ears, the noise of phones rings, tapping of keyboards and cramped spaces may hamper our work and we may not aware of it also. We need to evaluate which of our present situation, either at home or at work, is annoying us and then need to take action.
Ask our-self the following questions.... to be continued