The Job Seekers Reflection Part II

The Job Seekers Reflection Part II

I have had the great pleasure of receiving several different opinions and great feedback from my recent article on the job search. There are several points I want to address here.

First, there is no guaranteed tried and true 100% defined approach that is the surefire way to land the job of your dreams. As I noted in the prior post, the one defining absolute that we know to be true in a job search is that there are no specific rules, approaches, or techniques that guarantee anything. Unfortunately, every single hiring manager, recruiter, really anyone in a position to hire operates from their own set of rules, standards, protocol, and expectations. As was discussed briefly in the 1st article there is simply no accepted ideology that clearly defines the dos and don ts of job seeking, interviewing, networking, and the entire scope of being on the job search.

My advice here is the same as before, be open to and seek as much information and knowledge as you possibly can, try to wade through and sift through all of the many different pieces of information you will be given. Try to verify as much information as you can by the most reliable sources you can locate. Be willing to adapt and improve and change whatever you need to change. The one thing I can say with absolute certainty is that no one is an expert in everything. Be willing to adjust your thinking and your approach to your job search and improve in every possible way as you navigate the rough waters of this process. I have read about and received this valuable piece of feedback time and again and it holds true. Wherever you are in your search remember this important point. Never be afraid to change that which is not working. If you're stalled in your search and what you are doing is not working, adapt and change whatever you need to change to improve your search results. I have made it my mission to make sure that I am always open to feedback, good or bad and I am willing to make whatever changes that are necessary to enhance my profile and improve my chances to be successful. The absolute worst thing you can do in this situation is to dig in your heels and refuse to change your approach when what you're doing is not gaining meaningful results.

Secondly, I have heard from many who asked this question. What do I do when I have exhausted all means to secure employment when out of work and the money is running out? I would say that it is important to keep a proper perspective, especially during the most difficult and challenging times. Ask yourself have I truly exhausted all opportunities and tried everything that I possibly can? When I am faced with this type of situation, I always try to sit down and achieve a moment of silence and clarity and reflect on everything I have done and evaluate what else I can possibly do at that moment that I have not already tried. At that time I redouble efforts and again going back to point #1 in this article, don't be afraid to change it up, ask for advice, seek additional counsel and wisdom, search for what works and don't be afraid to abandon what does not work or has not been working up to that point.

Obviously, we all need the means to make a living. When faced with an increasingly desperate situation, look at opportunities to take on part-time employment, perhaps consulting work, something outside of your area of expertise that will allow you to get cash flowing in the short term and additionally allow you to take your mind off of the daily routine of applying for jobs, networking, and the grind of the entire job search. That is not to suggest abandoning the job search, it is merely a suggestion to add additional income while trying a different approach to the process. If there is an opportunity to sharpen your skills, obtain additional training, certification or education during this process I would highly suggest taking those steps as well. Any successful job search is a full-time process in and of itself, however, this might be one of your better opportunities to undertake additional training or education before embarking back into your full-time career pursuits.

The third and last point is that no matter where you are in your search, no matter the daily struggles, the grind, the challenges you face, the obstacles and roadblocks, don't ever stop, be diligent in your daily pursuits and don't stop building your network. I keep coming back to the 1st point in this article, don't be afraid to change anything up that is not working. As I discussed in the very first article, many things related to the traditional job search have changed and no longer remain the same. You should be willing and able to accept suggestions and an honest assessment from experts in your field. If there are ways to improve yourself during this journey or improve your approach you should absolutely be willing and able to accept those suggestions and critiques and take whatever steps are necessary to increase your chances of success. I would absolutely apply this standard to your job search. The worst comment or saying you can ever hear in any business operations is "This is the way we have always done it". Nothing dooms a business to certain failure than holding true to that mantra or refusing to change the approach. The same is true in your job search. Don't ever hold to the thinking of this is the way I have always done it. You will most certainly doom yourself to failure by your unwillingness to adapt and change your approach especially when the current approach is not working.

Stay strong, keep waking up every single day with conviction and determination that you will make something positive happen today. Don't allow a day to pass that your actions are not contributing to your search. Be diligent in building relationships and stay committed to growing your personal network. I always approach networking as a learning experience. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that any networking opportunity is wasted because you don't come away from it with an immediate impactful result. In very few instances will you immediately net results such as a new job or career advancement. Know that you are sowing the seeds for future opportunities. During my own job search, I have had the pleasure of meeting some incredible people who I was able to add to my own network of connections, contact, and colleagues. I have even been able to assist that network in some searches of their own. Understand that you're always building connections and contacts for the future not just today. Most importantly even though you are in need today, remember that this process is a two-way street. Don't always go into meetings to extract something look to go into networking meetings as a means to assist others. It should be mutually beneficial to both parties.

As you continue the search, don't doubt yourself, and keep pushing ahead each and every day. Always remember, that this period of difficulty is all just temporary and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is critical to maintain perspective daily and not lose sight of this fact as you continue through this process and journey. Remember one thing in your search #StrengthandHonor. Stay strong and live each day and conduct your search honorably. I always welcome all insights and feedback. Let's continue to help each other during our journey and anything valuable that anyone can add is greatly appreciated.

Next up, what is going on with service in the hospitality industry and what to do about it?


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