Job Searching in the time of Covid-19: 6 Tips
Nii Ato Bentsi-Enchill, MA, Ed.M
LinkedIn Top Voice | Holistic Career Coach & Educator for Students & Professionals of Color | Resume & LinkedIn Writing | Job Search & Networking Strategy | Leadership Coaching | Interviews | Speaker | Panelist
In a matter of a few weeks, the entire world has been flipped upside down by Covid-19. Good news seems hard to find these days, but I hope this one fact brings you some comfort -- though your life may feel strange as you adjust to the temporary, “Covid-19 normal,” the rules of conducting a successful job search remain much the same. In fact, whether you are searching for a new job right now by choice or out of necessity, job searching in the time of Covid-19 may give you one distinct advantage -- extra time.
I don’t mean to overlook anyone’s need to find immediate employment as a result of sudden job loss, but I do wish to highlight that due to the current, all-consuming nature of the pandemic, many businesses are still trying to figure their way forward amidst constantly changing social and economic conditions. Given that employers’ attentions are divided, job seekers may have a bit more time to engage in the self-reflection, direction-finding, research, networking, and marketing necessary to land a job, than under normal circumstances.
I recently spoke to a friend who works in the events industry, and her company had placed her on a 4-day work schedule. Given the nearly 90% drop in their business, her work doesn’t fill up the day as it used to. She can now devote time that she wouldn’t normally have during the day to updating her resume, networking or any number of critical activities to advance her search. Whether you are currently employed or not, the slower pace of hiring (in some sectors) may give you additional time to sharpen your candidacy ahead of submitting an application. My colleague, Austin Belcak, compiled a thorough resource listing sectors that are currently hiring that is updated regularly.
Job Searching in the Time of Covid-19
While many people are encouraging extra productivity and hurtling full speed ahead in your job search, I believe that this is a great opportunity for you to pause and take a breath. When was the last time the entire world was collectively at a standstill, sharing the same experience? We are rarely afforded such a dramatic pause in life, and like any great musician, we must learn how to “play the pauses.” And if you were wondering, yes, I borrowed that from Jaden Smith’s ‘Karate Kid’ reboot, and would do it again! ??
That said, here are a few things you can do to take advantage of this unexpected temporal gift during this unprecedented time:
1. Take time for self-reflection and self-care
Whether your current search was long-planned or unplanned, taking the time to truly reflect and write out what you wish to see in your next role will do you good through all phases of your search. I encourage you to write your own job description at the outset to help you identify your ideal role and work environment, and then go out into the world to find it. With no criteria but your own, note down things such as the key responsibilities you wish to handle, problems you want to solve, skills you wish to use, the size of your company/team, & desired elements of your work environment/culture. Sketch out the work + working conditions you see as the best fit for you.
This said, if you are not at your best during your search process, you could get in your own way of landing your dream job. If you are unhappy, stressed, or sleep-deprived, it’s hard to be your best self during a networking meeting or job interview. What kind of vibes are you putting out and what impressions are you making when you connect with folks -- even virtually?
What if you used the time that used to go into commuting for self-care, how much better off would you and your search efforts be? I won’t tell you what to do for self-care, I will simply tell you to practice the self-care that works best for you. Also, be kind to yourself during your search, as it may be slower and more frustrating than in normal times.
2. Conduct a targeted search & extensive research
Think, “chase the company, not the job,” as your job search mantra. This means you are intent on finding the best end-destination work environment for you, that will allow you to be happy and perform at your best. The best way to figure this out is by conducting extensive research both through the web and through people (via informational interviews). As you learn about companies that might be a good fit for your skills and values, start compiling a list of target companies you wish to work for, which will become the focus of your networking efforts. Setting up Google news alerts & Twilerts (for Twitter) for target companies is a great way to stay up to date.
3. Make online networking your friend
Pandemic or not, most job openings (up to 80%) are never posted, so you’ll still have to network to find them. Start by asking for help from your current close contacts and providing them with your list of target companies. Next, reach out to 10-15 people per target company, with a special focus on decision-makers to build relationships and get on their radar by offering them value. Finally, work on rekindling dormant relationships. Covid-19 is one of the best excuses ever to reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in ages, just to check in -- so take advantage of it!
With many people working from home, folks have more bandwidth to connect with others and may be more open to receiving inbound communications than just a few weeks ago. Try using the underutilized voice note feature in LinkedIn messaging on the mobile app. Nothing is more personal in an online-only world than hearing someone’s voice. And when you reach out these days, try leading off with, “how can I support you during this time?” -- you never know what good will come back to you as a result.
4. Fix up your resume & LinkedIn
Retooling your marketing materials is a critical part of any job search. Now that we have been forced into an online-only world, your digital marketing tools will be more important than ever. If it’s been a while since you last updated these mediums, certainly invest the time and effort needed to upgrade them into the best possible reflection of your career trajectory and achievements. Whether you do this yourself or invest in professional help, make this a priority so that you can respond quickly to opportunities or attract them with a strong LinkedIn profile.
5. Build your online presence
One of the most effective ways to build your network and your brand is by increasing your visibility on LinkedIn. This is both through creating/posting content and by practicing “meaningful engagement.” Through posting, you can begin to develop & share your voice on the platform. You can post industry-relevant articles you find around the web, but go the step further by adding your analysis/key takeaways, or an engaging question in your post. This will show people how you think. Also, consider authoring original posts or writing & publishing original articles on LinkedIn as well. This is the best way to demonstrate your thought leadership and bring people into your orbit through your unique worldview.
When it comes to engagement, while it’s ok to “like/react” to a post, leaving a thoughtful comment is far more meaningful to the author and the community. You don’t have to drop a gem every time, but try to make an additive comment by building on something that resonated with you in the content. This helps the post's author and demonstrates a bit of who you are and what you have to offer. This type of engagement can be done in just 10-15 minutes per day.
6. Build your skills
Now that we are all living online -- even more than usual -- why not do some online learning as well? Whether you are staying on the same career trajectory or making a pivot, using the extra time available now to upskill can only boost your marketability. If you’ve never activated LinkedIn premium, use the 30-day free trial period to take advantage of LinkedIn Learning to take courses and get certified in certain skills. Thousands of free MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are available. You can also find low-cost courses through and
We are living through an unprecedented time of global upheaval, and we have never needed each other more than we do now. Give yourself grace as you adapt to the present circumstances and forge ahead in your job search knowing that patience, persistence, and flexibility will pay off in the end. Lead with empathy for employers and networking contacts in all your communications and watch your positive energy return to you.
We are all in this together!