Many factors have affected the current practices of a job search versus two years ago:? Elements like technology, economics, expectations, and accelerating changes in required skills. Each of these factors impact the competitive marketplace today.
Technology:? This factor can work for you or against you.? If you don’t understand how technology has affected the job market, or how to use technology in your job search, you’re further behind than your competitors for the job you want.
Hiring:? The upper end of the technology skill sets is in high demand.? The lower end Is shrinking due to artificial intelligence.? Most non-technical employment is holding its own until the impact of technology is better known.
Retention:? Companies will focus more on training and retaining quality employees rather than seeking new employees from the marketplace.? A known and valued employee is a safer bet than an unknown, and is less costly to maintain than to recruit an untested addition.
Demographics:? The population is aging with each next generation smaller than the previous one.? This has longer term implications for the supply of needed talent as the technology revolution continues.
Upskilling:? Two issues remain.? The need for new skills in a new technology, and advanced skills as the technology increases in complexity.? Schools may need to address the first while organizations will need to address the second.
If you are a candidate for advancing your career, here are some trends to be aware of:
Career planning:? Unless you’re in a job category that has no technology component, you’ll need to improve your current skills and learn new ones.? Take courses, get certified in advanced skills, join a self-improvement technical group, or request in-house skill training.
Worker participation:? The 25 to 50 age group is in the most competitive work group with skills to contribute.? However, non-technical jobs at the low end will be competing with the surge of immigrants over the next 3 years.
Economy:? If inflation increases, interest rate rise, or a major event occurs which impacts the economy negatively, many industries, companies and jobs will be affected.? If the economy expands, the reverse will be true.
ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems):? Large and mid-sized companies are using ATS programs to screen potential candidates, due to the vast number of employees wanting to change jobs.? Candidates must painstakingly tailor their resumes to the position descriptions for which they are applying.? Qualified applicants will be overlooked by a computer that may not understand your abbreviations or substituted words.
In summary, keep up to date on the shifting marketplace in your field of expertise, while advancing your skills through the company or your own efforts.
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