Job Opportunity: Transportation Management Center (TMC) Technician Lead
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Northwest Region (NWR) Transportation Management Center (TMC) has an outstanding leadership opportunity in our state-of-the-art facility for an experienced technician to serve as our next TMC Technician Lead. This position will play a unique role in support of WSDOT’s mission by operating the NWR Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) consisting of traffic management system, ATM active traffic management system, tunnel control systems, and toll systems. The successful candidate appointed to this role will manage daily traffic, collisions, construction, and maintenance closures in WSDOT’s Northwest Region, which stretches from Federal Way to Blaine and includes the greater Seattle area, Bellingham, Island County, and parts of Mt. Rainier National Park. Decisions made by this position directly affect the safety of the travelling public and traffic flow on the freeway and adjacent arterial system.
See link for more information, including details on how to apply: LINK