This Job Market Is Too Much Of Too Much
The pressure of finding a new career/job right now is not fun. In fact, IT SUCKS! There are way too many websites, people posting content on what to do to help you find a new job, how to do it, what you should not do, why their methods are the best, why you should use AI, and so much more. Are some of these ideas helpful, I sure hope so. Are some people just trying to capture your attention so you can pay them? Yes, unfortunately. Is there a guaranteed method of finding a new career/job? NOPE!
You could do it all; ?listen to every person you encounter and see how they can help you. Should you? in my humble opinion, NOPE. What should you do? Listen to your needs, know what you want, get clear on what you offer.
Every person reading this right now is different. I’m different. My methods, my approach on career hunting, recruiting, and consulting are my own. Am I right in doing the work I do? Sure, hope so! Am I the right fit for you? Maybe. But what I can share with you all is this:
Today’s approach in finding a new career/job is not working because there is too much complexity in our hiring and recruitment processes. There is too much frustration, too little action, and too many people with opinions. Too much of too much.
So, how do you respond? Keep being you, keep asking for help, keep networking if you are comfortable doing so, and keep being true to you. Stay focused on what you want, know what you’re willing to accept, know what you bring to the table, and make sure your resume shows it!
?I don’t have all the answers, (never did), but what I do have is the ability to listen, the ability to steer you in the right direction and the ability to let you know it is not just you who is frustrated. I started in this industry 32 years ago. I have been through 4 recessions, a pandemic, and now this (whatever this job market is called).
So, what can I offer? Clarity, accountability, support, decades of recruiting experience, resume and interviewing tips, and more.
Allow me to re-introduce myself to you all once again, I am Jennifer Lee Berns, Owner of MASTOR Recruiting & Career Consulting. I am direct, honest, helpful, and you won’t meet anyone else who cares more about putting the right people in the right roles as me.
My job is to solve employers’ biggest problems and match the best candidates with the best suited roles. ?For more on my work click here, and to schedule a free consultation, click here.
Jennifer Mastor
MASTOR Recruiting & Consulting
Email: [email protected] to schedule a time with me