This Job is Killing Me
Frank Manfre Job Search Sherpa and Career Transition Coach
A job should be more than a paycheck. Land a job providing the Psychic Salary? you deserve.
A disturbingly large number of people today are unhappy with their job. Many of the people I help with their #careertransition report significant discontent with their work environment. This includes toxic workplaces where #psychologicalsafety - being able to speak your mind without fearing negative consequences for your self-image, status, or career - is given little or no attention by senior management. And where verbally abusive tyrant managers are tolerated, or worse promoted, and job performance expectations are unrealistic.
Job stress resulting in poor sleep, agita, ulcers, excessive drinking, or smoking, were often cited as some of the physical and mental health issues they faced. In addition, they lamented the negative impact their work life had on their relationships with family and friends. Many said, “I feel stuck” or “trapped”, and it wasn’t uncommon to have them tell me a month into a new job in a new company they finally realized just how unhealthy and traumatic their former place of employment was. Some were even diagnosed as suffering from PTSD and required mental health treatment.
In her excellent book I Don't Know What I Want, But I Know It's Not This ( career coach Julie Jansen addresses this work-dissatisfaction epidemic and points out that despite a good job market most people feel overworked, stuck, stalled, or simply miserable.
Hansen’s Eleven Keys to Success is a list of life skills and traits that she believes if used productively and consistently will lead to success and make you well-liked, which translates into landing a job with a high Psychic Salary?, i.e., the qualitative aspects of the work we do.
·?????? Confidence
·?????? Curiosity
·?????? Decisiveness
·?????? Empathy
·?????? Flexibility
·?????? Humor
·?????? Intelligence
·?????? Optimism
·?????? Perseverance
·?????? Respect
·?????? Self-awareness
I strongly recommend you consult Ms. Hansen’s book to better understand how these keys to success can serve you and how to develop them.
Frank Manfre #frankmanfrecareercoaching