This Job Is Killing Me
California Department of State Hospitals
The California Department of State Hospitals is the largest forensic mental health hospital system in the United States.
by Parker Houston, PsyD, ABPP, CPCC, Chief Psychologist, Department of State Hospitals
Each week, DSH's very own Parker Houston, Psy.D, ABPP, CPCC publishes a new blog post on his Lead You First website. This year, we'll be sharing those posts here on our LinkedIn page. To read more of Dr. Houston's work, visit his blog.
The Big Idea—A global study published in 2021 by the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization says that working more than 55 hours per week is now the leading occupational hazard—and significantly increases the chances of early death.
Several years ago, I developed the habit of working 60+ hours per week (which—spoiler alert—I subsequently stopped doing).
I began to feel generally unwell—rapid heart rate, poor sleep quality, less time for exercise, unhealthy eating habits, more caffeine, a racing mind, and degradation of my abilities to focus, concentrate, or listen deeply.
The more I worked, the more I thought about work.
I felt agitated, restless, impatient, and amped up.
Inner peace or stillness was not something I ever experienced during that season.
Working that much took its toll on my body, mind, and spirit. I could tell intuitively that I did not feel well.
Many of you reading this have worked long hours.
You know what it feels like.
Do we really need research to tell us that it isn’t healthy?
If you do need research to help convince you, here are some of the key findings from the study:
“Working 55 hours or more per week is a serious health hazard. It’s time that we all, governments, employers, and employees, wake up to the fact that long working hours can lead to premature death.” –Dr. Maria Neira (Director of the Department of the Environment at W.H.O.)
Even back in 1969, Japan identified something they call Karoshi , which is translated “death by overwork.”
It’s probable that things like a meaningful job, a great boss, or more control over your work schedule might buffer against the harmful effects of long hours, but I didn’t find that commentary in the sources I reviewed.
Working long hours may also harm productivity
Interestingly, working longer hours has frequently been shown to have a marginal or even negative effect on productivity.
A paper published by John Pencavel at Stanford in 2014 analyzed data from munitions workers during the first world war.
An article on Pencavel’s analysis was subsequently published in The Economist entitled, “Proof that you should get a life.”
Here is a quote from that article:
“Reducing hours, say, from 55 to 50 hours a week, would have had only small effects on output. The results are even starker when we are talking about very long working hours. Output at 70 hours of work differed little from output at 56 hours. That extra 14 hours was a waste of time.”
Later articles and studies clearly identify similar findings with regard to knowledge workers (as related to the assembly line workers from Pencavel’s paper).
Why do we overwork?
Numerous articles have been written over the past few years about the reasons why people overwork.
Things like company culture, mandated overtime, financial needs or wants, higher cost of living, living longer in retirement, and often subconscious psychological, existential, and emotional needs—can drive the habit of overwork.
If you are working more than 50 hours per week, it’s worth stopping to identify what your personal reasons may be.
Do you live on a budget and control your personal spending habits?
Do you long for the office to escape problems in your personal life?
How much of your identity is tied to status, position, career, or how much you earn?
To be fair, I have friends who are critical workers whose jobs require them to work overtime every week or during certain months—or they will be fired. They might still want to consider whether a change is necessary in the long run, but they are not the target audience for this article.
I also want to be sensitive to the fact that some companies must cut back on staffing during economic seasons to save money—forcing existing employees to pull longer hours and produce more.
However, a recent New York Times article entitled “Working less is a matter of life and death” points out that it is often the wealthiest 10% who work the most because working long hours often symbolizes wealth and importance.
Derek Thompson is a staff writer at the Atlantic who even suggests that workaholism has become like a “new religion.”
Take action now
Here are some steps you can take now to utilize your new knowledge:
Have a great weekend!
*If you have enjoyed Parker’s blog, check out The Next Peak Podcast that Parker co-hosts. We interview successful leaders and discuss research-based principles that help people win in the workplace without compromising the things that matter most—relationships, a life of purpose, and health.
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Opinions expressed are the author's own.