Job Interview tips you never heard before

Job Interview tips you never heard before

??Job Interview tips you never heard before....

1?? The best way to earn a job is to get your foot in the door. That's why it's so important to go beyond just the home page of a company and dig into their earnings call, quarterly reports, and blog posts. Cite these resources during your interviews to show you really did your homework!

2?? Google Alerts is a great tool to keep up with company news and news about your industry. It's easy to set up and use, and it sends you an email every time there's a new article posted about the company or industry that you choose.

3?? If your interview happens at 10:30am on a Tuesday, you're in luck. Research shows that Tuesdays are the best days to interview because they tend to be the most upbeat and relaxed. You'll want to aim for 10:30am so you can catch your interviewer in the best mental state for the conversation.

4?? When asked ""walk me through your resume"" don't just list industry experience. Instead, craft your story statement—a powerful tool that can help you differentiate yourself from the competition. This is the part of your resume where you share the stuff that makes you YOU. Share your childhood inspirations and deepest passions, get personal about what drives you, and make sure to show off those skills that really set you apart from the crowd.

5?? When you're interviewing for a job, it's important to wear something that will make you stand out from the crowd. Not only does this help you get noticed, but it also helps show the interviewer what kind of person you are and how you'll fit into the company culture.

We recommend wearing something that's fun and exciting—like a lapel pin or exotic bracelet—that connects to your culture, upbringing, or past adventures. This shows your interviewer that there's more to you than just a job description!



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