Corporate jobs attract 250 resumes, 4 - 6 people will get interviewed and 1 will get the job. Everyone wants to be the one to get the job but not everyone knows how to be that one and how to conduct oneself so they do get the job. There are many theories and practises out there for many different activities in life and, believe it or not, theories and practises on how to conduct yourself during a job interview, how to conduct a job interview, what type of questions to ask in the interview and the types of answers to look for etc.

It is evident that candidates are looking for answers to this riddle, how do I conduct myself during a job interview so that I can actually get the job? what questions shall I ask? how shall I act? how shall I dress? what answers should I look for? what questions shall I avoid asking? all of which raise concern for one, affect one's confidence and certainty in a job interview and, in the final analysis, actually determine whether one will get the job or not.

See, everyone wants an answer to everything, everyone wants an answer to mystery because mystery breads confusion and uncertainty and during that period of confusion and uncertainty people feel bad and since no one likes to feel bad as there is perceived potential harm or loss answers are then sought after.

The answers in this case are how do I conduct myself during a job interview? how do I act? how do I win? how do I get the job? how can I avoid rejection and loss? how do I get rid of this feeling of insecurity and uncertainty? how do I get rid of the confusion? why do I feel so unconfident and scared? why am I nervous before and during the interview? even after the job interview when it comes to whether I'll get the job or not? how can I own it in the job interview and win? how do I get it? how do I know what I need and want and then go out and get it with no failure? what do I do and what do I ask so I know with 100% I will ALWAYS get the job? all these questions wiz in everyone's head either on their first job interview, second or even 11th job interview, the exact same confusions and uncertainties creeps in and cause one to feel unconfident. Why is that?

The reason lies in the fact that there is no solution, no answer, no real technology or data on how to win. It's all in "Well, we'll see when I get there" "I'll wing it" "I'll impress the hell outta them and I'll get the job somehow" "I'll do my best" and for the most part this does not work as all is left up to hope, chance and luck and on rare occasions it actually does work.

How do you ALWAYS get the job you want? how do you actually conduct yourself so that you're the one that stands out and are shortlisted or hired? how do you grab the attention of the decision makers or influencers in the room and instead of being interviewed how about you begin interviewing the company and are able to determine whether you even fit for it as opposed to you wondering whether you fit for it but whether they fit for you?

Wouldn't you like that? wouldn't you like to be in the position where you're in control of the interview from start to finish and the interviewers are actually not in control but gladly hand control over to you?

Well that is exactly what I am going to show you so that you can win and own every job interview you enter and are able to walk out of there confident that the job is yours or you are confident that it is definitely not for you.

There are several datums you need to keep in mind and always apply during a job interview, these are essentially selling points. Now I know a lot of you do not like the word sell or selling or the idea that you're a seller or a salesman but the truth of the matter is this, you are going to sell yourself. Just like any salesman goes out into the market place to go sell his products or services for money, you are going out there to go sell yourself and your time for MONEY. So you need to realise that you're going into the market place as a salesmen to go sell yourself and your time for the thing you most

Selling, by the way, or the word "sell" or the idea that you are a salesman and are going out into the market place to go sell yourself and your time is not blasphemous, it's a god sent. Selling is, according to master salesman Mr. Grant Cardone is "the act of persuading one to an acceptance of an idea or course of action" what is wrong with that? getting someone to accept the idea of hiring you is a god sent wouldn't you think? not blasphemous, correct?

So get with it, you're a salesmen going out into the market place to sell and that's the first thing to keep in mind, now here are the points you need to apply during your job interview.

Step 1 - Be interesting and be interested. What does that mean? in order to grab the attention of the decision makers, influencers and interviewing panel you need to be interesting. The best way I have found to work is to be positive and not negative. When you walk into the interview in a manner like you desire sympathy and your life is hard, miserable and you've struggled to find a job for months and can barely feed yourself and then begin communicating how all is messed up in the industry and how you've become a victim of this "oh so horrible industry" and its all so bad, you bringing with you a load of luggage that is completely unattractive and is a complete turn off to your potential employer. They view you as a potential problem for them as opposed to a solution oriented individual they ought to be hiring right now. They don't view you as a make go right kinda guy that will stick it out until it gets done, they see a whiner, not a winner and most of the time they are looking for winners not losers. And by you communicating like that you will immediately identify yourself as a "Loser" as though you're holding a red flag that say "Loser alert folks, pay heed" or "Im a retreater" or "Im in complete surrender" or "I'm a failure and I whine about it when I do" so let me ask you who hires someone like that? nobody.

Employers want stone cold killa doers that make things go right and persist until they do even when they don't seem they will go right. You know those kinda guys that get it done no matter what obstacles comes their way. The guys that demand wins and refuse failure and don't even recognise it as a possibility, those are the guys employers want on their team and those people are interesting and grab the attention of a panel. So walk in there positive that all is going to go well in their business as soon as they hire. You need to be positive and solution oriented and communicate that to the potential employer and be genuine not fake, that doesn't work either, be real, be sincere, be honest and be transparent.

Don't spend too much time at being interesting though, throughout the entire interview remain positive ALWAYS but be more interested in them. Why are they looking to fill such a vacancy? why now? what happened to the last guy? is this a new role or a replacement? what problem are they trying to solve by hiring such a candidate? what are they expecting him or her to do? what type of character would they like? how have they been resolving this problem up until now? can I do it for them or not? you can go so much as asking those very questions but make very, very sure you actually get an answer to them. Even if you have to keep asking the same question over and over again in different way until you get an answer. It's no use asking a question and never getting an answer to it.

Find out what they need and want this person to do and the entire interview should be geared around what they want in this character and then literally take all their answers and demonstrate to them how you can actually provide all that to them. Show them your experience in your CV or tell them about it, if you got pictures to show, great! show don't just tell, explain how you handled those very problems to them in the past at another company and how you can bring that to their company so they win. Make them so sure of your ability to fix their problems or reasons why they are doing these interviews that they see you so valuable that they cannot go on without you. Have them so they're literally in wonder as to how they actually survived this far without you and 100% you will nail this job.

Step 2 - Dress well, not too flashy or fancy but professional with conservative colours. A suit preferably and ladies professional office attire and believe you me, your confidence in yourself during the entire interview will be a lot different when you in professional attire as opposed to when you're wearing a pair of jean and a polo shirt or a T-Shirt and a pair of Chinos. This is a rather very simple one to resolve.

Step 3 - Show up on time and do not be late. When you're late 1/2 your game is gone, you feel lost, embarrassed, uncomfortable, a lot of emotions are going through your head of what are they thinking? did I already blow the deal or not? are they just patronising me now since I already lost the job? what is happening? I wonder how they really feel about me? Do they think I'm always this way and that I'm always late? do they think I'll always be late for work now? all sorts of thoughts go through your head which you can never get an answer too which breads mystery and what does mystery do? bread uncertainty and lack of confidence which throws your game off and you lose the job. The ramifications to this one act are so broad and immensely disastrous, you already lost by the time you're in the interview. There are ways to get around this and that is this. Don't be late, be early, 15, 20 or 30 minutes is far better than 1 minute late.

Step 4 - Be you. You heard the saying "fake it till you make it", fake nothing here, that will only cost you in the long run. Represent who you truly are, what you can bring to the table for your client and how you can resolve their problem by being hired for that position is far easier to do than trying to creatively be someone or something else you are not. That takes work, lots of work and creativity that is all unnecessary at the end of the day and especially when the truth all comes out. Just be you, be transparent, be honest, say and show what you can and cannot do, be real, be honest, be transparent, if you cannot do something or its not something you've ever done or trained on than say that but under no circumstances should you lie. That only looks bad on you and makes you look a lot worse. Never, ever lie to your employer or potential employer, rather be genuine and you might even get a shot at the job.

I recall a mate of mine I was assisting get a role, I gave him a couple of pointers and told him what to read in a number of particular text books that had to do with selling and making money. At that time he was not happy with his job and wanted to find a new role. I assisted him, 3 weeks later he got a new job that paid him 3X the amount he was previously earning.

When we next met I asked him what he did and he said he managed to get himself in front of the CEO of this major investment company and when the CEO was interviewing him he asked him "What is your favorite movie?" my mate told him"Avatar" the CEO then said "Sell me that movie" basically testing his sales skills since he was applying for a sales job at his company.

My friend looked at the CEO and sincerely said "I honestly have no idea where I'd start. I have no idea how I could possibly sell that movie to you but you should watch it though, it's absolutely fantastic."

He walked out of there with a signed job contract. The CEO looked at him and said "No one has ever said that to me, I have never ever received such a genuine answer from anyone. I have no idea what I am doing and why I am doing this, you have no qualifications whatsoever but here is your job contract. Sign here and see you on Monday."

He was the youngest salesman at that company and the only one without a degree, not even a High School, a complete drop out and yet the most respected Call-Inner in the entire company. Be you, be honest, honestly represent yourself, your CV, what you know and what you don't know and you'll be surprised who you will become.

Those are the most important steps you need to remember to keep in and apply all the time to any job interview you attend and how you MUST, MUST, MUST conduct yourself in order to win and to get that role you desire.

These are fool proof steps that you must take and if you do will always win you that dream job you applied for. You will know what is needed and wanted, whether you can deliver it or not, you will feel a lot more confident and certain about the interview and about yourself and hey, even if you don't get that job, well at least you will know that you don't fit ahead of time before the interview is even over and can confidently walk out there knowing that, that is the case and that you can confidently go out into the market place and be able to regenerate new job opportunities for yourself that do fit you.

Hope you learnt something knew here and that this articles helps you. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions regarding this subject or would like me to cover any other topics for you and I'd be more than delighted too.

Surge Ahead



