Job interview advice: Be unique
Na3mel - ????
NA3MEL est un programme d'accompagnement dédié aux chercheurs d'emploi en Algérie
Interviews are an indispensable part of getting the job you want. It’s the first encounter between you and the company you want to join. That’s why you may think about the interview’s date for days on, how it would be held, and what you should say, you may even prepare for it, but all the same, interviews can be stressful, tricky, you can panic and stumble on your words or say the wrong things.?
In today’s Newsletter, Na3mel will give you some suggestions to help you in your future interviews.
1/ Don’t invent, stay true?
Don’t trick yourself into thinking that more is better, don’t try to impress your interviewer, remember that he might have seen hundreds of candidates before you. What will distinguish you is what you have to offer that others don’t. Especially don’t dig your own grave by lying, and giving false information about yourself or your past experiences, instead just focus on showing the little sparkle that you have and that will make all the difference. Read this article to get inspired The hardest interview question this Amazon VP asks—and how to answer it
2/ Know your added value
Imposter syndrome can kick during the interview, and it’s not a place where it is welcomed. You have to know your worth and what your presence will add to the company. Don’t forget that they need you as much as you need them. So play on that by showing the interviewer that you are confident and that you know how to perform your tasks (though don’t hesitate on asking for clarifications if they aren’t well defined) and focus on your assets instead of thinking about your insecurities.?
3/ Be uniquely you?
The interviewers heard time and again the same answers to the same questions, what might differentiate you from everybody else is how original you are. So instead of trying to impress the interviewer with your punctuality show him something he has never seen, show him how invested you are, how one of a kind of an employee you could be if given a chance, and what that will add to the company; you can achieve that by talking about your creativity, your talents, and by showing your innovative ways and ideas. This is the best answer I ever received to ‘Tell me about yourself'—after 20 years of interviewing
To conclude, you are welcome to join our Na3mel sessions to further know about the above tackled points, in addition, Na3mel will answer all your questions and inquiries about interviews, it will also give you pieces of advice on what you should and shouldn’t do, the way you must conduct yourself, what are the questions to ask the interviewer…. etc. Lastly, it will give you the opportunity to have a simulated interview guided by our team Na3mel. Join our next session ↓
Soudeur chez Ali Stickage
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