Job Hunting Are Employers Asking Too Much to just talk to them?!!!
So I am looking to start the new year off with new employment and I have been applying for jobs and this is an example of what is still out there in the environment that we have today. Many employers are stating that they are looking IMMEDIATELY, Desperately need to fill spots etc. and then they do this! I received this from an employers company or HR Department and this is what they want from me in order to be considered someone that they would be interested in speaking with. Not an interview just to talk to someone about being considered worthy of an interview I guess.
I reviewed it all and I am not sure it looks like they want me to do a DISC Assessment, Answer 7 detailed questions about myself, do a 7 minute video and do a Self Assessment test and follow all the instructions and then I might get an interview.
Hmmm, I wrote them back and said that in this environment and me having over 20+ years in the industry that I was applying to I think I am going to pass on even bothering to do all of this just to talk to someone to see if I am worthy of moving to the next round.
What are your thoughts about an Employer asking a potential employee to do so many tests and assessments and reveal personal information just to get to a phone call or an interview? I don't need to work anywhere that wants all of this from me upfront just for a phone call imagine what it will be like to work for them!
Employers this is not necessary and it is also upsetting, evasive, and time consuming and awkward and is all of this necessary in the first place? NO it is not.
I looked over your resume and it looks great! You may be an awesome match for what we are looking for, so I would like to know more about you.
there are important instructions that we want you to follow and accomplish, so please review this entire email before proceeding with any of the steps.
Make sure you have completed the DISC assessment evaluation, which was sent to you via wizehire, you may want to check your junk mail for this request if you have not done it yet. If you are not familiar with the DISC, it is a simple, quick evaluation of your preferences and priorities which helps individuals know how to best communicate. It only takes about 10-15 minutes and there is no writing of answers involved. You'll simply prioritize a series of ideas based on what's important to you. Don't overthink it...the quicker you arrange your options the more accurate. There are no wrong or right answers... It's fun plus you may learn a few things about yourself.
Then I need you to do a quick personal video and answer the following 7 questions: can use your mobile phone,, YouTube or any other online video that you can get a link with.
1. How would your friends, family & co-workers describe you?
2. Describe some of the phone calls you have made in a previous position?
3. What does a typical day look like for you?
4. Why are you looking to leave your current position and/or company?
5. Why should we select you over other applicants?
6. What Skills will you bring to us that you feel would be beneficial?
7. What would your ideal compensation plan look like?
Complete this Self-Assessment:
This all is required to be seriously considered for this position.
1. Make sure you have taken the DISC Profile evaluation, within the wizehire platform.
2. Reattach your Resume again
3. Attached the video to the email but if it is too large then you can either create a link for it and paste it in the email you can text it to (561) 803-0218
4. Send everything to this email: [email protected] and put this In the subject line - ROUND #1 - POSITION APPLYING FOR, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, CELL #
Thanks in advance and I appreciate your valuable time.
Look forward to talking with you soon.
Director general en Jose Briz @ asociados sc.
3 年Hábitos de lectura, Exelente!
Director general en Jose Briz @ asociados sc.
3 年Exelente avito, la lectura, me encanta!