Is this job "a job" in fact?
Artur Bunkow
Waves making IT headhunter ? Technical Recruiter ? Banking & Fx ? Vilnius ???? ? Limassol ????
Not all the job postings come with exact employer's intention to hire. Huge amount of it comes with simple will "to collect candidates" (and etc.).
Based on my hands-on I prepared some red flags to guard you from unnecessary stress.
No salary range
?? Red flag -, Zero understanding of the market has nothing to do with health market relations.
?? Green flag - - they obviously respect their time and your time as a result.
Contact person
?? Red flag - Roles coming with no directly responsible person rarely end up with further communication as your application most probably will be just a line in deep dark ATS database.
?? Green flag -, - in these two posts the contact person is the founder. I personally consider communication with decision maker a benefit (when the decision maker replies).
Application form
?? Red flag - (click "Apply for this job" to see it). Linked follows the company website for placing the application.
Simple rule here: first employer has a look at your profile and accepts it is a potential match, and only than he asks you to respond any short questionaree.
?? Green flag - ".. I have reviewed you profile and would like to specify some crucial points. Could you respond this very simple check-up (no longer than 1 minute) - .. " - this is how I do this.
?? - yes, most of the time giants do castings. Think twice before, because leaving the casting might result "ban" for future hires with them (as giants also like to collect data).
GEO limitations
If a [Lithuanian] employer posts remote role, in 90% of cases it is expected to have [Lithuania's] current residents applied.
In case when an employer has NO geo limitations, find it directly specified in the text of the post. If not directly specified, then it is only for residents (by default).
This is especially actual for the US and Canadian jobs.
Test tasks
Do test tasks only if you are confident that it will be reviewed in short-term perspective.
Response time
This is the final metric showing the real interest of an employer. Those who stay in rapid touch with you are huge green flags for smooth and successful employment procedure.
Healthy flow
So, summarising the mentioned above, this flow will keep your track short and result-oriented:
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