Job Description – the handy tool for successful Job Interview
When I interact with individuals, I think there is a need for them to be serious about the job descriptions and approach job opportunities from that point, for JD’s are written descriptions of what a job entails, what a jobholder does, how it is done, and why it is done along with other details. It also gives scope for jobseekers to explore more of what is expected and what value can he/she can add to the profile.
When Maslow Wiki promulgated his famous theory of needs, little did he know that it would stand the test of time and an individual’s mind. Majority of us find several forwards, uploads and posts that proclaim simple life is good and happiness is more important than money. However majority of us would unhesitatingly endorse the thought that Money brings happiness (at least in today’s times).
Our jobs and earning capacity defines where we stand in the Maslow’s pyramid and how early we can achieve the higher hierarchical level in life. That however is directly proportional our skills sets and opportunities. If you acquire relevant skills and an opportunity strikes which you make good of, then you’re a winner early in your life.
With that said, when you think of jobs (which are our earning opportunities), getting an audience from unknown person, for an unknown opportunity (job) requires one to showcase his/her skills correctly, so that one can stand out as most deserving for the job. However easy as it sounds, it’s a difficult path to tread. That’s where the need for Job Description (JD) comes handy - a much neglected document.
A job description is basically the most handy instrument to know which position the recruiting is on for, determining salary ranges and levels or grades, establishing job titles, creating employee’s job goals and objectives, and conducting performance reviews. This is a standard definition which is abundantly repeated all over. But the JD can be used to drill down to the basic skills sets needed for the particular job. Once that is done, you can then formulate a CV well-matching the skill-sets. Now you would also compare JD’s of several companies, offering similar jobs, which can then give you a glimpse of most demanded skills-sets. That way you can be sure of one thing – if JD enlists skillsets for a particular job and that JD is similar to other jobs, then your single CV can be formulated in such manner that it would be good fit for several job opportunities. Besides a JD also mentions the order of importance of skill sets as is sought by the employer. So in short, a JD will help an individual to assess the general needs of related job and prepare their CV’s accordingly.
So if you wish rise on the Maslow’s Need Hierarchy faster than the average person does, then make good every job opportunity that comes your way – first by preparing a CV that best matches the needs of the position, in a way where your skill sets get the weightage as desired by employer and further on ably, logically and intellectually justifying every input in your CV.
TerraTrace SSolutions LLP is a leading services company, HQ in Pune and dealing in HR Recruitment Services, Business & Sales Management Solutions and Trainings.
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