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Joanne Clayton
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At a networking event this week, I met someone from an training company who was promoting the companies online training platform. Sharing statements like “The system was available 24/7, there were a vast selection of courses and it could be paid for monthly”..
These are all great features… but I was left thinking… ?So what are the benefits?
So this weeks post is about Features and Benefits and understanding the difference
When creating marketing material, it is essential to understand the difference between benefits and features. Benefits and features are both important elements of a successful marketing campaign, but they serve different purposes.
Understanding the difference between the two can help you create effective marketing materials that will engage your target audience.
Features vs Benefits
Features are components or qualities that describe a product or service.
? Describe what the product or service does
? Focus on the product or service itself
? Explain how the product or service works
? Highlight the features of the product or service
Benefits are the improvements gained from using a product or service.
? Describe how a product or service will improve the customer’s life
? Focus on the customer’s needs and wants
? Explain why the customer should choose your product or service
? Highlight the value of the product or service
Benefits are the advantages that a product or service provides to the customer, while features are the characteristics of the product or service. Benefits focus on how the product or service will improve the customer’s life, while features focus on what the product or service can do.
It is important for companies to explain their products and services in terms of benefits rather than features. Benefits are more persuasive and engaging than features because they focus on how the customer will benefit from using the product or service.
Benefits also help customers to understand why they should choose your product or service over a competitor’s.
Here are three examples of benefit statements versus features:
·???????Feature: Our product is made with high-quality materials.
·???????Benefit: Our product is durable and will last for years.
·???????Feature: Our software has an intuitive user interface.
·???????Benefit: Our software is easy to use and will save you time.
·???????Feature: Our service offers 24/7 customer support.
·???????Benefit: Our service provides you with reliable support when you need it.
By focusing on benefits rather than features, companies can create more effective marketing materials that will help them to stand out from their competitors and attract more customers.
Understanding the difference between benefits and features can help you create effective marketing materials that will engage your target audience.
Next time you are creating any marketing content remember - Does it contain Both benefits and features
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