JMS Designs Mud Barge-To-Tank Barge Conversion for Harbor Fuels
JMS Naval Architects completed the engineering and design to convert a 130 foot liquid mud barge into a double-hull 100,000 gallon tank barge, renamed BUNKER HILL, for Harbor Fuels LLC of Boston, MA. The 130′ x 34′ x 8′ USCG Subchapter D Tank Barge (D) will be providing vessel fuel bunkering services in Boston Harbor.
Harbor Fuels specializes in delivering marine diesel through high-speed, in-slip fueling for luxurious mega-yachts as well as commercial customers in Boston Harbor. Fueling services are performed by a fleet of barges that transports the fuel to where it is needed and then transfer it via high speed pumps with variable-speed control for maximum safety and efficiency.
JMS provided engineering and design services for modifications to the cargo piping and hydraulic piping systems, electrical systems, design of a deck house and addition of a pedestal-mounted knuckle boom crane. Design modifications and equipment selections were geared toward matching as closely as possible Harbor Fuels’ other tank barge equipment and operational preferences. JMS is also providing owner’s representative services and engineering support to Blue Atlantic Fabricators of East Boston, MA where the conversion work is being performed. JMS will also be providing design modifications to Harbor Fuels’ existing push-boat to mate with the BUNKER HILL.
JMS previously designed HARBOR FUEL 1, a 10,000 gallon fueling barge which was put into service in 2012.
24 July 2019