JLX Studio’s interns unplugged
JLX studio
We are multidisciplinary creative space striving to expand our orbit in meaningful ways.
In 2022, we at JLX Studio welcomed three interns – Ashwini, Parthasarthy, and Praveen for a month’s duration each to work on a variety of projects connected with design, color, abstraction, and patterns. This is the first batch of interns that we took in since the pandemic when we worked from home, or as things eased, used the hybrid model of working.
These interns – all in their early 20s – have completed their BFA in textiles from the Government College of Fine Arts?(initially known as the?Madras School of Art) in?Chennai and one of India’s oldest art institutions that trace its origins to the colonial era.
The internship began in May 2022. The trio came with good drawing skills, an essential in the world of design, and a passion to explore new things. We gave them several tasks which included conceptualizing and developing patterns that are more appropriate to current market trends, exploring various techniques, looking at mixing mediums, and at color more specifically, and developing graphic patterns. Each had to complete at least two sets of patterns that were distinct from each other and yet had similarities.
At the end of their internships, we asked them what they felt about their stint at our design studio. We asked that they answer three questions about their experiences working with us, their aspirations, and what they liked about working at our studio.
Here is a summary of their answers.
Which was the most challenging project?
Making the applique techniques for printing
Abstract elements design
Tessellation project in which I had to think about how the design could intersect.
What was new to you during your internship?
Whatever I did here was new to me and have learned how to balance the design/artwork for textile design.?
Converting embroidery stitches to printing, that's what fired my imagination. I learned a lot more about embroidery during the internship.
Imitation of embroidery stitches to print was new to me; I learned how to balance the negative space.
What does textile/textile design mean to you?
Textile is a basic need of everyone.
Textile design plays a significant role in choosing the product for their(consumer) choice or trend according to their lifestyle.?
Textile design is a field, that we need every day. According to me, it is a way of expressing, and capturing time; trends.
Textile is a basic need and nowadays it has become a way to express ourselves, so textile design plays a major role.
What did you love the most about JLX Studio?
I wish to acknowledge and appreciate the support and guidance we received. It helped us explore and receive more knowledge about design.?
I was able to get new ideas
The freedom of expressing my style and exploring new things. Yes, definitely it helped me to think in different ways and create interesting fabrics.
What is your ambition? Did this internship help?
To be a fashion/textile designer
To be a fashion designer.
My ambition is to become a renowned textile designer.