The J&K Chronicles - Chapter 2
Jordan Robinson
Designer at heart, I’m an aspiring software engineer eager to grow. Currently a UAGC sophomore with a 4.0 GPA, I'm honing my HTML, CSS, & JS skills and building my GitHub portfolio. Let’s connect!
Chicago 08.2007
Oh Chicago, how I love thy!
Part 1: Where it all began
I remember driving to Chicago with my brother and seeing the 'L' train traveling in-between the highway; I was in awe!! I was just an 18-year old kid from small-town, Michigan. I had never seen anything like Chicago before.
I had gotten into the same art school that a ton of other kids fell for.
Columbia College Chicago, and it was glorious.
My dorm was a high-rise apartment building in the south loop of downtown. We pulled up next to it in one of the alley ways to unload my gear and clothes. A concierge/security guard monitored the glass wall barricade that prevented strangers from getting to the elevators.
No one could get in without a key.
Once I got registered and provided my dorm-room key, I could tap it against the?electronic pad on the side of the door and voila, open sesame.?
We got to the elevators and went to the 18th floor—my floor. I was so excited to be living in a high rise, I couldn’t believe it was so!
My dorm was at the end of the hallway on a floor that reminded me of a hotel. I just slid my key into the door, like a hotel?key and boo-yah!?
Woah!! The room was huge.?
The first thing I took note of was the wall of windows. OMG, they went from the floor to the ceiling. I had never seen that in real-life.?
Then all of the rooms, there were three of them for three roommates, and they were already there getting stuff unpacked.
I’ll be honest, coming from a modest little Christian household, I had never encountered a homosexual before, and neither had my brother. We were both a little culture-shocked, like we had discovered an alien.
It was all a mind-blowing experience for us small-town Michigan folks.
Like Woah!!?
Where the hell are we!?
What is this!?
Who is that!
It was a life changer.
We had never encountered so many different kinds of people upfront and personal in our lives. At least, I haven’t.
It was like witnessing the transformation from black & white television to full color television in real time.?
My brother didn’t stay longer than getting me situated. Before he left, he confided with me that he wasn’t so keen with me having a gay roommate and that I should watch out around them.?
Fear is a powerful thing for some people, but I wasn’t all that scared. I knew who I was and what I wasn’t, and that’s all I needed to know.
I went to my dorm room and unloaded my stuff on this itty-bity twin bunk bed positioned on top of a dresser, which I could deal with, but then I saw that we all had our very own double-stacked desk area for our computers––plus I was living in downtown Chicago. I was in heaven!
Never had I ever had so much freedom to live my life however I wanted to. It was amazing!!!
I didn’t stay in that apartment for very long; I couldn’t deal with the dirtiness of my roommates, but before I transferred to another room, I did spend my first day with a roommate who was also a film student. We resonated quite well.?
I remember our first time out in the city, we just talked and chatted about life and movies while walking up the strip from the south loop of Michigan Avenue to Navy Pier. We noticed an AMC Movie Theaters so we top off the night by watching a movie. Neither of us knew much about the film we chose, but we would never forget it. We watched what would later be called the pop culture flick of the year, “Super Bad”.
We went back to our new home and never really spoke again but I’ll never forget that first day.
Part 2: Meeting Andy––A brother from another mother
Luckily, I got to take my first few film classes early since I had already completed most of my prerequisites at the school I transferred from: IADT (International Academy of Design and Technology).
I picked the hardest list of classes for my first semester:
“Aesthetics of Cinema” was at 8 am,
“History of Cinema” was at 10 am,
“Screenwriting” was at 1 pm,
“Philosophy” was at 2 pm, and
“Script Analysis”was at 4 pm.
Outside of the film courses, most of the classes were in different buildings around the South Loop. I was completely exhausted by the time I had to go to work at Blockbuster Video by 6 pm to close, but I F*ing loved my life.?
I was meeting new people every day in class, at work, and at the dorm.?It was awesome.
On one very special day, I came out of my room and waited for the elevator. It was a very common occurrence for people to huddle up to wait together. I had my MP3 and headphones on, blasting some Lauryn Hill. Another guy heard me and waved me down.
“Is that Lauryn Hill?”
“Yeah!” I said with enthusiasm.
“You like Lauryn Hill?” I asked.
“Heck yeah; that’s my girl!”
I laughed.
“I’m Jordan”, I said while extending my hand.
“I’m Andy”, he said while shaking my hand.
We didn’t know it at the time, but we would continue to be life long friends.
We could hear the elevator dings getting closer.?
“Where you headed?” He asked.
“There’s supposed to be some cool event called Big Mouth happening later today that I wanted to check out. What about you?”
The elevator finally arrived.
“I gotta do some school stuff, but maybe we can meet up later for that event.” he said as a group of us tried to squeeze into a half-full elevator.
“Yeah, let’s do it” I yelled as the door closed. I hate being squished so I just held off for the next one.
Later on that day, we both went to the event and it seemed like so did everyone else in the school.
People would sign up for a shot to shine in the spotlight on stage and express themselves artistically in one way or another. It was fantastic.
I eventually signed up to speak some poetry, which I hadn’t even written out yet. It was just the energy and the vibes in the air that fueled me to jump in.
I sat down with my pen and pad in my hand and as people went on stage before me, I wrote out my poem.
Once they called me, I was ready. I went up and shared my thoughts which just energized the crowd to cheer. It was fantastic. As soon as I was done, Andy and I left the event.?
I offered to make us dinner, since my mom made sure I left home with a fryer to make chicken. Our first meal was the beginning of a memory we would never forget.?
Fried chicken, baked beans and corn; an urban, home-cooked college meal. I never made that meal again.
Part 3: How J–met–K
One day, Andy and I both came home from school around the same time when this beautiful Latina was waiting at the elevator with her friend.?
She was cute too, but they weren’t my type. They both approached us saying they were getting a group of people together to start a movie night event in the apartment clubhouse on the 5th floor.
Without much of a second thought, we both signed up. It was set for the coming?Friday. Luckily, it was my day off from work, so Andy and I rushed to get to the?clubhouse to see what it was like.
We got there and saw a larger handful of about 2 guys and 4 girls mingling about what movie we were going to watch.
As we scoped out the ladies in the area, I noticed most of the girls were super sociable, laughing and flirting with everyone. All but one girl.
This girl sat alone in the only love seat available, positioned off to the far corner away from the main sofa. She was beautiful and soulful in a unique kind of way. It was as if no one else was paying attention to her but me, and after reading the attention of everyone in the room, I was right.
“Why are you sitting way over there?” I yelled.
She shrugged and smiled in this most beautiful instance of a woman.
“Why don’t you come over here?”
Some of the girls jumped in behind me.
“Yeah, Kieanna! Come over here, silly!?”?
They said with a giggle.
“Where? There ain’t nowhere to sit.”
That’s when we all looked around and noticed that we had covered up every square inch of space on the couch.
Like magic, a few guys instantly got up and pulled over a few extra chairs, somewhat gentleman-like with a dose of humor and hormones.
“I’m okay. I prefer to sit over here”
“Oh, C’MON!!! We just did all that work for you!!”
“C’mon girl! Sit over here.”
“We made a nice spot just for you!!”
Still, she refused.
“No, I’m fine. I’m fine. Thank you!”
“AWWW!!! C’MON!!”
In the blink of an eye, they all gave up.
“Alright fine, let’s watch this movie!”
I gave my final plea in a lowered voice, as everyone got to work on figuring out the DVD player.
“You sure?”
“Yes, thank you.”
She chuckled.
By the time we got the movie going, all of us realized that no one had even bothered to ask what movie we were going to watch until it started.
The titles revealed a movie title most of us had never heard of. “Dead Silence”, is a horror flick that I couldn’t stop thinking about a killer ventriloquist talking doll named “Slappy” from the famous childhood TV show, “Goosebumps”.?
I wasn’t interested in the movie. My mind was on the beautiful, mysterious girl lurking in my thoughts because she preferred to sit alone, half Indian-style in the dark.
The whole time the movie was playing, I couldn’t stop thinking about her.
After the movie was done, we all decided to sit and chat. After all, none of us knew each other. The seemingly popular kids chatted about where they were from and their new lives in Chicago.
There was mention of their experiences with the nearby restaurants and food to try. Then about the unfamiliar events of encountering menacing people in the city.?
Then, Kieanna opened up and shared a story about someone that was following her from the grocery store. I saw it as a gateway to getting to know her better.
“I can walk with you to the store.”
And then, as if we were in our own little movie, Everyone paused and stared at us,?for a silent second. Just waiting for a response as she looked at me, and I looked at her.?
“Sure, if you want.”?
She said with a shrug and a grin. She had the most beautiful little dimple in her right cheek and a cute golden button of a nose.
Feeling pretty good about myself, I try to maintain my cool.
“Cool. Let's share numbers and you can let me know the next time you want to go to the store?”
And just like that, everyone gave an obnoxious little?“Oooh!!!” like kids do when they see two love birds getting together.
We both just chuckled it off.
She called me two days later to let me know, she needed to get some things from Jewel Osco, (the grocery store most students frequented for groceries and junk food) down on Roosevelt St..?
I jumped into action like I had nothing else to do and met her at her dorm building and we walked to the store for the first time.
She had this little wired walking personal cart that many students were using to help carry bags of groceries a few blocks up and down State street.
We talked the whole time and grew comfortable around each other.
Then, one day, social doubts came by to pay me a visit. I started to think about our differences.?
I was 180 lbs. with a six-pack and she was more curvaceous. My mind was intent on being with a skinny girl, however, Kieanna was super special.
One night, I called Kieanna and told her a bald-faced lie.
J: “Hey… I don’t know if this is going to work”
K: “What?”
J: “Us”
K: “What do you mean?”
J: “Us!”
K: “Okay… We’re not dating.”
J: “I know. I know, it’s just… I gotta focus on my studies”
This line came from my Mama.
K: “Okay?”
J: “But I really like you, though. It’s just… I don’t think it’s going to work.”
K: “Jordan, we’re not even dating.”
Clearly, I was going through something.
J: “It’s just… you know… I gotta get right with God and all… but… you know… you’re a great girl and all.”
K: “Jordan!”
J: “I do like you, and all…”
Honestly, I couldn’t find the off switch.
K: “I’m not even interested.”
J: “But now’s just not the right time.”
K: Big breath in frustration.
J: “I can still walk you to the grocery store, because… I care about you.”
K: “I don’t need you to go to the store. I can do it myself.”
J: “But I want you to be safe, so…”
This rant went on and on, leading to absolutely nothing, except that our trips to the grocery store came to a slamming halt.
It’s seriously a funny event that we always laugh about today. It was just me trying to come to terms with what I wanted versus what I thought I wanted. Plus, I was an emotional kid back then.
Two months later, our movie night group leader announced that she found a club that we should all check out. We all agreed.
This night, we all got on the train to go north. Everyone was dressed up nice in their sexy clubbing attire—everyone but me.
Kieanna looked amazing in her tight blue jeans and red plaid button-up over a fitted white shirt.
I had a hoodie on and sweatpants. Typical Jordan. The others made jokes, but I didn’t care.
Kieanna and I were still not talking.
Well… until we all found the club. It was called, “Sangrias”.
We walked in as the music was bumping. The group leader leads us in singing and shouting. I remember feeling out of place but trying to enjoy the moment.
Everyone mostly cringed to the wall, since the dance floor was full of people. I remember going to the bar to ask for some water. Clearly, my money was tight.
An hour or so went by, and everyone had spent some time dancing at some point, except me. Even Kieanna went out dancing with her girlfriends.
Eventually, everyone came back to the bar for drinks. Then there was a pause, as everyone was catching their breath and chatting.
Then, I heard a song that I really liked, and apparently, Kieanna liked it too. Without saying a word, we both went out to dance together.
That was the night something magical happened. We danced and made a connection. She danced close to me and me close to her. Sparks flew.
We danced so close that we were both sweating and holding each other. Everyone was watching us, once more. That was the day, we both knew, we were in love.
By the time we left, we left together. All hugged up, but too sweaty to care. The group chatted about us all the way home on the train, but we didn’t care.?
Honestly, I don’t know what they were talking about and we didn’t care.
When we got home and were able to talk alone, we made it official. That was on November 9th, 2007. Jordan and Kieanna became J&K, and we haven’t parted ways yet, through all these years.
BONUS: These words were written in September 2022—Nearly 15 years later ––We're still together.