The Jio Effect: A Fuzzy Disruption
From today, Reliance Jio will start its journey to every pocket of Indian population. Still, it is not clear how they will play their game in the Indian soil. The reason is that it will be not an easy game for them and they will have to earn the customer’s confidence. Previously, they were not good at service segment. One thing is sure that Ambani’s money power can play a great role in this matter. Because, you will see that playing game with the minnows will bring interesting outcome as well.
But, again, they should keep in their mind that money power is responsibility. Therefore, if they understand it well, then they will be a king of Indian Telecommunication circle. As far as the consumers are concerned, the tariff of Jio is highly infectious for them and very much affordable as well. But, one thing is not clear that after one year of this extravaganza, how Ambanis will able to deliver its services to the consumers. Here it rises a billion-dollar question. It is true that after one year from now, other Indian telecoms players will achieve a lot from this Jio offer. The reason is that the big players like Airtel, Vodafone and Idea will get a substantial benefit from this eye-opener move from Reliance Jio.
Actually, the existing players in the market like Airtel, Vodafone and Idea will make merry from Reliance Jio. As now, everybody thinks that the most of the customers from the other Indian telecoms will immediately migrate to Reliance Jio, but it is not true as well. The Indian consumers will see and wait for another six months before they will get into the lap of Reliance Jio as well. You should keep in your mind that Ambanis never enter into the market for distributing freely but they enter to make profit from their huge investment. Actually, honestly speaking, the real scenario will be changed instantly from one year now.
Practically, they will never give you free forever anything. Actually, they like to do business monopolistic way which never to be happened in India at all. You should keep in your mind that now Indian consumers are more polished and intelligent as well as having great patience also. Therefore, we, have to watch and open our ears to our surrounds for any noise and give the response accordingly.