Jimmy Carter Did It–-You can do it too!

Jimmy Carter Did It–-You can do it too!

Jimmy Carter was 56 years old in January 1981 and had just lost his job. The American people had voted him out of office. What to was he to do?

There was always his wood shop and a presidential library to plan and build. But he was still a relatively young man and healthy.

Over the next four decades Jimmy Carter was to “reinvent” himself, but at that moment he was in transition. Was there to be an encore?

By no means comparable, I too fell from grace in my 50s. I lost my financing for a project in which I had invested everything. For all practical purposes I lost everything. (Except my family and my books – the important things.)

Whether I knew it or not I, like Carter, was in transition. I needed to reinvent myself, Some 30 years later, as I tell people who ask how I’m doing, “I’m still walking around”.

My story is not unique, many folks, whether they know it or not, find themselves in or in need of transition. Jobs are lost, marriages end, and loved ones pass away

We suffer the loss, we grieve, and then we move on with our lives. What matters is the success or the lack of success we have in “moving on”, how we handle the transition.

The loss may not always be particularly dramatic or catastrophic.The loss can also be experienced as a void or absence of vision or a sense of future outcomes.

Many find such losses debilitating. Too often we attempt to deal with loss ourselves, alone without guidance or support. But there are others who are facing similar issues in their lives

I and a few others are now bringing together real estate professionals and others who are in some sort of transition in their career or in their life.

The purpose of this new community is to recover the enthusiasm once felt for what we do, how we earn our living, and how we relate to others.

The goal of this community is to help each other achieve the transition that works for them. And then, in time, to help others do the same.

To learn more about our new initiative (click here).

We will join with you as you meet YOUR challenges!

Philip Elmes, Founder

Navigating New Beginnings


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