Jiji Press on Japan Power
Jiji Press Article – English Translation by EEX Tokyo Office
?December 22nd, 2022 11:21AM JST
Interview with Mr. Yasunaga, Managing Director of EREX: Utilizing Power Futures to Hedge against Swings in Spot Price
?“We have been hedging our positions so that we don't get into trouble with the markets or demands, whose outlooks are uncertain at the moment", said Takanobu Yasunaga, Managing Director of EREX, a major new power retailer. EREX has been actively trading power futures on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM), a subsidiary of the Japan Exchange Group (JPX), as well as the European Energy Exchange (EEX), in order to stabilize its business performance. Mr. Yasunaga showed confidence in the company’s use of power futures, citing its consolidated financial results for the first half of FY2022, which reported considerable profit on spot power trading, netting positive against the loss of 4.5 billion yen on derivatives including power futures.
?According to Mr. Yasunaga, EREX’s basic strategy is to secure electricity in excess of its committed demand through its internal power generation as well as bilateral transactions, and sell the surplus on the Japan Electric Power Exchange’s (JEPX) Day-Ahead spot market. Under this strategy, the company makes money if the spot price rises, and loses money if the spot price falls below its procurement cost. A certain percentage of its positions is hedged with power futures as “a protection against the drop in spot price”.
?A short hedge results in a profit if the spot price drops, and conversely in a loss if the spot price rises. In the first half of FY2022, the spot price "rose tremendously" (2.9-fold MoM) due to a surge in fuel prices against the backdrop of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. EREX posted unrealized losses on power futures, but, as a matter of course, made tremendous profits on the spot market. "If we hadn’t hedged our positions at all, the entire profits made in the spot market would have been ours. However, we act on the assumption that we have no idea where the market will be tomorrow.”, told Mr. Yasunaga.
?In the process of formulating its annual business plan, EREX sets profit targets based on its forecasts on power prices during the year. Mr. Yasunaga revealed that the company forecasts prices based on futures prices on TOCOM and EEX, adjusting for past price fluctuations and the company’s business characteristics. He also commented that, lately, the futures market has become much more liquid and reliable as an index price than many believe. The Japanese power futures market has already become indispensable in many ways for power companies which implement solid risk management.
2022/12/22 11:21