Jiji Press on EEX Japan Power's June review - bilingual JP-EN

2022/07/06 09:59











Jiji Press Article – English Translation by EEX Tokyo Office

?July 6th, 2022 09:59AM JST

June EEX Power Futures: Second Largest Volume on Record. Number of Lots Traded and Number of Transactions also Mark Record Highs.

?The trading volume of Japanese power futures listed on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) increased 2.3-fold MoM (2.6-fold YoY) to 932GWh in June, marking the second largest volume on record. The volume has increased for two consecutive months. The number of lots traded increased 2.2-fold MoM to 1,380 lots and the number of transactions increased by 56.0% MoM to 273, both marking record highs.

?In addition to an increase in trading activities for summer products against the backdrop of an expected increase in power consumption for air conditioning, the sharp rise in volume could also be attributed to an increase in hedging transactions for the winter, when concerns over supply shortage are even stronger than this summer.

?In addition to monthly products, EEX offers weekly, quarterly, seasonal ("summer" from April to September and "winter" from October to March) and yearly products. In June, transactions for monthly products totaled 761GWh, accounting for 81.7% of the total monthly volume. Monthly trades ranged from JUN22 to DEC22, with SEP22 having the largest share (305GWh), followed by JUL22 (174GWh) and AUG22 (118GWh). DEC22, which had no trades in the previous month, totaled 12GWh.

?Quarterly trades totaled 132GWh, the ?breakdown of which was Q3/22 (68GWh), Q4/22 (2GWh), and Q1/23 (62GWh). Seasonal trades were all for Winter22 with a total volume of 30GWh. The rest were weekly trades totaling 7GWh.

?There were multiple trades that were presumably made with the intent of fixing prices in “off-peak” hours by combining the purchase of a base-load product (which covers the entire 24-hours day) and the sale of a peak-load product (which covers 8am-8pm on weekdays) for the same area, maturity and number of lots traded.

?The settlement price of the SEP22 contract (BL, Tokyo area), which stood at 27 yen/kWh at the beginning of June, shot up to 32.75 yen at the end of the month, a 4.2-fold increase compared to the final settlement price of the SEP21 contract. The AUG22 contract (peak-load, Tokyo area) surged, temporarily reaching 54.55 yen. The majority of transactions for Q3/22 were for peak-load in the Tokyo area. The settlement price remained high in the 36.50-yen to 42.82-yen range.

?The number of trading participants with actual trading records grew to 40 (including two commodity futures trading companies. Accounts belonging to the same corporate group are counted as one single entity) as of the end of the month, with the additions of one domestic company and one foreign-affiliated company in June. Currently, there are 20 domestic participants and 20 foreign-affiliated participants trading on EEX.


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