Jiji Press on EEX Japan Power
2022/08/03 09:24
Jiji Press Article – English Translation by EEX Tokyo Office
?August 3rd, 2022 9:24AM JST
July EEX Power Futures: Volume Dropped 71.6% MoM, Possible After Effect of Busy Previous Month
?The trading volume of Japanese power futures listed on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) decreased by 71.6% MoM (26.9% YoY) to 264GWh in July. The volume decreased for the first time in three months. The number of lots traded as well as the number of deals also dropped by 72.7% (377 lots) and 52.0% (131 deals) MoM respectively.
?Pointing to the fact that the previous month had the second largest volume on record, Bob Takai, Executive Advisor to EEX, said that volume tends to drop after a busy month. Some market participants also mentioned that most of the hedging necessary for the time being had already been completed in June.
?In addition to monthly products, EEX offers weekly, quarterly, seasonal ("summer" from April to September and "winter" from October to March) and yearly products.
?In July, transactions for monthly products totaled 217GWh, accounting for 81.9% of the monthly volume. Monthly trades ranged from JUL22 to JAN23, with OCT22 having the largest share (55GWh), followed by SEP22 (49GWh) and AUG22 (46GWh). There were also 38GWh worth of trades for JAN23, which had not been seen in the previous month.
Quarterly trades were all for Q1/23, with a total of 23GWh. Seasonal trades totaled 17GWh, with 8GWh of Winter22, and 4GWh for each Summer23 and Winter23. The rest of the volume (6GWh) was for weekly products.
?The decrease in volume may also be attributed to the fact that many market participants, including overseas participants, have entered their summer vacation period, as well as the change in trading hours whose closing was shorten by an hour to 6pm since July 18th.
?With regards to the prices of baseload products for the Tokyo area during the summer/winter, which cover peak demand seasons, the AUG23 contract saw a downward trend, drifting down from 40.10 yen at the beginning of the month to 36.70 yen at the end of the month. In contrast, JAN23 remained high, trading as much as 42.60 yen at the beginning of the month and 44 yen at the end of the month. Q1/23 was stable in the 35.25 yen to 38.50 yen range.
?Prices for seasonal products were 37.50 yen for Winter22, 30.30 yen for Summer23, and 31.70 yen for Winter23. There were transactions for both Summer23 and Winter23 on July 15th. According to the results of the first bidding for baseload power in FY23, which the Japan Electric Power Exchange announced on the 29th, the price for the Tokyo area was 33.06 yen. The EEX prices of Summer23 and Winter23 were close to this result.
?EEX had two new entrants, both domestic companies, in July. The number of participants with actual trading records grew to 42 (including two commodities futures trading companies. Accounts belonging to the same corporate group are counted as one single entity) as of the end of the month, consisting of 22 domestic participants and 20 foreign-affiliated participants.