JIE Episode 47 Blog/ Experiencing Energy
Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet
Podcast Releasing Tuesday October 20, 2020
Episode 47 Blog/ Experiencing Energy
One of the most delightful experiences of body/form is to experience one’s senses, to feel, hear, see, touch, smell and to “know” things. The fun comes in when you can feel, hear, see, touch, smell, and “know” things that have some sort of an energy signature of awareness and not so much necessarily solid in form, like ghosts or angels or fairies and nature devas.
Maybe you are like me and have been aware of different energies since an early age. My friends and I can see much with our inner eye, dead people for instance. Or maybe you have a history of feeling energies that were identifiable in some way, but you could not see them. You could feel them either or both physically and emotionally. I have symbols that show up in different ways to my inner eye. You might have a sense of Déjà vu often, or knowing before the phone rings, that sort of thing. It is entertaining in my realm and something one can look forward to.
All of it at times was thrilling, or maybe alarming depending on who I was at the time and the situation. It was just a thing that was part of me, usually unexpected but I was open to it all. I have had many different experiences over the years, including channeling to running healing energy through my hands. My experiences were most often in a reality of being helpful, user friendly and not about the battle of good/evil that it can be for many. I was not alarmed and judging what I was witnessing as bad. There was no horror or fear, only Grace at times and neutral the rest. But dealing with people’s projections takes stamina and centeredness and neutral terrain within.
Of course, when I was young, I was not always clear or understanding about boundaries and how energy works. I got into metaphysical studies in my early 20’s when I realized it was a part of my life. I wondered how someone could feel” bad” or unsettling in some way to me and I felt “bad”. I have felt attacked and then at times used. And, along the way I was perhaps clumsy with others in their feelings I am sure.
We are all sensory creatures with bandwidths of sensation that extend beyond our human limits into our metaphysical range. BEing energetically sensitive is easier when you learn one’s own nature and develop energy hygiene. When you are wanting to help another, understanding energy and potential dynamics is essential to successful work. There needs to be respect for how you are both organized within. You can realize that energy can take any form and like a blade be two sided, and due to the bias of observation, positive or negative. When in itself it is neither, just a manifestation of projection.
We all experience energy differently and unique to the individual so there are guidelines to consider and frameworks to embody that make life as an energetic being delightful and rewarding. All too often people can feel overwhelmed or done in by the energies around and in them. And most of the time people are not in conscious awareness of the energies around them that are affecting in some way, positive and negative unless it is brought to their attention.
All information, life, stuff, fits within the core of Consciousness so it can be interacted with. It doesn’t matter if it is in the past, the future, the cosmos, your neighbor. Energetic dynamics abound. It just depends on your internal settings of sensitivity, tolerance, and story line which determine your reality settings and what you consider real and not real, possible, not possible.
Everything is vibrational and informational in nature when it is reduced to its essence. Energy is vibrational and can clean, clear, protect, heal, destroy. It provides us with intuition of the present and organizational in terms of time as past lives and the precognitive of the seer of future events. It connects us with other energetic awareness of forms corporeal and incorporeal such as angels and other life forms. It resonates with all elements of living matter such as crystals and plants and animal life and our space around us as in feng shui and the senses that track surroundings. Everything living is registering information and is connected.
Energy is found in the known and unknown, the manifested and unmanifested, our notions of what are real and not real. Energy does not care what you think, it only reacts and responds and forms and develops into patterns of vibrations that we sense and interpret and experience as the habituated thought and behavior. Again, and again, time after time. Unless, some thing happens in our rule set to instigate change, shift, in the moment.
For me, when I work with clients or students it is about appreciating their references and how they are helpful or not to them, not to me. That is what being energetically clear, neutral, to me is about. I have no agenda to push, just clarity for the often-felt confusion that is present which is what our issues most often are, confusion between mind and heart usually.
I am an empath, an energy empath. I feel energy in people, places, things, words, etc. in my body. We all do in some way, to some degree. It defines me. These days I look to benefit from all my trainings, experiences and awareness to “feel things from within my field” and not so much in my body or in attached manner. I realize that long ago I made the choice to embody this time, in this way to explore Life within the body/form and to explore BEing. It has taken me many places.
We all have our answers inside of us and where we have a sense of out there, somewhere, sometimes so buried, so wrapped up in a sense of lost that it is helpful to have another find the link. We share in this, this wonderful sense and experience we call BEing.
It is quite a journey of enlightenment that we are sharing.
Janet Barrett
Podcast host Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet