JFK 2022 documents: CIA's James Angleton running a covert program to supply Israel with nuclear weapons behind President Kennedy's back.
Geoff Cruickshank
Energy production operations and critical infrastructure security specialist
Given that the?United Nations?General Assembly's First Committee recently voted for Israel to dispose of all nuclear weapons and have any and all nuclear sites under the watch of the International Atomic Energy Agency, I thought it might be interesting to explore how Israel acquired these weapons in the first place. Fortunately, the 2022 release of the JFK assassination files provides some clues.
The testimony of James Jesus Angleton during the Church Committee hearings in 1975 in the recently released tranche of records also gives some insight into why the C.I.A. needed a rapid change in Administration in 1963.
On page 6, they establish that Angleton had two separate responsibilities within his role at C.I.A.; one as Counterintelligence Chief, whilst the other role is redacted.
Fortunately for us, on page 13, they missed a redaction when asking Angleton what his responsibilities were in the role:
Continuing on page 14, Angleton stated that he was the chief negotiator of the arrangement on the U.S. side in 1951:
So, Angleton was in control of the “Israeli Account”.
We also find out in this document on page 86 that Angleton’s close friend, William Harvey, who ran the C.I.A.’s assassination program, ZR/RIFLE, also used the intelligence components of the “Israeli Account” during the Bay of Pigs invasion:
This revelation is interesting because journalist Tad Szulc wrote an article for Penthouse magazine in August 1975 that stated the CIA was running a program to deliver nuclear weapons to Israel, and that Angleton was in charge of the program. In his testimony to the Church Committee in 1975, Szulc describes how his source (someone in Angleton’s CI division) claimed the CIA was supplying technical knowledge AND fissile material to the Israelis, and Szulc approached Angleton to check his source's veracity. Szulc recounts Angleton’s confirmation of the main thrust of the story but denies the fissile material supply:
It has long been suspected that the source of the fissile material was the NUMEC plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania, where noted Zionist Dr. Zalman Mordecai Shapiro was the plant manager. It was found that between 1957 – 1978, over 300 kilograms of highly enriched Uranium 235 went missing from the Apollo plant. The plant was producing HEU for the NERVA / Project Rover nuclear propulsion rocket engines, which was a joint NASA-AEC project. This provided an ideal source of fissile material to "launder" to Israel - normally, the only way to dispose of HEU is to detonate it - having a rocket engine that uses fissile HEU as a fuel source means it is easy to siphon off a portion of the supply chain and redirect. It also helped when the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission was "in" on it - between 1958 and 1961, the Chairman of the AEC was Mr. John McCone - the guy who replaced Allen Dulles as the CIA Director when President Kennedy sacked him in November 1961. The "Old Boy's Club" was alive and well back then...
After investigating Shapiro and the missing fissile material, the FBI and AEC mysteriously dropped further inquiries in 1966. After Szulc’s article was published in 1975, however, the Justice Department did not concur with the FBI’s assessment and believed a U.S. Government Officer had committed a long list of crimes including espionage and felonies against the Atomic Energy Act. The last three crimes listed were accessory after the fact, misprision of a felony (concealing knowledge, usually by a government official, of a felony committed by another person), and conspiracy. When read in context, these possible crimes appear to refer to someone in the federal government. That person was most likely James Jesus Angleton, comptroller of the “Israeli Account” for the CIA.
On page 51, we also find that Angleton had used the services of James McCord in the past, once for a lengthy job overseas :
Interestingly, James McCord and 5 other C.I.A. officers were given Department of Energy “Q” clearances on 27 July 1962, which gave them access to Top Secret Restricted Data relating to nuclear weapons design. Why on Earth would the C.I.A. need such information?
These documents regarding McCord's Q clearance were also in the 2022 release:
This occurred directly before James McCord was sent to Rheims-Main AFB, near Frankfurt, Germany for two years for "Physical Security” duties. Was this just a cover story for providing technical services at a C.I.A. annex in Frankfurt for an Israeli atomic bomb? (wasn’t there some other “dodgy” C.I.A. program that was recently run out of Frankfurt?). After returning from Germany, McCord studies at the Air Warfare College for a year - did the CIA have its own "air warfare" assets in 1965, a period within which they were virtually at war with the USAF & NRO over ownership of overhead collection assets?
Page 92 of Angleton’s testimony describes a question from Chief Counsel Frederick Schwarz relating to an article by journalist Tad Szulc that claimed that during Eisenhower’s administration (which wanted to assist Israel obtain nuclear weapons) it was Angleton’s responsibility to provide that assistance. Angleton denied the claim:
However, later on in his testimony, Angleton admits to providing “technical assistance” but denies providing fissile material:
In this short YouTube video, renowned JFK assassination researcher Jefferson Morley describes how the fissile material may have been supplied to the Israelis:
So, halfway through President Kennedy’s term (mid-1962), we find 6 C.I.A. officers have been granted Q clearances that allow them access to nuclear weapons design material. What were JFK’s thoughts on allowing the Israelis nuclear weapons? Obviously, the exact polar opposite of the Eisenhower Administration’s position.
From Wikipedia (verbatim):
1963 standoff between Israel and the United States
Israeli newspaper?Haaretz?reported in 2019 that, throughout the spring and summer of 1963, the leaders of the United States and Israel – President?John F. Kennedy?and Prime Ministers?David Ben-Gurion?and?Levi Eshkol?– were engaged in a high-stakes battle of wills over Israel's nuclear program. The tensions were invisible to the publics of both countries, and only a few senior officials, on both sides, were aware of the severity of the situation. According to?Yuval Ne'eman,?Eshkol, Ben-Gurion's successor, and his associates saw Kennedy as presenting Israel with a real ultimatum. According to Ne'eman, the former Israel Air Force commander Maj. Gen. (res.)?Dan Tolkowsky, seriously entertained the fear that Kennedy might send U.S. airborne troops to?Dimona, the home of?Israel's nuclear complex.[54]
On March 25, 1963, President Kennedy and CIA Director?John A. McCone?discussed the Israeli nuclear program. According to McCone, Kennedy raised the "question of Israel acquiring nuclear capability," and McCone provided Kennedy with?Kent's?estimate of the anticipated negative consequences of Israeli nuclearization. According to McCone, Kennedy then instructed National Security Adviser?McGeorge Bundy?to guide Secretary of State?Dean Rusk, in collaboration with the CIA director and the AEC chairman, to submit a proposal "as to how some form of international or bilateral U.S. safeguards could be instituted to protect against the contingency mentioned." That also meant that the "next informal inspection of the Israeli reactor complex [must] …be undertaken promptly and... be as thorough as possible."[54]
On April 2, 1963, Ambassador Barbour met Prime Minister Ben-Gurion and presented the American request for his "assent to semi-annual visits to Dimona perhaps in May and November, with full access to all parts and instruments in the facility, by qualified U.S. scientists." Ben-Gurion, apparently taken by surprise, responded by saying the issue would have to be postponed until after Passover, which that year ended on April 15. To highlight the point further, two days later, Assistant Secretary?Talbot?summoned Israeli Ambassador?Harman?to the State Department and presented him with a diplomatic démarche on the inspections. This message to Ben-Gurion was the first salvo in what would become "the toughest American-Israeli confrontation over the Israeli nuclear program".[54]
On April 26, 1963, more than three weeks after the original U.S. demand concerning Dimona, Ben-Gurion responded to Kennedy with a seven-page letter that focused on broad issues of Israeli security and regional stability. Claiming that Israel faced an unprecedented threat, Ben-Gurion invoked the specter of "another Holocaust," and insisted that Israel's security should be protected by joint external security guarantees, to be extended by the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Kennedy, however, was determined not to let Ben-Gurion change the subject. On May 4, 1963, he replied to the prime minister, assuring him that while "we are watching closely current developments in the Arab world," as to Ben-Gurion's proposal for a joint superpower declaration, Kennedy dismissed both its practicality and its political wisdom. Kennedy was much less worried about an "early Arab attack" than he was by "a successful development of advanced offensive systems which, as you say, could not be dealt with by presently available means."[54]
Kennedy would not budge on Dimona, and the disagreements became a "pain in the neck" for him, as?Robert Komer?later wrote. The confrontation with Israel escalated when the State Department transmitted Kennedy's latest letter to the Tel Aviv embassy on June 15 for immediate delivery to Ben-Gurion by Ambassador Barbour. In the letter Kennedy fleshed out his insistence on biannual visits with a set of detailed technical conditions. The letter was akin to an ultimatum: If the U.S. government could not obtain "reliable information" on the state of the Dimona project, Washington's "commitment to and support of Israel" could be "seriously jeopardized." But the letter was never presented to Ben-Gurion. The telegram with Kennedy's letter arrived in Tel Aviv on Saturday, June 15, the day before Ben-Gurion's announcement of his resignation, a decision that stunned his country and the world. Ben-Gurion never explained, in writing or orally, what led him to resign, beyond citing "personal reasons." He denied that his move was related to any specific policy issues, but the question of the extent to which Kennedy's Dimona pressure played a role remains open to discussion to the present day.[54]
On July 5, less than 10 days after Levi Eshkol succeeded Ben-Gurion as prime minister, Ambassador Barbour delivered to him a first letter from President Kennedy. The letter was virtually a copy of the undelivered letter of June 15 to Ben-Gurion.[55]?As Yuval Ne'eman stated, it was immediately apparent to Eshkol and his advisers that Kennedy's demands were akin to an ultimatum, and thus constituted a crisis in the making. A stunned Eshkol, in his first and interim response, on July 17, requested more time to study the subject and for consultations. The premier noted that while he hoped that U.S-Israeli friendship would grow under his watch, "Israel would do what it had to do for its national security and to safeguard its sovereign rights." Barbour, apparently wanting to mitigate the bluntness of the letter, assured Eshkol that Kennedy's statement was "factual": Critics of strong U.S.-Israel relations might complicate the diplomatic relationship if Dimona was left uninspected.[54]
On August 19, after six weeks of consultations that generated at least eight different drafts, Eshkol handed Barbour his written reply to Kennedy's demands. It began by reiterating Ben-Gurion's past assurances that Dimona's purpose was peaceful. As to Kennedy's request, Eshkol wrote that given the special relationship between the two countries, he had decided to allow regular visits of U.S. representatives to the Dimona site. On the specific issue of the schedule, Eshkol suggested – as Ben-Gurion had in his last letter to Kennedy – that late 1963 would be the time for the first visit: By then, he wrote, "the French group will have handed the reactor over to us and it will be undertaking general tests and measurements of its physical parameters at zero power."[54]
Eshkol was vague on the proposed frequency of visits. Eshkol disregarded Kennedy's demand for biannual tours, while avoiding a frontal challenge to Kennedy's request. "Having considered this request, I believe we shall be able to reach agreement on the future schedule of visits," Eshkol wrote. In sum, the prime minister split the difference: To end the confrontation, he assented to "regular visits" by U.S. scientists, but he did not accept the idea of the prompt visit that Kennedy wanted and avoided making an explicit commitment to biannual inspections. Kennedy's appreciative reply did not mention these divergences, but assumed a basic agreement on "regular visits."[54]
In the wake of Eshkol's letter, the first of the long-sought regular inspection visits to Dimona took place in mid-January 1964, two months after?Kennedy's assassination. The Israelis told the American visitors that the reactor had gone critical only a few weeks earlier, but that claim was not accurate. Israel acknowledged years later that the Dimona reactor became operational in mid-1963, as the Kennedy administration had originally assumed.[54]
It turned out that Kennedy's insistence on biannual visits to Dimona was not implemented after his death. U.S. government officials remained interested in such a schedule, and President?Lyndon B. Johnson?did raise the issue with Eshkol, but he never pressed hard on the subject the way that Kennedy had.[54]
Having already supplied the technical know-how (and possible fissile material) for assembly of one or nuclear weapons at the cut-out site in Germany – Angleton and the C.I.A. find themselves in May of 1963 in quite a dilemma. Having continued the Israeli nuclear weapons program, started by Allen Dulles during the Eisenhower Administration and continued behind President Kennedy’s back, Angleton believes there can only be one solution and turns to his old friend William Harvey for a ZR/RIFLE Executive Action. Harvey in turn assembles the team of E. Howard Hunt, David Morales, Frank Sturgis, Bernard “Macho” Barker, Lucien Conein (who recruits Corsican thug Lucien Sarti as backup shooter), and of course, Lee Harvey Oswald. George H.W. Bush is on the periphery too, though it is never proven he is on the C.I.A. payroll during that time.
With President Kennedy’s assassination, Angleton’s problem is now solved.
According to Jefferson Morley, James Angleton in his early years was anti-sematic and in regular correspondence with noted poet and antisemite Ezra Pound. What caused the 180 degree shift? Having been lead astray twice previously with the Bay of Pigs invasion and by Bill Harvey sending in 60 operatives into Cuba during the Missile Crisis, Angleton knew that the third strike of having delivered nuclear weapons behind JFK’s back would probably see Kennedy come good on his promise of “I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind” and thus destroying Angleton’s Deep State empire. Therefore Angleton, Dulles and Harvey et. al. could only think of one solution to their shared problem.
Angleton’s assistance to Israel is memorialized in Jerusalem.
James McCord, one of the CIA’s most brilliant technical officers, is later caught in the Watergate burglary in 1972 along with other team members from “the Big Event” in 1963, E. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, and Frank Sturgis. The Church Committee discovers that McCord and 5 other C.I.A. officers have Q clearances for no apparent reason and become suspicious after listening to Angleton’s testimony. ?
So now you know not only the “Who, What, Where, and When”, but most importantly, the probable WHY of the John F. Kennedy assassination.
HV/MV Protection and Service Technician Dual Trade - Electrical/Mechanical Fitter
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