Jezi?ni savjetnik 12-2016; Rate ili rata?
Sanda Lisicin
owner of Moje znanje - Business and Legal English Centre, EU Accredited Conference Interpreter
A portion of a debt, or sum of money, which is divided into portions that are made payable at different times. Payment by installment is payment by parts at different times, the amounts and times (often equal namely regular) being often definitely stipulated.
e.g. When is the next installment due?
Dakle, INSTALLMENT jedan dio od ukupne svote novca koju treba platiti za odre?enu uslugu ili kupovinu - OBROK.
Prema RATE je:
the number of times something happens within a particular period of time.
e.g. ‘a rising birth rate’
RATE je STOPA odnosno broj puta ili postotak ne?ega unutar odre?enog vremenskog perioda.