Jezi?ni savjetnik 11-2016; Terms vs conditions
Sanda Lisicin
owner of Moje znanje - Business and Legal English Centre, EU Accredited Conference Interpreter
Ove dvije rije?i u engleskom se jeziku koriste kao sinonimi, no budu?i da ne postoje stopostotni sinonimi, razlika izme?u navedena dva termina tako?er je prisutna.
Conditions moraju biti zadovoljeni prije datuma odre?enog ugovorom kako bi se ugovor mogao izvr?iti dok su terms sve ostale obveze koje se moraju izvr?iti kao dio ugovora.
Conditions kao uvjeti imaju vrijeme i datum do kada moraju biti izvr?eni. Ukoliko ?conditions ?nisu ispo?tovani ugovor nije izvr?en odnosno nastupa raskid ugovora tj. contract termination.
Conditions are things that must be satisfied before the transaction becomes binding upon the two parties, usually the seller and the buyer. Non-performance of conditions results in contract termination.
Terms za sobom obi?no povla?e nov?ane kazne kojima se osigurava da ?e ugovorna strana izvr?iti ?to se od nje tra?i. Dakle, terms imaju posljedice ukoliko uvjeti ne budu ispunjeni, no za razliku od conditions, neispunjavanje terms ?ne?e rezultirati raskidom ugovora ve? naknadom ?tete odnosno u pravilu nov?anom kaznom.
Terms are contractual obligations, the non-performance of which will not result in the automatic termination of the contract??.
e.g. "The Seller agrees to remove all junk and car parts from backyard prior to closing. If any junk or car parts remain in the backyard on Completion Day (as documented by photographs taken at the time of possession) the seller’s lawyers are directed to forthwith refund the sum of $500 to the Buyer in full and final compensation for the Seller’s non-performance of this term. "