Jews don't make sense.
I always knew that.
Recently though, I appreciated a new depth to this statement. Allow me to share:
It's normal to find people hating Jews. That's expected. The hatred is not rooted in any rational or sensical source. It defies all logic. It's never born out of any rational reason. It's just pure evil. Although it masks itself in sophisticated excuses and justifications, it's nothing more or less than evil.?
We were the ones accused of spreading diseases in the middle ages. We were accused of blood libels. The Nazis perfected the final solution. Stalin almost finished Hitler's job through the famous doctors plot. He accused the Jews of plotting to kill the communist government, and prepared concentration camps to ship them off to in Siberia.?
All of this was done in the name of justice. When needed, courts gave the final go ahead to these blood libels. The world stood by. No one did anything.
To think that cultured Europeans in the Hague, or any western diplomat in 2024, would somehow free themselves from this hatred is naive. They will say things like "disproportionate response" or "there needs to be less bombing." What’s consciously or unknowingly driving them is a blind (and sometimes not blind) double standard for Jews. They are essentially saying that they are ok with seeing more dead Jews.?
Hatred of Jews is not news. It will always be. It never stops; it only sometimes pauses.
But now there is a dangerous twist to this age-old problem. It is the Jews themselves. We are also starting to not make sense.?
If you would ask a Jew in the Warsaw ghetto what they would do with a tank, they would know without hesitation. They would use it. They wouldn't even think of asking anyone’s permission.
If you ask a Jewish general in 2024, they’ll respond…Well, it's complicated. Yes, it can save lives... But I need to ask the Americans permission. It might ruin the soil of Gaza, or destroy the home of some terrorists' mothers.?
The Jewish body count is growing due to decisions made by someone sitting in Washington!
Really!? That doesn't make sense. It's delusional!
The Jews need to learn from the Iranian chutzpah. They burn American flags and shout hate to America. They’ve killed thousands of American troops through their proxies. They defy American values, and America doesn't dare respond. There are no protests about the civil rights violations and executions in Iran. On the contrary, the USA makes billion dollar deals and sends them cash. Now, that's chutzpah! And it works like a charm!
In 1948 the Jews had chutzpah. The Maccabees had chutzpah. It's time to have chutzpah once again.
Jewish Chutzpah comes from our heritage. The stronger we are rooted in our heritage the stronger our chutzpah becomes.
And that makes sense! Because the more we realize that we are dependent on the one and only creator, the less delusional we become by relying on a president who is himself dependent on his voters!
The only bond that is unshakeable is the Jewish nation, the Torah, and the Land of Israel. Everything else has cracks and dents.?
This bond is our strongest weapon! It is remarkable to watch Jews from all over Israel, and indeed the world, renew their commitment to our shared heritage through taking upon themselves a mitzvah!
Whether it is wrapping tefillin. Lighting shabbat candles. Or honoring Shabbat. It is amazing to see!
Try one shabbat without technology! Shut off everything! Once you taste freedom, you won't want to stop!
We won't cease firing these Mitzvos. They are our nation's survival kit. Without Mitzvos, we would be another forgotten nation in the history bins. Doing Mitzvos is our eternal and shared identity.?
Every Jew grows at their level of progress. We are all progressive Jews. We progress slowly but surely on the ladder of Mitzvos.
One mitzvah at a time.
And Mitzvos is our answer to our youths' confusion.
Our youth are thirsty for purpose.They want a purpose that demands a challenge. That demands them to stand up to something beyond themselves. Their naivety brought them to chant and parade about rivers and seas. They have no clue!
They don't want to just party and have a good career. They seek meaning. Their souls are on fire. Introduce them to the Jewish fire. The fire that has kept us going for thousands of years. We crossed rivers and split seas with this fire. The Shema Yisroel that has kept us going throughout history! That's what they want to hear!!
We need to reintroduce Jewish meaningful actions of purpose. It's called Mitzvos!
If you own a business, purchase a pair of tefillin and give your employee the opportunity to put on tefillin. In the coffee room there should be a tefillin station.?
Fire up those Mitzvos. We bond. We connect. They are our family tradition.?
Am Yisroel?Chai!