Rabbi Dr Belinda Silbert (MTh, Doctorate in Counselling, ABCC)
Vice-President, Association of Certified Chaplains in South Africa
Copyright July 2017.
“ The stars dot out the plans of God.” ~James Lendall Basford , Sparks from the Philosopher's Stone, 1882
The Zohar, ( attributed to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai of the 2nd century,) ascribes qualities associated with the twelve signs of the Zodiac to the twelve Hebrew months and the twelve tribes of Israel (I:173).
Our patriarch Jacob was the father of the twelve men whose descendants comprise the tribes of Israel Jacob's last blessings to his sons before his death suggest that each tribe is essential to the fulfilment of G-d's purpose of Creation. Jewish Mysticism believes that the Zodiac was fixed from the moment of Creation and was thus known to the Jewish People from the beginning. Additional evidence of this can be found in the Breastplate of the High Priest. (Ha Cohen Ha Gadol.) Jewish Mysticism alludes to supernatural powers associated with this garment.There were twelve precious stones in the Breastplate and each one was a different colour. The mystical significance of the stones was that when they were used during appropriate rituals, they were believed to transmit power from the spiritual source to each of the Twelve Tribes.
We are a People who follow the lunar calendar and the cyclical nature of Judaism shows the extent to which the moon influences our religious practice. As Jews, we are tasked with navigating via Mitzvot rather than by using star-maps, but when we delve into Jewish Mysticism, we open our minds to the possibility that Astrology can be a valuable guide, a lens through which to view our lives in both tribal and spiritual contexts.
The twelve lunar months of the Jewish year are a navigational tool for us since we are the descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The "first month" of the Jewish calendar is the month of Nisan, in the spring, when Pesach occurs. This month is Tleh/Aries/Ram corresponding to Jaco’s son Judah . The ram is an animal that can have magnificent horns and yet it is also one that was popular as a sacrifice. Those born under the sign of Judah in Nisan are destined to be leaders. King David was descended from Judah and the Jewish Kings were anointed with oil poured from a Ram’s horn (Shofar.)
Iyar is Shor/Taurus/Bull corresponding to Issachar .A bull can be both strong and stubborn and this Jewish Zodiac sign is one that endows its "tribe' with qualities of intellectual and emotional persistence,and resilience.
Sivan is Teumim/Gemini/Twins and this sign correspondis to Zevulun. The duality inherent in the concept of twins carries over into the theme of the reception of two Tablets received in this month of Shavuot.
Tamuz is Sartan/Cancer/Crab corresponding to Reuven. The crab has a hard shell that protects a soft centre and those born under this sign can appear to be strong, but are in truth vulnerable beings who are soft-hearted. Reuven is Jacob's son who was mislead by lust and we are cautioned to channel our desires in a positive way in order to avoid temptation,
Av is Ari/Leo/Lion corresponding to Shimon. The lion is courageous and its roar matches its physical ferocity. In this month, the leonine nations of Babylon and Rome destroyed our Temple. Those born under this sign are courageous but must never underestimate their foes, the other "lions."
Elul is Betula/Virgo/Virgin corresponding to Gad This is the month of repentance and purification in preparation for Rosh Hashana and those born under this “Mazal” are tasked with living lives of pure intent.
Tishrei is Moznaim/Libra/Scales corresponding to Ephraim (the fruitful) son. In this month the scales of justice are a major theme since we are judged on Rosh Hashana and found either merit-worthy or devoid of good deeds. Cheshvan is Akrav/Scorpio/Scorpion corresponding to Menashe .There is a "sting in the tail" here for Scorpions- one must work hard to change the letters of Menashe to "Neshama" spirituality in order to become gentler, more empathetic souls.
Kislev is Kashet/Sagittarius/Archer corresponding to the tribe of Benjamin . The archer is not only a warrior, but an accurate marksman. Those born with this 'Mazal" can be obsessed by details and are challenged to see the whole picture without fixating on perfectionism.
Tevet is Gedi/Capricorn/Kid corresponding to Dan . The siege against Jerusalem began in this month because of senseless hatred amongst fellow Jews. Goats lock horns very easily and we are reminded that unnecessary conflict is a waste of energy and stubbornness can harm. We need to embody the goat's capacity to digest even the most indigestible food. In the mystical sense, we are tasked with swallowing our pride and holding our tongues in order to keep the peace rather than winning every argument.
Shevat is Dli/Aquarius/Water Drawer corresponding to Asher (the son symbolising wealth). Those born under this "Mazal' (sign) have the additional blessing of prosperity since this is a month in which Israel celebrated bountiful fruits and abundance.
Adar is Dagim/Pisces/Fish corresponding to Naftali Fish are plentiful and well-adapted to their environment. When they are removed from water or their habitat is threatened, they die. We are reminded that we are sustained by G-d's grace and miracles- this is the natural environment that He has created for us. In this month we observe Purim which celebrates the hidden miracle through which we were saved from annihilation by Haman.
Carl Gustav Jung says that “We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more. “ We are the wine of Jacob that has matured over thousands of years and we still have some of the original “flavours” infused in the wine when it was made. As a nation, we have evolved from the division into tribes into a united Israel. As we look to the stars, we can be reminded of our forefathers and use the message eternally imprinted in the constellations as a moral and spiritual compass forever.
We are Jewish Stardust scattered across the earth. Let us shine whenever it is darkest.