Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month of March x3
Hello All,
Just consider this a play on the spiritual rule of three in this final entry for the 3rd month of the year. Today's duo of "Jewels of Truth" channeled angelic statements is on the topic of Intuitive Cost and Spiritual Communications.
The former one I find a bit controversial or uneasy to a limited degree. For it flys in the face of the human convention which I've been taught by other psychics online and in-person over the years. Basically, the rule of thumb for Intuitive beginners is to do your craft for free until one has a sufficient grasp as a skill. Then you begin charging customers a modest fee until your skill and talent grow in cost into expertise.
As an empath, I always have cringed when hearing this and felt like I was being adultered by the world's (ie humanities) conventions. However, I could never justify it with a sufficient argument for over 2 decades. Until this statement, I channeled as #3,011.
The Angels of the Heavenly Host are teaching when one shares their loves, gifts, and talents freely. It is both a Gift Back to God and simultaneously a Living Sacrifice of Devotion in the world. No matter if it is the Spiritual Intuitive Arts and Meta Sciences or anything else upon Creation Universally as Divine Law.
So that leaves me torn and on the fence about what I've been taught by well-meaning people and now this holy instructive notion above. Otherwise, may you find these two statements intriguing whether you can accept them or not. May they nonetheless have expanded your awareness of the endless potentiality of the divine realities. Amen.
Intuitive Cost:
3011) To the empowered one with many soulful Intuitive spiritual gifts of God to be shared freely or at a cost as a fee. There is an underlying conundrum one must fully realize that will haunt you to one degree or another upon the world. What to charge customers after you have gained sufficient lineage of experiences as a practitioner of the psychic spiritual arts.
In a capitalistic profession-driven civilization such as yours here in your modernity of the Earth. It would seem naive to not charge a living wage if not a premium to your clientele. However, there is a soft fine line often hardly unspoken rule that the Pure of Heart that leave their services priceless as a Gift Back to God(dess). Akin to a living Sacrificial Devotion back to the Heavenly Host acts in the angelic accords of the Image and Likeness of God with unconditional Love in earnest. That any such person that does so without turmoil in their heart of hearts is afforded greater strength and authority to conduct their blessed role upon the world.
Meaning it is all well and good that Light Workers as Psychics, Mediums, Trancers, Healers, Shamans, etc... charge for their profession upon the world. As is the way of humanity to barter for commerce in a hopefully fair manner. Many Celebrity Seers that have higher than most operational costs due to greater margins to run their enterprises can not forestall. But, there is a gulf of a trade-off in such energy fields bartered for one type for another in terms of conversions as spiritual catalysts go.
For example, one has metered growth with reins upon them like a tied-down mount. The other roam free without such a restriction placed upon them metaphysically. The paradox is inverse in both the realm of the world and the realm of the holies. A psychic gains the world and trades a piece of their overall divine luster by striking a bargain. The enlightened one forgoes sovereigns of the realm of humankind and inherits the Kingdon of Heaven on Earth instead by faith and disciplined sacrifice. When a gift of a donation is freely offered by a patron without solicitation that is to be treated as a selfless gift from them. Much akin to two spirits sharing a grace as one instant joy that strikes that moment in time.
Both the worldly psychic and the spiritually-minded psychic gain, but in different realities. In many ways, it is not unlike a monastic order where one is a mere foot soldier and the other a special commando of grace. It depends on how Pure of Heart or hardcore is one's devotion back to God in the world?
This is very unfair and on paradoxical purpose-designed by the angelic heavens by the Will of God(dess). It separates the wheat from the chaff. It however doesn't degrade or discount the well-meaning worldly psychic to have a full blessed faithful life with family and friends. It merely holds them back from maturing to a greater set of holy powers and authority over the world. That is all.
Much of this has already been taught in other religions just not set to this light of the Intuitive Arts as a specific topic. The Flow of a godly Life is deep and far-reaching. As the saying goes your mileage may vary depending on your dedication. To tie one arm behind your back will limit your proficient grace akin to capping your water pressure to a predefined limit.
The seat of power to the Soul of God in each of us and all other spirits isn't meant to be corrupted. Those that sell-out, those that make a compromise with the world and God, and those that are completely selfless in moderation so as to avoid burnout. Are the relativistic camps one as an Intuitive can choose upon your civilization at large. Judge no one, that is above your paygrade (pardon the pun). ;o)
The clergy or holy monastic orders of God regardless of faith tradition do not have a monopoly for selflessness. What is an Intuitive Spiritual Artform as a designated soulful Gift of God. Imprinted upon your very soulful emanation of God's Angelic Image and Likeness is Absolutely Pure. It is a treasure from the Heavens if seized for righteousness. For if God the Creator charged for Omens, Blessings, and Miracles all souls would be bankrupted forever as indebted slaves. Thankfully this isn't the case in the heavenly afterlife, however, it is in the many godless Hells. Peace be upon the sacrosanct Will of God imprinted upon our souls beyond eternity and infinity. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Spiritual Communication:
3018) To the ones that remark much is as if one or two types of people upon this world. The first person is inquisitive and wonders deeply with immense curiosities at the marvels of it all with great love. The other one is fickle that can't be quiet due to the sense of silence for far too long, a jittery nervous sort. The former is filled with the hope of what will occur around the bend. The latter individual flinches to no reactive end based and driven by anxiety instead.
The spiritual realms when being interacted with your physical mundane terrain environment. Is also a chatty Cathy for it has much to say and so few people touched by the holy that can truly deeply listen. With utmost sacred sensitivities like an antenna array of the metaphysical on the earth. You "Ivan the Atrayo" are one such careful deep listener of and about spiritual matters inclusively regardless of human dogmas in earnest.
You have been touched since childhood by the grace of God silently and gradually with respect to your past fears of being manhandled by us. There are the telltale signs (pardon the pun) of one is dealing with emissaries of the Great Holy Spirit. Always and unconditionally you are approached gently and with reverence by the angelic guardian masters. They whisper intuitively and telepathically only when spoken to by intent and respond with pristine compassion as the Blessed Ones.
Anything short of this and one is either deluded tricked by their own animalistic fear-based ego. Or worse tormented by the damned entities no matter their type of madness involved. Those that commit atrocities appearing insane as people and creatures are Intuitives that have unwittingly been deceived and tricked to be slaves of the damned of the unholy. Only an exorcism as an extreme act as a living grace of God can free them, whether self-initiated by the brave or by custodians of the holy faiths.
The classical signs as Omens and/or coincidences are known in your modern era as synchronicities can come in one of three varieties. Such are the Dominions of the Fates of the Holy, Benign, and the Unholy of the spiritual realities. Regardless if one that encounters them accepts or discounts them as true or false, it matters not they exist profoundly. The righteous ones always bring an air of abiding illumination of limitless loving peace that holds an equal to nothing else.
Next to omens stands in expressions are Premonitions which appear as flashes of awareness of places, times, and events beyond your experiences to date. Most people not used to these spiritual hunches discount them outright as mere Imagination running wild to their own disservice. Next comes the deeper discourse of the ineffable with Symbolism and Numbers as quick timeless bursts of knowledge and wisdom beyond comprehension. Each like an extracted message in a temporal bottle for your benefit alone to be conveyed with or without interpretations on your behalf.
Next to last often played with by fools not respecting the afterlife either as idiots or atheists. Comes the many forms of divination upon the world. Without proper instruction by a mentor, one can open ethereal portals that are of a hostile origin. Anything of physical type in your cosmos can be converted into a rudimentary to a sophisticated system of divining the known and unknowable by common means. Common sense avails here that a fool shouldn't play with spiritual flares unless they are seriously devoted to such a sacred act with the populated holy souls.
Then there are the mediums and trance that connect beyond the cosmetic surfaces as communicative spiritual vessels in living forms. Connecting to former deceased people, animals, and creatures of all other sorts. Whereas those that Trance connect to higher dimensional states of Pure Being be they angelic, natural as elemental, star seed cosmic, and beyond to other realities altogether. All of which is Holy when the outcome is blessings all around the audiences, however, it may be quantified by goodwill.
These are the mortal routes of the sacred to reach the Holy in all its blissful guises from the possible to the impossible as nominal feats of the Creator constantly. Wonderous are the truths conveyed with dignity for the recipients conducted by compassionate integrity always. A positive influential impact that heralds beyond what can only be imagined by any other means of expression. No one Soul of God is ever truly alone, there is always a cadre of helpers of various orders of being a prayer of love away. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
The more I wonder, the more I love. ---Alice Walker.
We are responsible for our own ignorance or, with time and open-hearted enlightenment, our own wisdom. ---Isabel Wilkerson.
Gratefulness is possible with the awareness of the fragility of what we have. ---Mike Martin.
Love and hope are infinitely more powerful than hate and fury. ---Heda Margolius Kovaly.
This was love: a string of coincidences that gathered significance and became miracles. ---Chimamanda Naozi Adichie.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 25 years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 15 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.