Jewel in The Heart: the wrongs are looking rights, the evil looking good, everything keeps changing. What is the world turning to?
" The wrongs are looking rights, the evil looking good, everything keeps changing. What is the world turning to?
Truly, the world we are is no longer a safe place. It keeps changing. People are becoming more evil, and the rights to us are in our eyes turning wrongs and we all keep silent and continue to roll with it. How long shall it be this way? There is already the thought that we are experiencing the end of the world, meaning there is nothing anyone can do about it. It's a prophesy that can't but come through. Then, the question is, are all bad incidents based on prophesy and if they are based on prophesy can't some be stopped. Are there not incidents such like that, that has been stopped by the law enforcement agencies around the world? In the midst of the fulfillment of the prophesy of the end of the world, are there no lives to be changed? If so, why are we folding our hands and watching evil triumph? They say evil triumph when good men do nothing.