Jesus VS Self Help: What Creates True Fulfillment?
Over the last few months, I’ve been experiencing a spiritual awakening. For most of my life, I turned to personal development to help me mature and succeed.
Yet, after all the material success, I still felt like something was missing.
Like many businessmen, my self worth was being determined by my net worth. I needed external items like money to feel safe and since feeling secure was always my highest subconscious value, I prioritized growing my business over everything else and justified it by thinking that I was being a good provider.
I’d tell myself things like:
If I could pay off this debt, then everything would be ok.
When I increase my income by 20%, I’ll have free time to spend with my wife.
If I can just ‘lock in’ this weekend, ignore everyone, and get this project done, then life will be so much better.
Those ifs and whens kept going for years until I found myself in my mid-fifties still riddled with uncertainty and what ifs.
My marriage was strained because I made money and my need to feel safe the priority instead of my saintly wife, and I only turned to God when nothing else was working.
Several months ago, my family started attending a church in Central Florida that was very different than the traditional services I grew up attending.
It was like attending a rock concert. Everyone stood and sang along to the musicians and full band onstage.
At first, I was very uncomfortable, but the charismatic pastor talked about actively worshipping and obeying Jesus rather than viewing church as something to check off the list on Sunday morning.
That hit home for me, so I started singing along the following Sunday and felt more joyful.
Then, the pastor spoke about conversing with Jesus all day and kicking off the first week of January with a 21-day fast. So I decided to do it.
The first week was just fruits and veggies. I got the flu the second day into the fast, so it was pretty easy not to eat that week.
In the second week, the pastor encouraged us to make a stronger sacrifice.
“We don’t do animal sacrifices anymore, so what can you sacrifice to thank God for sending Jesus to the cross to save you from your sins?”
I took a deep breath, braced myself, and decided to give up Netflix.
I didn’t watch television that whole week, and it was a lovely break from all the drama and violence.
The third week was just fruits and veggies again, and I lost 15 lbs, which my wife said was annoying. LOL.
It’s fascinating because even though I was “sacrificing” for God, I was the one who benefitted, which is the whole point.
God asks us to live in a righteous way because it’s what provides us the best life experience.
You give your kids advice because it will benefit them. It’s nice when they obey, but that’s not the point.
I continued going to church and implementing what I learned from the sermons.
There were still occasional doubts that I was talking to a made-up God all day, but then I’d drive down the street, and the first car I pulled behind had a license plate that said Godluvsu.
You might say that’s random, or I’m reading into it, but those ‘signs’ happen constantly.
I followed Bob Proctor for many years and eventually got to know him. He told me he had one book on his desk, Think and Grow Rich, which he read daily for guidance.
So, I emulated him because of his worldly success.
Even though I am still a fan, I decided to put the Bible on my desk to help me live a successful and fulfilling life instead, and it’s helped way more than all the Law of Attraction advice.
If you feel something is missing in your life, there are two actions you can take that will make a significant difference.
The first is to strengthen your faith in Jesus. I've found that using these two resources will help you do this.
First, watch ‘The Chosen’ on Amazon Prime. It shares how Jesus chose his early students and the struggles they went through believing in him even when they saw his miracles firsthand.
“Why are you afraid? Oh, men of little faith.”
After watching the first six episodes, begin listening to the New Testament of the King James Bible on YouTube.
This combination brings biblical stories to life in a whole new way and reveals a more fulfilling way to live.
Sharing this with you is a bold move for me, even though I feel embarrassed to admit that.
I was taught during psychotherapy training to keep my viewpoints, values, and especially religious beliefs out of the therapy sessions.
However, I've invested thirty-six years into researching what mental and emotional tools provide the most comfort and emotional maturity for those actively seeking this, and it would be unethical for me not to share what is becoming the most critical revelation to date.
I've been sharing these insights with several private clients, which initially felt risky, and was pleasantly surprised by how receptive tbey were. And, as with me, actively cultivating a stronger relationship with God is causing a plethora of joy to enter their lives as well.
Many have equated religion to sacrifice and dogma. The old joke goes that the only problem with Christianity are the Christians.
Yet, there is so much value in the Bible that I never appreciated before.
Someone once said all the answers you need in life are in the Bible and I disagreed with that.
It turns out I was wrong.
The second activity you can do is continually upgrade your beliefs and perspectives about any goal you wish to attain or obstacle you want to remove.
My job is extraordinary as I get to witness people making considerable breakthroughs every day of the week.
Fears, addictions, blocks, trauma…gone in a handful of One Belief Away Hypnosis sessions.
And it’s not just about overcoming pain.
Clients are tripling their incomes, gaining more time freedom, and attaining goals that would make anyone say, “That’s impressive.”
I miss running groups because there are so many miracles during a one-on-one session that I wish others could see.
So, I’m working on hosting online groups again and praying for guidance on hosting live events in Florida.
If you have skills in filling events like this, please reach out.
Also, please reply if you’d like a live two-day event filled with breakthroughs, healing, and miracles.
I hope you found this message timely and encouraging.
It might also have pushed buttons because of past experiences with religion.
That’s good too because your biggest breakthroughs hide in the places you resist going.
Consider that this might be an opportunity to apply both recommended activities simultaneously.
Thanks for reading, and may God bless you and your family.
:) Tim
Tim Shurr, MA
Former News Anchor/WTHR-13, President, Cartera Media, Inc.
11 小时前Very impressive article Tim, which my husband (an attorney turned Pastor) and I fully agree with. Please feel free to contact my husband Steve, as he's interested in learning more about your live two-day event.
17 小时前Makes sense, Tim