Jesus said, 
“Come, learn, and take from ME.”

Jesus said, “Come, learn, and take from ME.”

This article today is going to shake up some burning spiritual ashes in some of you that you need to get rid of if you desire to receive the fullness of Christ ?through His Holy Spirit of truth.

I know many are going to oppose this article, but I do not live to please people. I live to please my Lord and Savior and He knows it more than anyone. He ?has sent me into the world for proclaiming His truth, not to hinder, hate, or condemn, but to turn others to Him in order for His truth to save us all! Jesus said, “Come, learn, and take from Me,” not, “Go, learn, and take from others.” We take from others what they have taken from Christ.

Today there are many false apostles making their stand proclaiming a Holiday called Easter came from God through Jesus by way of His Spirit of truth, and deceiving many. All of them are unaware they are being deceived by a false light masquerading as His true light.

Here are a few scriptures His Holy Spirit ?recorded through Matthew from Jesus and through letters from Paul. We all have been given freewill to believe His given truth or reject it. My prayer and hope is in Christ that those who have ears will hear His truth and let go of all that is false and begin fully following Him. His desire is for His signs, miracles, and wonders to work in and through you as they have in me, ?others in the past, and today.

The first Word of God we are going to learn from through His Spirit of truth is from the book of Matthew.

Matthew 11:28 - 29

Come to ME, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. ?29 Take MY yoke upon you and learn from ME, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For MY Yoke is easy and MY burden is light.

You probably noticed I capitalized Me and My to clarify it is only Him we go to, ?take from and find our souls rest, it easy and not heavy.

His yoke he is referring to is not from an egg. It is from the yoke of two oxen that connects them together as they pull a cart or plant a field. It is His yoke He is speaking of that holds us together, not a yoke of man made ways, traditions, or wisdom.

We only learn from Him and no other. If any of us are learning from any other about how to worship or follow Him spiritually then we are not fully living in Him or through Him but a manmade manufactured religion.

Easter, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, or Christmas coming up at the end of this year was never instructed by Him as days and celebrations we were to follow. How are we learning from Him if we are practicing other ways that did not come from Him? How are we coming only to Him when we come into a church that does practice all this days and celebrations that did not come from Him?

It is another yoke we have taken if it did not come from Him and no rest for our souls will be found. Life will not be easy and light. It will be full of deceptions and illusions we think it makes life easier and light.

I am telling you this because I lived most of my life following a man made doctrine of beliefs that was full of human’s manufactured traditions that I loved and sounded good, but they were not coming from Him and His Spirit of truth, now I know the difference and experience His fullness through His signs, miracles, and wonders in ways I could have never imagined.

Another scripture that enlighten me through His Holy Spirit was also recorded through the book of Matthew about being a wise or foolish builder in God’s sight. Many will call you foolish or a fool when you follow God, but He never will.

Matthew 7:24-27

Therefore, everyone who hears these words from ME and does them, I will compare him to a wiseman who built his house on a rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on a rock. And everyone who hears these words of MINE and does not do them, he shall be compared to a foolish man who built his house on the sand, 27 The rain came down the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and great was the fall of it.

Suppose we did not do his words and added our own words and ways to worship Him. Would we be building our house on a rock or on sand. This is why HE calls us wise builders because everything we lift up ourselves with, because we are His house He lives in, is coming from His Words and Ways, not our own words and ways we decide to worship him and follow Him.

Another scripture that helped me see God’s truth ?through His Spirit of truth was the letter written by Paul to the Philippians, a body of believers, the Church that desired to follow Christ, in Philippi which is today is called Filippoi in eastern Macedonia, Greece.

Those of us who know Christ through His Spirit of truth know Paul knew Him very well and received many revelations from Him we learn from.

Philippians 4:8-9

For the rest brothers, whatever is true, what ever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever pure, whatever lovey, whatever of good report, if of any virtue, and if of any praise, think on these things. 9 And what things you learned and received and heard and saw in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

At first glance we may think what ever sounds good and is good we can come up with is good, But then God gives us another glance at His truth. No one is good but God alone and His thoughts and ways are much higher than ours, so we must crucify ourselves spiritually for His sake, so His truth comes to the surface not our ways, words, and how to worship and get to know Him.

That is why Paul starts off with what ever is true, meaning what ever truly comes from Christ will be good, right, pure, lovely, good report, good virtues, and praised. We think on Him and all He gives, as Paul did, and His Peace among all His fruit of His Holy Spirit, signs, miracles and wonders we will experience in our lives. Paul did and He wants us to experience the fullness of Christ too in our own lives.

If we add or subtract from what we receive, heard, read, or spiritually saw through Paul we will not have the Peace of God in our hearts it may be a form of peace, but it will be His Peace that goes beyond our own human understanding. We will see the lack of His peace in ourselves when we face fearful circumstances, and many hide their fear to try and prove they are at peace and have control when truly they are not at peace and do not have self-control. Christ assures us that all will be exposed that is hidden for us to know so we can receive repentance and truly follow Him, His truth, ways, and life through His given Holy Spirit His Word testifies too.

Like Paul, I know all the other first 11 Disciples followed Him, and many others after His Word testifies too that help form the first believers, but others came after then and added and subtracted from the instructions of Christ. If we desire to experience the fullness of His salvation we must follow Christ just as His first 11 chosen did and not be like Judas and betray Him.

I hope this gave you a wake-up call and you receive the power to let go of all the ashes that you need to so His resurrected power can take your soul, spirit, and body beyond your own power now, and your spirit and soul beyond hell when He calls you to your eternal home!

Outstanding post ,Vicki God bless you!

Thanks for sharing, Vicki I really appreciate it may God bless you and keep you !!!

Frederik Jacobus van den Heever

Senior Pastor at Soli Deo Gloria Bedieninge SA, CBT Counselor & Therapist at ( CBTASA). Student Counselor at Addiction Counsellor Certifications South Africa (ACCSA) Clinical Hypnotherapist

2 年


Bishop Dr Mukhtar Masih Waqas

Secretary General at Joint Executive Council Of The United Church In Pakistan. (Supreme Council)

2 年


so very true, thank you very sincerely! ???



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