The Jesus Mission

The Jesus Mission


Can I request that you first view the following TWO VIDEOS before you proceed reading the post? In the two videos lies the basis of the whole message of the post. For if otherwise [meaning, you didn’t view them first] and you’re a solid Christian, you may find yourself condemning every word you meet here as you read through the post. And I don’t want that to happen.




I am a retired person now. Some 30 years back, there’s an “INCIDENT” that happened to me that completely changed my life.

Prior to the incident, I don’t know anything about Yahweh and Paul; and I don’t have any intention to know them. I am not a preacher and I don’t intend to be a preacher; neither am I religious or spiritual. I am a Catholic but I have not been attending mass—for decades. I only know Jesus because I was a former seminarian: I studied in the seminary for four years and left when I was 16 years old. But that was a long time ago. I was 40 when the incident happened. The only part of the bible I know is the Book of Matthew, since that’s the one taught us in our Religion subject in the seminary.

It is only about 16 years after the incident that I found time to research on the meaning of that incident. That’s the only time I took hold of the bible and read it from cover to cover. Well before I started reading the bible, I had no idea—none the slightest whatsoever—of what the outcome would be from my reading.

It’s while I was reading the bible that I discovered something very unsettling. Why is Yahweh so brutal and violent, while the Father of Jesus is so loving and kind; why is Yahweh protecting only the Israelites as he destroys the non-Israelites, while the Father of Jesus loves everyone, even the enemies; and many more. As to Paul, why is Paul so focused on getting to heaven to the point of disregarding the evils in our world, while Jesus is so focused on healing the sick and helping the poor as if he’s not just after our soul, but also our life in the world?

From my reading, I concluded that: “The God of the Old Testament is not the Father of Jesus.”

From my reading, I concluded that Paul does not sing the same song that Jesus sings. Paul’s song is beautiful and soothing to the soul, except that it is not the song of Jesus. It’s like someone wrote a book about me and it’s a good book, full of praises about me, but when I read it, it’s not me. The writer’s version about me and my version about myself are not one and the same.

In and of itself, Christianity is good—but it is not Jesus. If Jesus will form a religion of his own based on the gospel, it will turn out to be entirely different from the Christianity of Paul as we now have. To get to the point, “Paul destroyed Jesus.”

In today’s Christianity, Jesus is like a Christmas tree, adorned with the teachings of Paul. It is so well adorned that you cannot see Jesus anymore as a tree. If you remove all the adornments of Paul, you will see Jesus in his purest form. And that purest form of Jesus can only be found in the Four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. All the rest of the books in the bible are pollution to the living water that is Jesus. The Four Gospels can stand alone as God’s “Complete Message of Salvation” for the world.

Jesus as the “One and Only True Messenger”is enough. We don’t need another one more messenger like Paul to come and deliver another version of salvation for the world. Paul only “paullutes” [pollutes] the gospel of Jesus.

All told, Christianity is but a veritable POLLUTION OF JESUS.

Now, I discovered all of these truths from my “one-time reading” of the bible, which led me to ask myself: “Why from among the millions of the so-called bible scholars from the time of Jesus’ death to the present time, let alone the 2.3 billion Christians around the world, no one had seen the destruction that was done by Paul and his Christianity upon the person and Mission of Jesus?”

I know the answer. I was singled out by God to be given these truths. All the truths you will read here are truths given to me by God. And it all started in that “INCIDENT” I was talking about.

That incident is “THE DREAM.”


ON THE 12TH OF NOVEMBER 1991, while I was driving, something very strange happened. The front windshield of my car suddenly burst into pieces as if a lightning had struck it, and yet, as I looked around, I could not suspect anything or anyone who could have caused it.


It was a very frightening dream indeed; in fact, it was the most frightening dream I ever had so far in my whole life.

The dream had no story in it. What I could just recall was I was somewhat thinking of what name to give an organization [what kind of an organization is that, I do not know] when, out of the blue, a most horrifying and unearthly voice thundered. The voice shouted: “THE JESUS MISSION!”

The voice came so unexpectedly and was so mysteriously big and resonating that it jolted me up from my sleep into a sitting position—panting and sweating and wondering “What is that?”


But almost exactly one year later, while I was driving again on the early morning of November 8 on my way to a seminar, a stone coming from nowhere hit the front windshield of my car so hard that it almost shattered the glass. As I looked around, there was no one or anything I could suspect the stone could have come from.


Somehow I thought there must be something exceptionally special the VOICE in my dream wanted to tell me. And yet on second thought, what is so special about “THE JESUS MISSION.” The whole world knows about the Mission of Jesus. Even a little child knows it. His Mission is “to save mankind.” Definitely, there must be something else more than this I guess, lest the Voice would not have called me.

And so I took on the Dream and started looking for Jesus.


Unfortunately, in my searching of Jesus, I could not find him. Curiously, I was born in a Christian world and yet Jesus was nowhere to be found.

I looked around and all I see are “self-seekers for personal salvation in Christ,” not “self-givers for the liberation of the world in Christ.”

All I see are people “religiously going to church to give worship to God through singing, dancing and listening to the word of God,” not people “going out into the world to give worship to God through bringing justice to the poor and oppressed children of God.”

All I see are people “watching for signs of the end of the world,” not people “loving one another as the only way to see a renewed world.”

All I see are people “avoiding evil so as not to blemish their purity at the coming of the Lord,” not people “fighting head-on all evils that are causing all the sufferings in our world.”

All I see are “countless number of Christian sects bashing each other for religious supremacy” that only succeeded in dividing the already divided people of the world.

All I see are “greed and corruption in seats of governments where leaders come one after another to plunder their nation,” instead of to “bring uplift to the lives of the people whom to serve they have sworn.”

Two thousand years have passed since Jesus came to save our world, and yet our world has gone even much more miserable than when Jesus left it.

In all of these, where is Jesus, the said Messiah of the world? What has he been doing?

Oh, God knows how hard really I have been trying to see Jesus, but I just could not find him.

As I relentlessly searched for him, finally I’ve found him!

I’ve found him in a tomb, deeply buried “beneath the two-thousand years of lies and hypocrisies” of Christianity—waiting to be resurrected by the New Disciples of the Kingdom. Indeed, all that Jesus stood and came for died with him on the cross. If the Jews killed the living Jesus, Christianity murdered the risen Christ.

And because Jesus’ Mission had long since remained buried, Jesus had not really overcome the world—as he said he had—much less renewed it. All we see around us is exactly the opposite of renewal: A world doomed to an inevitable destruction.

Truly, from all fronts—be it in the political, in the economic, in the social, or in the spiritual—the little ones of God remained oppressed and ever shepherd-less, deadly crying for a Messiah. But no Messiah comes!

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – [Matthew 9:35-38]


Paul has many fears and insecurities about the acceptability of his own Gospel of Christ. He is basically afraid that someone may come and preach another Jesus different from the Jesus he preaches, turning his Gospel of Christ “UPSIDE DOWN.” Paul said:

I am surprised at how quickly you have abandoned God who called you according to the grace of Christ, and have gone to another gospel. Indeed, there is no other gospel, but some people who are sowing confusion among you WANT TO TURN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST UPSIDE DOWN. – [[Galatians 1:6-9]

Unfortunately, Paul’s fears did come true. Somebody indeed came and succeeded in turning the Gospel of Christ “UPSIDE DOWN” that wholly captured the minds and hearts of all the Christians. Surprisingly, that man who did it was no other than—Paul himself. He did it so wonderfully that no Christian would even dare suspect about it. In the words of Paul—

We do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. – [Corinthians 4:2]


The following are the “TWELVE DESTRUCTION” that was done by Paul’s Christianity upon the person and Mission of Jesus:


Christianity presented a God who is not the Father of Jesus. In other words, the God of the Old Testament is not the Father of Jesus.


There is only ONE TRUE GOD—no other!

Unfortunately, that one true God is not the “Yahweh of the Jews” but the “Father of Jesus.”

The “Yahweh of the Jews as revealed by Moses to the Israelites” and the “God that Jesus revealed to the world and whom Jesus called his Father” are not one and the same as the whole Christian world had maliciously taken them to be. Yahweh is for the Jews alone, whereas the Father of Jesus is for the world.

And who is the FATHER OF JESUS?

The Father of Jesus is the “One True God”who revealed himself through his Son Jesus. Because of his perfect likeness and oneness with Jesus, God practically sent himself into the world through his Son Jesus. Nobody knows our Father in heaven except his Son Jesus.

The truth is: If not for the coming of his Son Jesus, we would never have known about the “One True God” and the “One God sent” to save the world—Jesus the Messiah.


Christianity founded her teachings mainly on the epistles of Paul, not on the gospel of Jesus. Now since Paul’s teachings are different from Jesus’s teachings, Paul destroyed Jesus!


Jesus came to set the world free with TWO BASIC TRUTHS:

1. That his Father—not the Yahweh of the Jews or any other gods—is the “One True God”;

2. That he—Jesus—is “the Messiah” sent by his Father to bring fullness of life to the world.

But then came the Apostle Paul and concocted his own “Gospel of Salvation” that practically turned Jesus and his true Mission for the world upside down.

Unfortunately, the world falls for his Gospel. And the world suffers.

The Apostle Paul is the most destructive force that has ever fallen upon Jesus and his true Mission for the world. The earlier we can resurrect Jesus from the Gospel of Paul, the better for the life of the world.


Christianity presented a most confusing bible and called it—the Word of God.


The whole Christian Bible is a hodgepodge of conflicting stories and doctrines that it can spawn up a million and one sects where no two sects can be seen exactly alike.

And that is precisely what has happened with our Christianity—the most confusing religion in the world with a thousand and one competing sects, and with a thousand and one more new sects to come.

Indeed, the Bible, taken in its entirety, is a veritable corruption of the Word of God.

Jesus is the one and only true “LIVING WORD OF GOD”—no other. And only through him can the world be set free—not by any wisdom of any man.

All the pure and living truths about Jesus are to be found exclusively in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Gospel of the four authors can stand alone as the “Complete Message of Salvation of God” for the world.

Hence, if we want to know about the true “LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF JESUS,” meet Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John—not in the corrupted version of Paul’s.

But if we want to find true “LIFE IN JESUS,” meet Jesus in his Mission. Only by following Jesus in his Mission, can we see fullness of life.


Christianity mainly saw Jesus as God, others as man, and still others as teacher but never a God.


The Father of Jesus is the only one true God. And he has only one person—not three.

As the son of the king shares in the ‘royalty’ of his father but not in his father’s person, so do Jesus and the Holy Spirit share in the ‘divinity’ of God, but not in God’s person.

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three distinct and separate persons sharing in one divinity, with the Father of Jesus as being the “Almighty God,” Jesus as being the “Divine Son of God,” and the Holy Spirit as being the “Divine Spirit of God.”

Another thing, Jesus is inherently divine—not human. He is divine—made man, not man—made divine.

And even during the time that he was living in the world as man, his divinity was yet all perfectly intact with him—as God’s Son.


Christianity made Jesus’ Mission as taking people to heaven, instead of bringing heaven to the world.


Jesus, the Son of God, came primarily for one Mission. His mission is “to do the will of God.”

The will of God is not for Jesus to take the people of the world to the kingdom of heaven, more than to bring the kingdom of heaven to the people of the world.

It is a kind of world where “not a single soul ought to be found wanting in the enjoyment of the basic needs and rights to live with full human dignity as a child of God,” for such is the righteousness and justice of God.

And in order for the kingdom of God to happen in our world, Jesus gave the world a command: “Love one another as I have loved you.”

It is a kind of love where “he who needs help, must be helped, and he who can help, must help”—like one brother and sister in God.

Whoever shall follow Jesus in this “Mission of Life” of his for the world shall be rewarded with a most bountiful life in this present age and an eternal life in the world to come. Jesus simply calls it—“FULLNESS OF LIFE.”


Christianity treated life on earth like burden, not gift, while life in heaven as gift, not reward.


The “life of man on earth”is the GIFT, while the “life eternal of man in heaven” is the REWARD.

Life on earth is considered a GIFT because we did not have to earn it to have it; God gave it to us so freely and unconditionally without us ever having the opportunity to even ask for it.

On the other hand, life eternal in heaven is a REWARD because it is something we have to deserve in order to have. Only those who are doing the will of God may receive it. And by the grace of God, may we all receive it.

Nonetheless, for all the infinite beauty of the reward, may we all live for the GIFT, not the REWARD, lest we negate this most beautiful life on earth—“the greatest gift we have ever received from God.”


Christianity turned Jesus’ Mission of Life into a church.


Jesus commanded that we follow him in his Mission in order “to save,” not enter a Christian church in order “to be saved.”

Following Jesus is a “discipleship for world liberation,” not “church membership for personal salvation.”

Where people are gathered to give worship to God through ceremonial chanting, singing, dancing, listening to a sermon, and offering money for the life of the church, there you can find the Christian CHURCH OF PAUL. On the other hand, where people are gathered to give care and help to one another for the glory of God, there you can find the CHURCH OF JESUS.

Indeed, the true church of Jesus is a TOOL to bring life to the world, more than a PLACE where we can go and save our individual souls.

We are basically made by God in the service of one another. If we want to have a “personal relationship with God,” we go out into the world and give our share in the helping of the least of our brothers and sisters in God—not lock ourselves up within the four walls of the church, just we and God, even as we ignore the cries of the poor and oppressed around us.

On Judgment Day, we shall be judged not on what great things we have done unto ourselves, more than on what great things we have done unto one another that brought glory to God.

Receiving Jesus in our hearts is receiving his Mission to renew the world, rather than taking our position as one that is already saved in the world.


Christianity turned God and Jesus into a religion, never to meddle in state affairs, much less rule the world.


Having treated God as a religion, Christianity has effectively made God irrelevant to the material world.

God is LIFE, not RELIGION. Where there is life, there is God. Where there is no life, God is there to give life. And it is primarily because of the lack of life in the world that God sent his only begotten Son: Not to condemn the world, but to give it life.

Furthermore, we cannot lock up God and Jesus in church and confine them within the bounds of spirituality, never to meddle in the political affairs of men. All the affairs in the world are God’s. A separation of church and state is a separation of God from his people. God, Jesus, and the people of the world are inseparably one.

Lastly, we often say God is Almighty. Yet, if he is Almighty, why is it the self-seeking men in sheep’s clothing who are at the helm ruling the world—and not God? God must rule the world! From his Mission shall arise “NEW CAESARS” to renew the world. New Caesars, New World!


Christianity teaches salvation through Jesus’ blood and resurrection, rather than through repentance and doing Jesus’ Mission.


Jesus’ blood on the cross did not—even a drop—cleanse us of our sins. For if this is true, then the unrepentant criminal hanging there on the cross beside Jesus had also been saved, just as the other criminal who had repented.

Jesus lived because he wanted us to live to the fullest by showing us the way, the truth, and the life. He died because he wanted to show us how committed was he in bringing us that fullness of life.

In the spirit of the covenant he made with his disciples, Jesus poured out his blood for all those who would put their faith in him, repent, and be co-workers in his Mission. Unless we repent and follow him, even a thousand deaths of Jesus could never ever save us from our sins.

Truly, Jesus gave up his life for his Mission. It is his Mission—more than his death on the cross—that will save the world, so much so that even without his death on the cross, the Mission shall save the world!

And Jesus’ saving of the world does not consist of caring for man’s spiritual life while throwing man’s physical being to the mercy of the evil world, but of bringing dignity to man’s temporal life, as well as redemption to his eternal soul.

In the final analysis, it shall be “our own death and resurrection” from our own wickedness and selfishness that may save us, not the “death and resurrection”of our Lord Jesus.

As sure as we shall all leave this earth, all our “sufferings” on earth shall forever stay unless we all unite and work together to liberate the world, as all our “sins” shall too remain unforgiven unless we all repent—regardless of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.


Christianity made God and Jesus servants of man, rather than masters of man.


God is our Lord and Master and we are but his servants. Our duty is to serve him, not he to serve us.

Whenever we face God in our prayers, may it be for the reason that there is something good we have done lately that we wanted to report to him, more than we have some new problems again for him to solve or new wishes again for him to grant.

If we were to treat God like our ever faithful and loving Servant who is always there at our beck and call, then on Judgment Day, instead of him judging us on things we have done for him, it is we who would be judging him on things we have asked from him but which he did not do or grant.

God is all powerful. And because he is all-powerful, there is nothing that we will ask from him that he cannot give or do.

God is also ever loving and merciful. And because he is ever loving and merciful, there is nothing we need in life that he will not have the heart to give or do.

But God is also ever fair and just. And because he is ever fair and just, there are things we would be asking from him that he will not oblige us, lest by doing so he will be spoiling us.


Christianity looked to reading the Bible as finding life, to the neglect of Law of Nature that governs all life.


Christianity taught her faithful into putting all their trust in the miracles of God through his Divine Providence, more than in the miracles of the Law of Nature through our Perfect Obedience.

There is only one law governing the life in the world: God’s LAW OF NATURE. The Law of Nature is the Law of Life. They who obey the Law shall be rewarded with peace, harmony, and prosperity. Inversely, they who disobey the Law shall be punished with endless conflict, disunity, and poverty—regardless of their faith in God. For faith in God without regard for the good dictates of Nature, is at all a faith in no God.

Obeying the Law of Nature is obeying God, for indeed the Law of Nature is God.

Life on earth is not governed by profession of faith in God, more than by obedience to the Law of Life. The Law of Life has not been so designed by God as to recognize lip-servers, but only followers to her good dictates.

Having faith in God ought not to be trusting that God will always provide even against all odds, but rather trusting that for as long as we remain faithful to the good dictates of Nature, God shall never fail to provide.

Our obedience to Nature is our passageway to the good graces of God. Jesus himself showed us the Way of Nature: “Love one another as I have loved you.” It is the whole gist of every good dictate there is in Nature. From loving one another shall sprout the kingdom of God.

The whole essence of God’s Law of Nature is only one: PROMOTION OF LIFE. Jesus is the perfect embodiment of the law. Obeying the law is following Jesus; following Jesus is finding Life.


Christianity prostituted God’s name into a most lucrative business under the guise of spreading the Gospel of Christ.


God is life, not money. Never ever will God be needing or asking for money. He owns the whole world, why will he. Worship God with life, not with money.

Any church that demands contributions or tithes from her faithful, saying that they are God’s share, and yet that very God’s share did not go to God but to the satisfaction of her self-esteem, greed, and flesh is prostituting—not worshiping—the Holy Name of God.

The true Church of Jesus exists to bring life to the world. And there will be no life in this world for as long as there is poverty and oppression in our world. For this, she shall seek out all wealth and power and truth to liberate the poor and oppressed from the clutches of the evil world. Therefore, any money given to the church that did not go to serving the cause of the poor and oppressed in our world is money that went to church, never to God.

All churches that prostitute the Holy Name of God for their own personal enrichment shall give an account of it on Judgment Day. And may we, who continue to tolerate such evil act, be spared from such inevitable damnation.


While Jesus will be focusing on “bringing the kingdom of God to earth” so there will be no more sufferings in the world, Paul is focusing on “taking the faithful to the kingdom of God in heaven.”

To Jesus, heaven is a “reward” for helping him in his Mission of bringing life to the world; to Paul, heaven is a “gift”from God for believing in the name of Jesus.

While Jesus is teaching “selflessness” to each other, Paul is teaching people to be “self-seekers” in Christ.

While Jesus means his followers “to fight” all evils, lies, and hypocrisies in the world, Paul means his followers “to stay away” from all evils, lies and hypocrisies, lest their bodies be stained when they present themselves to the Lord.

Inevitably, the FRUIT OF PAUL’S CHRISTIANITY is this kind of world that we now have—a world full of self-seekers in salvation, none in the missionary works of Christ.

It is “sweet fruit of affluence” for the leaders of the church, and “bitter fruit of continuing oppression and exploitation” for the ever shepherd-less poor and oppressed people of God. Jesus said:

“A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” – [Matthew 7:18]

Had the early Christians only held on to the “true teachings of Jesus” right from the very outset, the world would have long since been set free. Unfortunately, many self-proclaimed messengers from God came one after another to adulterate the living waterthat is Jesus.

This religion called “Christianity” is simply anti-life. This “fig tree” ought to be cut down now! “Why should it use up the ground”? Jesus said:

“A man had a FIG TREE growing in his vineyard and he came looking for fruit on it, but found none. Then he said to the gardener: ‘Look here, for three years now I have been looking for FRUIT on this tree and I have found none. Cut it down, why should it use up the ground?’ The gardener replied: ‘Leave it one more year, so that I may dig around it and add some fertilizers; and perhaps it will bear fruit from now on. BUT IF IT DOESN’T YOU CAN CUT IT DOWN.” – [Luke 13:6-9]

The world is deep in wickedness, corruption, and suffering mainly because of the betrayal done by Paul’s Christianity upon the person and Mission of Jesus. The world that Jesus came upon two thousand years ago is still pretty much the same kind of world that we now have where at the center you will still very much find the SELF, being worshiped, glorified, and pampered—not GOD.

Consider how the Christians are contributing to the ruin of our world by putting all their hopes in the life they are to inherit above, instead of facing boldly the iniquities that are hurting our world. Would you still wonder why poverty and oppression are at their worst in countries where Paul’s Christianity is predominant?

Oh God, what has Paul’s Christianity done to your Son Jesus!

What a pity to see a Jesus, supposedly leaving the saved ninety-nine to seek out the lost one, becoming a Jesus who turns his back on the lost one to care for the saved ninety-nine, lest the ninety-nine, too, may be lost as the other one.

What a pity to see people being led to church to save their souls, instead of being sent into the harvest field to fight head on all evil and corruption to save the lost and the suffering souls.

What a pity to see church buildings standing almost everywhere even in the midst of great poverty and oppression, instead of seeing the righteousness and justice of God where there is poverty, corruption and oppression.

What a pity to see a poor widow giving all she has to live on, just so she can feed her church, instead of seeing the moneyed church helping out the poor widow from her miseries and misfortunes.

What a pity to see people caring only for their fellow brothers and sisters in the faith, instead of caring for one another regardless of the differences in our faith.


Paul has so smoothly ingrained his adulterated GOSPEL OF CHRIST in the hearts and minds of the whole Christian world that when the TRUE PURE LIVING WATER did finally come, the Christians readily rejected it as “utterly rubbish, idiocy, and fake.”

Jesus has never been remiss in warning the world about the coming of FALSE PROPHETS TO DISTORT HIM AND HIS MISSION. He said—

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. BY THEIR FRUIT YOU WILL RECOGNIZE THEM.” -- [Matthew 7:15-16]

Still, we are found na?ve in knowing and rejecting them—even if their bad fruits of “sin, corruption, poverty and oppression” are already right there inside our own backyards.

“See, I have told you everything ahead of time.” -- [Matthew 24:25]


If you believe in Jesus and not in Yahweh and Paul anymore, how will you be called now? Can you still be called a “Christian”? Christianity denotes beliefs in the combined teachings of Yahweh, Jesus, and Paul as embodied in the Christian bible from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. Certainly, there must be a separate name for a group of people who now believe only in Jesus and in the Gospel of the four authors.

You shall be called a “New Disciple of the Kingdom.” You belong to the Organization that God has set up which he called “THE JESUS MISSION”—[“TJM” for short].

That is the full import of the Dream I had on that day of November 12, 1991. The Voice of God told me to found an organization to be called “THE JESUS MISSION” whose followers are totally freed from any of the stain of the dirt and pollution of Christianity and whose sole basis of teachings is the Gospel of the four authors—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

All said, the Dream started the “BIRTH OF THE JESUS MISSION.”


TJM is an organization founded by God. It is composed of people whose duty is to serve as co-workers of Jesus in his “MISSION OF LIFE” for the world. It is not a RELIGION, as God is not a religion—but LIFE.

GOD is not a religion that as if “when there is no religion, there is no God.” God is far above and beyond everything as to be called a religion.

God is life. Where the life of the world is concerned, God is there. He is in the politics of life, in the economics of life, in the socials of life, in the ecology of life, in the morals of life, in the education of life, in the sports of life, in the business of life, in the spirituality of life—in all aspects of life, God is there.

Where there is life, there is God. Where there is no life, God is there to give life. And it is primarily because of the lack of life in the world that God sent his only begotten Son: Not to condemn the world, but to give it life in all its fullness.

God is “ALL” as to be simply confined in a spiritual box called “religion” and be housed in a religious abode called “church or temple.” The whole world is life; the whole world is God.

Faith in God and Jesus is not “FAITH IN RELIGION” but “FAITH IN LIFE.”

Therefore, propagating God and Jesus is propagating life—not religion. All religions [called by any other name] that propagate the life that comes from God are in oneness with God. God sent his Son, not to clean the world of all religions in order to give way to his own, but to destroy all evils that hinder the life from being fully enjoyed by everyone.

For if God is a religion, then he is JUST ANOTHER RELIGION amongst the hundreds of thousands of competing religions there are in the world.

If God is a religion, then he exclusively belongs to the realm of the spiritual and the supernatural, not of the physical and the natural world. Confining God in a religion within the four walls of a church edifice is one of the most unforgivable acts of wickedness man could ever commit against the person of God. And yet man is endlessly doing it.

If the world were to continue setting God aside as a mere religion with no business and authority in the overall physical and natural aspects of the life of men, who would yet ever need a God? No wonder, in our real world, God has been increasingly becoming irrelevant—if not, nonexistent.

God is LOVE—and love is not a religion. God is JUSTICE—and justice is not a religion. God is RIGHTEOUSNESS—and righteousness is not a religion. God is MERCY—and mercy is not a religion. God is LIBERATION—and liberation is not a religion.

When God created man, there was no religion. What the world had then was life. Whereas God created life and put man in it, man created a religion and put God in it. If you want to find God, find him in life.

“Don’t have a religion, have God.” When you have God, you have life. But when you have a religion, you have a division. In a division, there is no life.

If God would ever be a religion, it will not be Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism or whatever—but life. All religions in the world whose object is life through love—are God’s. On the other hand, all religions whose object is not life, is against God. Jesus said:

“He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters.”— [Luke 11:23]

Religions are founded on DOCTRINES. All religions in the world—including Christianity—have their own respective sets of doctrines to found their faith on—which in many cases are too unearthly, voluminous, and so mysterious that they invite more questions than answers.

Surprisingly, when the Son of God came into the world, he carries with him only one basic doctrine on which to found his Mission: “LOVE.” It is earthly applicable, simple, and understandable. AND IT IS NOT A RELIGION.

For as long as the world maintains that the alleged TRUE RELIGION OF GOD is Christianity, and that Christianity is the religion the world must embrace—expect no peace, unity, and brotherhood of men to happen in our world till kingdom come. For as sure as the world is round, Islam will forever remain as Islam, Buddhism as Buddhism, Judaism as Judaism, Hinduism as Hinduism, and all the other religions of the world forever remaining as they are, including all the thousand and one more religions to sprout up in all the years to come. If anything, expect rather greater enmity, bloodshed, and division of men.

It is LOVE OVER RELIGIONS, not Christianity over other religions. God and the One he sent are LOVE. Only LOVE can unite the world. Without the “LOVE that is Jesus and God,” the world can do nothing.

Religion is a FENCE. Fences are made to separate and divide. And so are religions. Religions separate followers from non-followers. Worse, many of the religions I have known came to love and protect their faithful to the discrimination of outsiders, just like what the Yahweh of the Jews did to the non-Jews. More religions of this kind, more fences. More fences, more separations and divisions and discrimination. And because these religions are for separation and division and discrimination, they are anti-life. And because they are anti-life, they are anti-Jesus [regardless if the religion was even named after Jesus Christ]. And because they are anti-Jesus, these religions are—in and of themselves—SINS. Followers of a religion of this kind are “followers of sin.” All religions that meant to separate and divide the people of God are scourges to our world—they are religions of Satan, using the name of God; the world will be far much better off without them.

But Jesus too is a DIVISION. For he said:

“Do you think that I came to bring PEACE on earth? No, I tell you, but DIVISION. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” – [Luke 12:51-53]

But Jesus’ division is not between his own alleged religion [said to be Christianity] and the other existing religions in the world. Rather, Jesus’ division is a division between his “self-giving love” and the “self-seeking love” of the world; between the “peace that he gives” and the “peace that the world gives”; between the “life that comes from God” and the “life that comes from the self-seeking world”; between the “one true God” and the “false gods” of the world; and between the “Messiah God has sent” and the “false messiahs and prophets” that have come.

In other words, Jesus divided the world into two: The righteous and the upright on the one side, the lost and the sinful on the other side. To all the lost and sinful, he would come to give life, “life which for humans was also light,” and then “there will be ONE FLOCK under one Shepherd—Jesus the Messiah.”

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. – [John 10:14-16]

TJM will propagate God as LIFE, not RELIGION. It is only then that we may possibly ever attain that most elusive dream of finding our world living as one brother and sister in God without ever having to even give up whatever religious faith each one of us may have of God. For in the final analysis, there really is no such thing as brothers and sisters in the faith in the eyes of God, only brothers and sisters in God.

“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. – [Matthew 23:8-12]

Is religion “SACRED” and life “SECULAR”? Or is it “LIFE” that is sacred, and “RELIGION” that is secular. Was it not man that made religion, and God that made life? God gave us life, man gave us religion. Life comes from God, and religion comes from man. Man fashioned a religion under the inspiration of God, whereas God created life under the inspiration of his love for man. Man can be denied his man-made religion but never his God-given life.

Man sculpted statues in his own visualized image of God and called them “sacred”; whereas God sculpted man in his own image and man called it “secular.”

I tell you, life is far more sacred than all the religious objects, gestures, and rituals we could fabricate in worship of God. In fact, of all the things that God created, life is the most sacred one. Why should it not be: It was God’s mind that designed it, God’s hands that shaped it, and God’s spirit that he breathed into it. It is the denial of life on earth that will be the “secularization and desecration of God.”

“Liberating life” from the oppression of the wicked world will be the most sacred thing we can do to worship our Maker—in spirit and in truth.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” –[John 4:23]


The TJM creed rests on the following “TEN TRUTHS” that shall set the world free:

  1. There is only ONE TRUE GOD.

That one true God is the God as revealed to the world by Jesus whom he called “his Father”— not the Yahweh as revealed to the Israelites by Moses.

Jesus said:

“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” – John 17:23 [NIV]

2. There is only ONE TRUE MESSIAH.

That one true Messiah is Jesus. He is the purest personification of what is LOVE. Only through him and his kind of LOVE could we ever attain the liberation of life.

Jesus said:

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6 [NIV]

3. There is only ONE TRUE WORD OF GOD.

That one true word of God is Jesus himself as we find him in the Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and nowhere else in the Bible. Among all the books in the Bible, the Gospel can stand alone as the complete message of God’s salvation for the world. Remove all the books in the bible except the Gospel and you are left with the purest, unadulterated Word of God.

Jesus said:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.”— John 15:5 [NIV]


That one true mission of Jesus is the bringing of the fullness of life [a life that is both ‘liberated in the body’ and ‘saved in the soul’] which he delivered in his own blood.

Jesus said:

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10 [NIV]


That one true way is “for us to love and care for one another as one brothers and sisters in God,” even as we fight to defeat all evils of Satan that are causing all the sins and sufferings in our world.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35 [NIV]


That one true way is: “Let they who need help, be helped, while they who can help, help.”

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Matthew 9:37-38 [NIV]


That one best way is for all the caring people to organize and unite as one big power, and work hard to put Caesars of God at the helm of each and every government in the world.

“Let me illustrate this further. Who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods? Only someone even stronger—someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house.” – Mark 3:27 [New Living Translation]


That one true way is to repent and follow Jesus in his Mission of Life for the world, not the redemption through Jesus’ blood and resurrection.

"Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." – Mark 10:21 [NIV]


That one true life is the life that comes from our self-giving God, not the life that comes from our self-seeking world where at the center of things you will find the SELF, not GOD.

“Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity.” – John 12:25 [New Living Translation]

10. There is only ONE TRUE CHURCH OF JESUS.

That one true church of Jesus is the community of Disciples in Christ who worship God, not by going to church to sing and dance and listen to empty homilies of pastors or priests, but by relentlessly pursuing Jesus’ Mission of liberating and saving the world till freedom for the lost, the poor, and the oppressed shall have been won for the true worship and glory of God through his Son Jesus the Messiah.

"But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.” – John 4:23 [NIV]


The Mission of Jesus is a MISSION OF LIFE—life in all its fullness. He said:

“I have come that they may have life, life in all its fullness.” – [John 10:10]

That, too, is the very Mission of TJM: “To bring fullness of life to the world where not a single soul ought to be found wanting in the enjoyment of the basic needs and rights to live with full human dignity, respect, and honor as a child of God”—for such is the righteousness and justice of God.

There are “FOUR STRATEGIES” to make this “MISSION OF LIFE” of Jesus happen:

  1. The Strategy of TRUTH

Know all the truths that Jesus has delivered to the world in his own blood to free the innocent people from getting exploited to the hilt by the unscrupulous among us. Ignorance of Jesus’ truths is like a carcass. Jesus said:

“Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.” – [Matthew 24:28].

In like manner—“Wherever there is ignorance, there the hypocrites and the corrupt will gather.”

By knowing all the truths of Jesus, it will be easier for us to discern the pretenses of the hypocrites and the corrupt. If we have pity on the innocent people they are furtively victimizing, at our slightest discovery, expose them loud and clear to the whole world—as Jesus did. Let us not be afraid to do it. Be afraid, rather, if we don’t. Jesus said:

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” – [Matthew 10:28]

2. The Strategy of ORGANIZATION

Jesus said:

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” - [Matthew 18:18-20]

ORGANIZATION is POWER! The bigger the size of the organization, the greater the power she packs. The greater the power she packs, the greater her fighting chance to overcome her enemies. In fact, it is “the only power” that can effectively eliminate greed and corruption being perpetrated in many governments today around the world.

Allow me to illustrate ‘THE POWER OF ORGANIZATION.’

Go to the street and speak up at your loudest against greed and corruption in the government. Will you attract listeners? I bet none, other than yourself.

But what if you make it “TEN OF YOU,” can you expect to draw some listeners now? Still, I doubt.

How about making it “A HUNDRED OF YOU”? My guess is you can only succeed in inviting kibitzers, not listeners.

Why not make it “A THOUSAND OF YOU.” Uhum, you may now be arousing the curiosity of some media people—perhaps.

Now, make it “TEN THOUSAND OF YOU.” Aha! It works. The media people are now swarming around you. There is a ‘but’ though. What is this ‘but’? The greedy and the corrupt you are targeting by your denunciation are but just laughing at you.

Now, this time, make it “A HUNDRED THOUSAND OF YOU.” Humm, now you are somewhat connecting. But just the same, the greedy and the corrupt yet just smile at you.

But what if it is already “A MILLION OF YOU.” Superb! You have now made your targets uneasy in their seats.

For good measure, make it “TEN MILLION OF YOU.” Excellent! Your targets are now breaking out in a cold sweat and initiating a dialogue with you.

Push your limits further and make it “A HUNDRED MILLION OF YOU.” Alas! The greedy and the corrupt are not dialoguing with you anymore. Why? You have all but removed them. And the seats of power are now in the hands of God—courtesy of you.


Renewing the world is like a STICK. Get a single stick and use it to clean up the dirty floor of even a small room. I bet even a whole day will not be enough to clean up even half of the room. But bundle up a good number of sticks together and use it to clean up even a much bigger room, I bet, in practically no time at all, you have cleaned up the entire room.

The answer to sweeping up the ills and evils in our world is the UNITY OF GOOD-HEARTED MEN IN BODY, HEART, and SOUL. The greater the unity, the faster we can renew the world.

“NO ORGANIZATIONAL UNITY, NO RENEWAL!” This easily translates into a continuing evil and suffering happening in our world for all time to come. That’s too bad for the billions of people across the globe who have long been waiting for a Messiah to lift them up from their most wretched destitution.

And may we not ever make the mistake of resorting to praying to God that he simply come down and start destroying all evil, for God will not. And if ever God were to do so, he might be destroying all of us—for we have all been short of his righteousness and expectation.

We are the hands of God. The evil that we ignore in the world is the evil that we allow in the world.

Let’s seek to RECRUIT the whole world! The accumulated might of the organization ought to reach the proportion of “God fighting Satan.”

The ORGANIZATION shall start with ‘JESUS’ as the POWER OF ONE. From the power of one, comes the power of size. From the power of size, comes the economic-political-and-spiritual power. From the economic-political-and-spiritual power, comes the liberation of the poor and the oppressed and the lost. From the liberation of the poor and the oppressed and the lost, comes the kingdom of God on earth. From the coming of the kingdom of God on earth, comes the fulfillment of the will of God.

The kingdom of God on earth is not a community of religious believers, more than believers in human dignity, honor, and respect, all fighting in unity for the glory of God through LOVE who is Jesus.

I tell you, when you help a neighbor in need, God is not looking at your religion nor your lack of religion. Rather, he is looking at your heart. The grace of God rests on the color of our hearts, not on the color of our faiths and lips.

3. The Strategy of BROTHERHOOD

Let us put up—not churches—but “JESUS MISSION CENTERS” in every poor community throughout the world where the hungry can come in to be fed, the sick to be healed, the homeless to be sheltered, the abandoned to be cared for, the wronged to be afforded justice, the stricken to be comforted, the unschooled to be educated, and the crooked to be made straight.

The guiding rule of the world ought to be:

Let they who need help—be helped, while they who can help—help.

Let the world operate like a WATERFALL. The waterfall remains to be a waterfall for as long as it continuously gives out, as it continuously receives. The moment the cycle gets broken, it ceases to be called a waterfall anymore—but a dry land.

Let life be a continuing act of helping one another. The moment any group withhold their helping hands, life ceases to be called life anymore—but a curse we all must bear.

And it seems this is exactly the kind of world we are witnessing today: “A world where people live on their own, with their own, and for their own alone.” Result? Poverty and oppression for the slow, meek, and honest; but affluence and power for the fast, smart, and corrupt.

‘HELPING ONE ANOTHER’ is the everlasting solution to the problem of poverty and oppression. Yet, for all the beauty of helping one another, there is that far greater one—SOVEREIGNTY.

4. The Strategy of SOVEREIGNTY

In the hands of governments of nations lies the “liberation of the world” from the powerful clutches of evil that are driving people to extreme poverty and oppression. The governments of nations have been given all the power by their people to use up all their talents, time, energy, and resources to seeing to it that all the basic human needs and rights of the people are met. And there is no government that lacks in the talents, the time, the energy, and the resources needed to free their people from the bondage of poverty and oppression if only they would will it. The only possible hindrance to the liberation of the people is when the very people mandated by the populace to liberate them turn out to become their very own oppressors through their leaders’ inefficiency, self-centeredness, and greed.

The logic of Nature dictates that if we remove leaders who work for the interest of ‘SELF’ and replace them with those who would work for the interest of ‘GOD,’ should we not produce for us a kingdom of heaven on earth? Jesus said—

“Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” – [Matthew 16:23]

‘THE MISSION OF LIFE’ of Jesus is to be the soul and body of the world. She will be at the forefront fighting the evil forces in our world. She will be in the political arena, not as a counselor or mediator, but as the direct administrator of the affairs of the world. Truly, from her shall arise NEW CAESARS OF THE WORLD. The Caesars of God shall conquer the world and rid it of all kinds of injustices. The reins of the world ought to be in the hands of the New Caesars of the world!

Asking for money from the rich to give to the poor is an ‘ant’s approach’ to dealing with the gargantuan socio-economic problems of the world. The problems ought to be approached with the massiveness of the elephants. “POWER IS THE ANSWER!”

In the final analysis, putting shepherds with the heart and mind and soul of Jesus at the helm of every government in the world is the only real, final, and fastest answer to all the ills and sufferings in our world. Merely talking about love, peace, and justice, wishing about them, praying for them, and seriously calling on God’s Providence to grant them—will not get us anywhere. Two thousand years are more than enough. God did not make the world to work that way.

“A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’

“‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’”—[Luke 13:6-9]

The poor, the hungry, and the oppressed among us cannot wait much any longer. Sufferings are getting more unbearable, as sins are getting more atrocious each day. We are the hands of God, not the other way around. It’s high time that we put the MEN OF THE KINGDOM where the light and the salt of the earth ought to be. And let us work for it now, while “the tree is yet green.”

A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ Then they will say to the mountains, ‘Fall on us!’ and to the hills, ‘Cover us!’ For if people do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” – [Luke 23:27-31]

The New Disciples of the Kingdom shall form their own political party to be called—“THE JESUS MISSION OF LIFE PARTY.” It will be God’s answer to the cries and woes of all the downtrodden in the world. Jesus said—

“Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and THE GOOD NEWS IS PROCLAIMED TO THE POOR. Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.” – [Matthew 11:4-6]


Certainly not! If it is possible for a handful of greedy men of wealth and power to bring untold sufferings to billions of people in the world, it is possible too for a handful of God-centered disciples in Christ to turn the world around and make it a veritable kingdom of God on earth for every living soul. Jesus said—

“What is impossible with man is possible with God.” – [Luke 18:24-27]



We cannot expect the dyed-in-the-wool wolves among our leaders today to become lambs, or the holy hypocrites of Satan to become angels of God. That will never happen. The countdown to a new beginning of real truth, real way, and real life in the world shall be triggered by a community of new people with new hearts. They shall emerge from the ruins of crooked, twisted, and corrupted word of God and shall effect a lasting change for the world founded on the justice and righteousness of God. It is they who shall make the kingdom of God on earth happen! NEW PEOPLE, NEW WORLD! Jesus said:

“No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. If he does, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse. And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours NEW WINE into NEW WINESKINS.” – [Mark 2:21-22]

These NEW PEOPLE are WE—the New Disciples of Jesus, followers of THE JESUS MISSION. It is we who shall resurrect Jesus and his Mission of Life from the 2,000 years of lies and hypocrisies of Christianity to usher in a NEW WORLD.

Today is the day of our Lord!



ARE YOU LIKE JESUS who boils up when he sees injustices, like he who is meek and honest is he who is suffering in life, while he who is evil and corrupt is he who is enjoying all the blessings in life?

ARE YOU LIKE JESUS who could not stand seeing the political manipulators championing the cause of the poor but behind people’s back, they plunder people’s money without scruple; or the holy hypocrites preaching the word of God but behind their people’s back, they use up all the money they have collected in luxuries, instead of using it to alleviate the sufferings of the least of our brothers and sisters in God?

ARE YOU LIKE JESUS who believes that when the world is to be ruled by flesh and stomach, it could bring untold poverty and oppression to a great many, but when ruled with a heart of God, it could usher in for everyone peace and prosperity?

ARE YOU LIKE JESUS who looks at evil and asks why is it here and why do we allow it to stay here with us and pester our lives forever?

ARE YOU LIKE JESUS who dreams that, one day, all the injustices in the world would be things of the past; and that, one day, the world would be living in peace and prosperity where everyone can be seen caring for one another like one brothers and sisters in God?

ARE YOU LIKE JESUS who would feel guilty if he shall have completed his life without having done anything to make this dream come true?

ARE YOU ALSO LIKE JESUS who believes we can make it all happen if only we could unite as one to make it happen?

IF YOU ARE LIKE JESUS in all of his beliefs and aspirations, can we join him in his ‘Mission of Life” for the world’?

Whoever you are, and whatever nationality, age, sex, religion, and stature you are in, Jesus is inviting you to join him in his movement of BRINGING THE KINGDOM OF GOD to earth that all may enjoy the fullness of life, especially those who have been left out in the race of life. Remember, you are not starting a RELIGION; rather, you are renewing LIFE, for Jesus and God are NOT RELIGION, but LIFE.

It is high time that we seek the renewal of our world, for if we do not--

1st: Tell me, what kind of a world shall we turn over to our children when we depart?

2nd: What, if in the next life, God sends us back to earth and puts us in the bodies of the very people whose cries for help we have ignored in our lives?

3rd: What if our own wheels of fortune changed and it is now our turn to be seeking help, but help does come not?

4th: How sure are we that there is no God? If there is, can we justify ourselves before the presence of God?

5th: Come Judgment Day, what if God does the same: “We, begging for forgiveness, but God, hearing not?”

6th: Where is the beauty of living with endless fears and anxieties in our hearts every time we go out?

7th: Don’t we get tired of working hard to build a life all on our own, when we could build a one big beautiful world for everyone?

8th: Are we happy seeing injustices without end? Can we stand the never-ending sight of blood of crimes and violence, and the piercing cries of all kinds of agony and pain?

For the sake of our love for our Father in heaven and his son Jesus Christ, as well as for the sake of our love for our very own children for all the generations to come—may we all put a stop to all of these injustices and life-impairing hypocrisies and oppression being dealt upon us by this most self-seeking world of ours!

With the aid of the Holy Spirit, it is well within our hands and means to make the kingdom of God happen. It is as realizable as the seed we could plant to grow up into a full-blown fruit-bearing tree, or the child we could raise to grow up to be a good disciple in Jesus. All it takes is for the people of the kingdom to “WORK AS ONE IN DOING THE WILL OF GOD.”

In the ‘BOOK OF 2 PETER,’ it was written:

Do not forget, beloved, that with the Lord, ONE DAY is like a thousand years, and A THOUSAND YEARS is like one day. – [ 2 Peter 3:8]

Following Peter’s statement, if the first millennium [year 1 AD to year 1000 AD] is DAY ONE with the Lord, and the second millennium [year 1001 AD to year 2000 AD] is DAY TWO with the Lord, then today’s third millennium [2001 AD to year 3000 AD] is DAY THREE with the Lord. Jesus said:

“After they have scourged him, they will kill him, but HE WILL BE RAISED ON THE THIRD DAY.”— [Luke 18:33]

Today is the day of our Lord! “THIS THIRD MILLENIUM IS THE THIRD DAY THAT JESUS WILL BE RAISED!” Having stayed buried for the past two thousand years beneath the lies and hypocrisies of Christianity, today Jesus shall rise. Today is the day the TRUE LIGHT shall come. From ‘The Jesus Mission,’ Jesus shall rise!

Would it ever have no any SIGNIFICANCE to you—

1st: THAT Jesus had to repeat on THREE SEPARATE OCCASIONS his prediction of his passion, death, and resurrection?

From that day Jesus began to make it clear to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem; he would suffer many things from the Jewish authorities, the chief priests and the teachers of the Law. He would be killed and BE RAISED ON THE THIRD DAY. – [Matthew 16:21]

While Jesus was in Galilee with the Twelve, he said to them, “The Son of Man will be delivered into human hands, and they will kill him. BUT HE WILL RISE ON THE THIRD DAY.” The Twelve were deeply grieved. – [Matthew 17:22-23]

When Jesus was going to Jerusalem, he took the Twelve aside and said to them on the way, “See, we are going to Jerusalem. There the Son of Man will be given over to the chief priests and the teachers of the Law who will condemn him to death. They will hand him over to the foreigners who will mock him, scourge him and crucify him. BUT HE WILL BE RAISED TO LIFE ON THE THIRD DAY.” – [Matthew 20:17-19]

2nd: THAT Peter would deny Jesus—“THREE TIMES”?

Meanwhile, as Peter sat outside in the courtyard, a young servant-girl of the house said to him, “You also were with Jesus of Galilee.” But he denied it before everyone, saying, “I DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.”

And as Peter was going out to the gateway, another servant-girl saw him and told the bystanders, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.”

Peter denied it again with an oath, swearing, “I DO NOT KNOW THAT MAN.’

After a little while, those who were standing there approached Peter and said to him, “Or course you are one of the Galileans; your accent gives you away.” Peter began justifying himself with curses and oaths protesting THAT HE DID NOT KNOW THE MAN. Just then a cock crowed.

And Peter remembered the words of Jesus, “BEFORE THE COCK CROWS, YOU WILL DENY ME THREE TIMES.” And he went away weeping bitterly. — [Matthew 26:69-75]

3rd: THAT the Risen Jesus had to appear—“THREE TIMES”?

After Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, HE APPEARED FIRST TO MARY OF MAGDALA from whom he had driven out seven demons. She went and reported the news to his followers, who were now mourning and weeping. But when they heard that he lived and had been seen by her, they would not believe it.

AFTER THIS HE SHOWED HIMSELF IN ANOTHER FORM TO TWO OF THEM, as they were walking into the country. These men too went back and told the others, but they did not believe them.

LATER JESUS SHOWED HIMSELF TO THE ELEVEN while they were at table. He reproached them for their unbelief and stubbornness in refusing to believe those who had seen him after he had risen. – [Mark 16:9-14]

4th: THAT the Risen Jesus had to ask Peter—“Do you love me?”—“THREE TIMES”?

After they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “SIMON, SON OF JOHN, DO YOU LOVE ME MORE THAN THESE?” He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” And Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

A second time Jesus said to him, “SIMON, SON OF JOHN, DO YOU LOVE ME?” And Peter answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Look after my sheep.” And a third time he said to him, “SIMON, SON OF JOHN, DO YOU LOVE ME?”

Peter was saddened because Jesus asked him a third time, “Do you love me?” and he said, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.”

Jesus then said, “Feed my sheep.” – [John 21:15-17]

Would that “THREE TIMES” be like you were calling on someone to come to you but he could not just seem to hear you, and so you called him again for the second time but still he would not respond, and only on your third call did he take notice of you and come to you?

This THIRD DAY [third millennium] is the day. It is to be the last and final call of Jesus for people to bring God’s righteousness and justice to our world. It is to be the last and final call of Jesus for people to believe that the earth has all the riches and power to bring full human dignity and honor to every living soul.

Today is the day our journey to our true and everlasting freedom shall commence.

Glory and victory be to God in the highest and to his Son Jesus, the Messiah of the world!

“He who has ears, let him hear.” – [Matthew 11:15]

Jesus is calling us FOR THE THIRD AND LAST TIME to follow him in his Mission. Are we now ready and willing to heed his call?

The decision is ours. But the decision on our decision is God’s.


Many Will Reject the Messiah And His Mission of Life

1. Those who are profiting from the corrupt system of things will reject him. Those who are profiting from lies and hypocrisies will reject him. Those who are profiting from the life that the self-seeking world gives will reject him.

2. Those who do not believe that he is the Son of God will reject him. Those who do not believe that he is the true Messiah will reject him. Those who do not believe that he also came with a political Mission will reject him.

3. Those who cannot accept his radical moral teachings will reject him. Those who cannot accept the self-denying conditions he set to follow him will reject him. Those who do not believe that he is the way, the truth, and the life will reject him.

4. Those who are too occupied with the cares of the world will reject him. Those who do not care about anything that is spiritual will reject him. Those who are already comfortable with the faith they grew up with will reject him.

5. Those who believe there is no God will reject him. Those who believe there is no life after death will reject him. Those who believe there is no heaven and hell will reject him.

6. Those who think war and bloodshed are the answer will reject him. Those who think starting all over again is the answer will reject him. Those who think the answer is all in man will reject him.

7. Those who see beauty in chaos will reject him. Those who see heaven in suffering will reject him. Those who see comfort in drugs and debauchery will reject him.

8. Those who see Jesus as evil will reject him. Those who see Jesus as insane will reject him. Those who see Jesus as fiction will reject him.

9. Those who worship Satan will reject him. Those who worship Money will reject him. Those who worship Self will reject him.

10. Those who are afraid to try him will reject him. Those who have tried him but could not cope will reject him. Those who are being threatened to try him will reject him.


As we earnestly invite you to join Jesus in his Mission of Life for the world, we are also looking for support in TJM’s vision of capturing the hearts and minds of the billions of people around the world and making them followers in the Mission of Life of Jesus so that once for all God’s will of bringing his heaven to earth be fulfilled through his Son Jesus.

May God have mercy on us all.


Copyright 2020 Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol

EMAIL: [email protected]



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