Jeremy Siskind at SUNY - Onondaga!!
Jeremy Siskind kicked off the 2022 Conference for the New York State Music Teachers
Association in Syracuse at SUNY - Onondaga Community College in Syracuse on Saturday
October 15th. I was really fortunate to attend! His first presentation was entitled
"Incorporating Creativity into Every Lesson", as a Hal Leonard Publishers Showcase,
taking place from 9:00 through 10:30 am.
From 10:35 am through 11:05 am, Dr. Bonnie Choi of Nazareth College presented a lecture-
recital entitled: Cecile Chaminade's Pieces Romantiques, Op. 55 with Dr. Kevin Nitsch of
Rochester. Also from 10:35 through 11:05 am, Alex Marrero, gave a power point
presentation entitled "25 Indigenous Composers in 25 Minutes!"
From 11:20 am through 12:20 pm, Jeremy Siskind gave his second presentation entitled:
"5 Thinks Every Piano Teacher Needs to Know About Jazz But is Afraid to Ask".
From 1:10 pm through 1:40 pm, the New York State Music Teachers Association held its
General Business Meeting, led by its President, Dr. Hendry Wijaya.
From 1:45 pm through 2:30 pm, 2022 NYSMTA/MTNA Commissioned Composer
Hwaen Ch'uqi of Rochester performed his World Premiere of his "Suite in the Baroque
Manner" in D Major for Two Pianos, Four Hands, CWV 14. The work was also performed
by Dr. Emi Okumura, as part of the piano duo "Duo Q'inti".
From 2:35 pm through 2:35 pm, Jeremy Siskind gave his third presentation of the day
entitled: "Finding Your Students' 'Emotional Rhythm' - The 6 Most Effective Exercises
from the Whiteside Tradition".
From 3:55 pm through 4:25 pm, Dana Lentini, a Hal Leonard Author, gave a presentation
entitled "Teaching the Child Singer in the Private Studio".
From 4:30 pm through 5:10 pm, there were 5 "Lightning Talks" (LT) presentations, each of
which was a maximum of 5 minutes in length. The first LT presentation was entitled "Flow
Strategies for Learning Music", given by Jenny Jieun Park of Teachers College of Columbia
University. The second LT presentation was entitled "Think-Pair-Share Makes Studio
Classes More Participatory, Memorable, and Actionable", given by Kevin Lee Sun of the
Eastman School of Music. The third LT presentation was entitled "Six Strategies for
Effective Learning in Instrumental Music", given by Dr. Andrew Marino of the Hoff-
Barthelson Music School of Scarsdale. The fourth LT presentation was entitled
"The Music of Joanne Shenandoah", given by Alex Marrero. The fifth LT presentation
was entitled "Ornamentation and Improvisation in a Classical Sonata-Allegro Movement,
given by Dr. Tyler Ramos of the Eastman School of Music.
The 2022 Conference for the New York State Music Teachers Association concluded
with Jeremy Siskind giving a solo piano recital featuring his own compositions,
arrangements, and improvisations. Once again, I was really fortunate to attend the
program for continuing education and professional development!