A Jenuine Connection
When I first found myself on twitter fourteen years, I knew I was there to spread a message of truth and kindness out to the world. I was surprised that there were no original or current words of wisdom being shared. Everyone quoted someone from the long ago past. Wasn’t anyone creating original content? It didn’t seem so.
I would spend most of the day sending out words of encouragement and perhaps wisdom and healing. I couldn’t have possibly thought that what I write or what I shared was of any relevance. When I did close my eyes, I would see the screen of my twitter page. There were rows and rows of my twitter friends scrolling in my head as if I was awake. I knew that there was a strong intention going out to all the people on my list. Were they all getting a healing?
A similar thing happened on face book. At the time I started my page, it seemed everyone was posting pink ribbon events which was in affect celebrating cancer. This was not the intention, but this was the effect. They were also posting their relatives in the hospital and asking for prayers. This sharing images of their loved ones in their worst situations, served to hold their loved ones and them in that unwanted state.
Through my years on social media, I have watched people ask for healings and pray for help. I don’t answer them outwardly, but I have been sending the best intentions to them without them ever realizing that there were specific blessings sent to them. They wouldn’t recognize the gift anyway, so why bother.
Through the years, I have watched my social media tribe get better jobs, find the love of their life, become the dynamic healer that they can be, change jobs, go in remission, lose weight, have babies etc.. They may never know of the strong intentions that have been sent to them.
When I realized that I could create such incredible shifts in a client’s life, the Adepts inwardly told me that what you do for one, you can do for billions. Yet what I do is not faith healing. Through my deep capacity to help others my natural abilities, I have ascribed the intention to help others to my parasympathetic nervous system. It means it is effortless to me. Uplifting the quality of other’s lives is as natural to me as breathing, walking or blinking. It can also be done for as many others as it is needed. There is no limitation except for some tiredness when I am being stretched.
I have watched people who have stayed connected to me become so strong and dynamic. I could think that it was only a coincidence. But I have watched the people around me benefit in incredible ways. They become more confident, believe it or not but most people go down to their ideal weight as long as they are around me, get their dream jobs, homes or pets and seem to be more able to handle the onslaught of scenarios that this world can hand out.
On social media, I have helped people at all times of the night when their child was in trouble, when their pet was lost, when they were getting discouraged, when they were terrified by world events. Usually, people hear from me within hours. Some people are comforted by the tapping sessions that we do, the sound healing group sessions, the workshops, private sessions and explanations of my point of view on current events and what concerns them most. I have done all this willingly and gratefully.
Here is an opportunity to help me be able to stay focused on my work. As well as it is to help individuals. Individuals can not achieve the peace that they wish as long as there is suffering in the world. People are beginning to awaken to the understanding that we are all affected by the collective. We are all able to do more to stop the inhumanity that is felt in the world.
Marvin and I have created a membership opportunity for all those who appreciate a strong connection with us. I detest groups as much as the rest of you. This will not be a closed group. When there is a group consciousness formed, the energy of the members folds in on each other and prevents the energy from emanating out in all directions. This group membership will help support the intention of world peace as Marvin and I continue to work relentlessly to uplift all of humanity.
The benefits of signing up for a membership is in the intention itself. The work we do is vital for the upliftment of humanity. By supporting the intention of our work, you are supporting an upgrade to all life. Instead of being concerned that you are not donating to the right issues to make a difference, you can support the work that we do and know that all your pet concerns are being addressed all at once.
Also, when you send out this intention to validate our intention, it may well expand the capacity in you as well. It is a way of telling the Universe that you are aligned with the work we do. It creates a synergy in the outflow of all those who wish to uplift what is possible in healing and peace in the world.
Other tangible benefits are of signing up for a membership are:
· Discounts on sessions
· More readily access to my assistance
· An outflowing of healing intention for yourself and your loved ones
· Free monthly group tapping sessions
· Free monthly sound healing sessions
· Monthly session and answer sessions
· Monthly readings and tapping from the SFT Lexicon: Second Edition
· Monthly poetry readings of Jenuine original poems.
· Daily taps to do if you wish.
· The latest understanding of what is happening in the world as the Adepts tell me.
· Empowerment in your own abilities
· Learning to tap into the Adepts and your own direct knowingness.
· Understanding of the upgrade from 3rddimension to 5th
Last but not least is the deep gratitude of myself and Marvin for your understanding and appreciation of our work.