?????????? ???? ???? ???????? ?????????? ???? “???????? ????????????????”.
So, if you are telling yourself that you are “sabotaging” yourself, or doing things that are “self-defeating” or “self-destructive”, you can let go of that disempowering narrative today.
And if it is OTHER PEOPLE who are telling you that you are self-sabotaging, self-defeating, or self-destructive, feel free to give them the figurative finger from now on.
What makes us think we are “sabotaging ourselves”?
Generally it is that we are consciously aware of wanting a particular outcome (more money, a slim/toned body, waking up rested and energized), and then we see ourselves acting in ways that make the outcome we want less likely.
We want more money, but then we don’t apply for a better-paying job, or we spend money on frivolous things that we don’t really need.
We want a slim, toned body, but then we hit “snooze” instead of going to the gym, or we binge on sweets every evening.
We want to wake up rested and energized, but then we stay up late watching Netflix, playing computer games, or scrolling social media.
Looking at these patterns, it would be easy to say “ah, yes, I see what I am doing - this is self-sabotage”.
???? ?????????? ???? ???????? - ?????? ???? ?????????? ???? ???????? ??????????.
The problem here is a question most people never ask themselves - who exactly is this “self” you are talking about?
Most people think of the part of themselves they are consciously aware of as being “me”. If I am consciously aware of wanting to have more money, then I say “I want to have more money.”
But the truth is that YOU ARE A LOT BIGGER THAN THE PART OF YOURSELF THAT IS CONSCIOUS. You are consciously aware of just the tip of the iceberg. The part of yourself that is invisible is at least ten times bigger than the part you can consciously detect.
If that invisible part DOESN’T want to have more money, and it is ten times bigger than the part that wants to have more money, is it really true to say that the “self” wants to have more money? If you weigh it up, one part wanting more money and ten parts NOT wanting more money is more accurately described as “Overall, I don’t want to have more money.”
So, when you take into consideration the WHOLE self, the whole self is getting exactly what it wants. Where’s the “sabotage” in that?
So let’s throw away this shame-inducing false idea that we are “self-sabotaging”.
Our “self” is getting exactly what it wants, or believes it needs.
But that doesn’t mean we need to become a passive observer of our subconscious programming playing out.
We can give up the notion that the conscious mind is the “self”, and instead recognise that the decision-making power rests with the much bigger part of the self that is NOT conscious. And then we can come to grips with a new question, one that gives us much more leverage for change.
“?????? ?????? ?? ???????????????? ???? ???????????????????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????????? ???????? ?????? ???????”
As soon as you formulate this question, you will be deluged with ?????????? ?????? ???????????????????? ?????????????????????? about how to make this inner alchemy happen.
You will be told that you need to use willpower to drive the decision into your subconscious - FALSE
You will be told that you need to develop a “burning desire” - FALSE
You will be told that you need to create a vivid mental image of your desired outcome, and charge it up with all the emotion you can muster - FALSE
You will be told that you need to do affirmations - FALSE
You will be told that you need to identify and replace your “limiting beliefs” - FALSE
You will be told that you need “vision boards” and “hypnotic repetition” audio files - FALSE
You will be told that you need to isolate yourself from anyone who doesn’t share your goal and find new associates who have the same goals as you - FALSE
What do all these approaches have in common?
They are FORCEFUL processes by which the conscious mind seeks to dominate the subconscious.
But the conscious mind is just a tiny part of the whole self. Who appointed that tiny part to rule over the entire self?
And, let's face it, if that tiny part was ???????????????? in charge, we would ?????????????? have lots of money, slim, toned bodies, and EXCELLENT sleep habits ... wouldn't we?
The conscious mind is NOT in charge - and it SHOULDN’T be in charge.
It is not equipped to make life-altering decisions on its own.
The conscious mind can only consider a small number of factors at once. Seven, plus or minus two, to be exact.
Plans that take into consideration our overall health and wellbeing, relationships, self-expression and fulfilment require attention to a lot more than nine factors. Therefore, ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????????? ??????’?? ???? ???????? ?????????????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????????? ???????? ???? ??????????????????.
So the new question, “?????? ?????? ?? ???????????????? ???? ???????????????????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????????? ???????? ?????? ???????” … we need to throw away that question as well!
What we REALLY need to ask ourselves is “?????? ?????? ?? ???????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? ???????? ?????? ???? ???????????????????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????????”
Because if the goals are aligned, the subconscious processes will make them happen in NO TIME AT ALL!
In the Emotional Mastery Program, you learn powerful techniques for opening negotiations between the conscious and the subconscious - and even how to resolve internal conflicts in the subconscious! These simple (actually quite enjoyable) techniques have been revolutionising lives and setting people free for years - and now they are available to you!
You’ll also learn how to get instant relief from intense or painful emotions, access deep awareness of what is happening in your emotional system, release stored emotions from the past, break bad habits and repeating relationship patterns, and communicate at a whole new level. For a short time longer, the full Emotional Mastery Program will be available for just $2997. If you’d like to jump in before the price goes up, contact me now!
If you’d like to work directly with me as a couple or a family, you will get access to the Emotional Mastery program as part of my Rich Relationships intensive program.
And you can find emotional regulation techniques to help you access the physiological states that allow for this conscious-subconscious alignment completely free of charge here:?https://jennyhale.org/request-emotional-first-aid/?See less
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