Jenny was not at 539-8760
It's taken me way longer than I'd like to admit to understand this simple, powerful premise so I hope you learn it faster and put it to use in your life immediately:
Find people who are doing what you want to do or have what you want to have and study how they think, act, and interact. Pay special attention to their strategy, processes, systems, and metrics as a whole and see if you can implement something similar. If they offer a course or coaching, buy it. If they have an event, go to it.
The BIGGEST problem I see right now is people trying to reverse engineer success from afar. That's like going to a Michelin 5 star restaurant, tasting a dish, and then going home and confidently thinking you can re-create that dish in your kitchen. It doesn't work. Now if the chef offered a weekend course and showed you how to make it, and you took the course, paid attention, and had some of the skills required, you could get much closer to re-creating that dish.
Or here's another example, taken from the legendary Jim Rohn: You could know all of the 7 digits of a phone number but if you don't dial them in the correct sequence it doesn't work. Jenny was not at 539-8760, she was at 867-5309.
Having the information is not enough. You must understand the strategy behind applying that information and then put it into play.