Jen McDowell--Private Eye' Business is Booming, a Jen McDowell Series
I'm trying to finish my crime?novel. I haven't worked on the cover yet nor the ending. I'd like my protagonist, Jen, to marry her boyfriend and ex-partner, Jonah. I'm not sure how. I guess I need to discuss it with Jen. Here's what I have so far:
Since Doc's death, Jen had pondered about her relationship with Jonah. She wanted to get married and start a family, but she wasn't sure how Jonah felt about it. She didn't want to pressure Jonah or give him an ultimatum, but she didn't want to keep the status quo either. Doc's untimely death from Covid-19 changed everything drastically. She was no longer in a threesome relationship, and was back to a relationship with just Jonah, her first real love.
She decided to discuss it with Molly, her best friend. When Molly arrived for work, one look at Jen told her that Jen needed to talk. "What?" she asked.
Jen smiled. "Get your coffee. We need to talk."
Molly got Prada settled onto her bed and soon returned with a large cup of coffee. "Okay, I'm ready. What do you want to talk about?"
"Jonah," was Jen's quick answer. Molly shook her head and sat down.
"What did he do? Do you want me to kill him?"
"No, no. Nothing like that," Jen answered. Obviously, things have changed since Doc's death. I'm enjoying my relationship with Jonah. I don't think I ever want to go back to a threesome. Jonah has been so attentive since Doc's funeral."
"But you're not happy," Molly suggested.
"I'm not happy. I don't feel complete. I want Jonah and I to get married. I think I'll ask him. I'm tired of waiting."
"Wow. Are you sure about this?" Molly asked. "It's a big step. You're not doing this just because you want to see where your relationship stands? Wait just a minute." Molly move closer to Jen. "Are you pregnant?"?
Jen laughed. "God, no. Nothing like that. I know it's a big step; that's why I wanted to talk to you about it."
"How does Jonah feel about it?"
"He doesn't seem to be in any hurry, but I think he wants it too."
"Are you sure that's how he feels?" Molly asked.
Jen dropped her head into her hands. "No. I mean, I think so... I'm not sure."
"Then maybe you should wait. You might hurt his feelings, or chase him off."
"I can't wait anymore," Jen shot back. "I'm going to ask him... tonight."
"If your mind is made up, pick a meaningful location. Someplace that means something to the two of you. Bring a gift--something for both of you. I don't think a ring is appropriate, but maybe. Something unique. We can brainstorm it."
Jen and Molly spent the rest of the day discussing an appropriate gift, the right location and just hoe to propose to a man.
MORE TO FOLLOW. What do you think? Comments, please.