Jeff’s Journey to Becoming a Great Producer (from the Producer’s Edge Monthly Call)

Jeff’s Journey to Becoming a Great Producer (from the Producer’s Edge Monthly Call)

Powerhouse Producer's Edge holds a monthly conference call that is open to the public. The April 20, 2017 call features a producer, let's call him "Jeff", an insurance industry professional that started right out of college (therefore with little knowledge and experience), and has worked with Brandie and Powerhouse Learning. From the beginning, he built relationships with clients and gained knowledge over the years that has made him an exemplary producer and professional.

Jeff went from 0 to 1.4 million dollars commission in just 6 years, and is truly a good example of how a young producer can make it in the big world (which can sometimes be daunting for young folks) of insurance. Learn about how he gained a wealth of knowledge behind his commercial lines-focused career and how he's overcome adversities. He has some great advice for producers of all types. Check out a recording of the call on the Powerhouse Chat blog:


