Erie, Pennsylvania (February 9, 2023)?– The Hagen History Center and the Jefferson Educational Society have come together to create a new lecture series focusing on Erie history. The first program in the series will feature a presentation about Frank Lloyd Wright’s San Francisco Office on?Wednesday, March 15, at 7 p.m.?at the Jefferson, 3207 State St.

Renowned Wright expert and Stanford University professor emeritus?Dr. Paul V. Turner?will describe the office's journey from its original location in a rented second-floor San Francisco building to Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Museum of Art, to Buffalo’s Transportation Pierce-Arrow Museum and finally to Erie, Pennsylvania, where it is accessible to the public at the Hagen History Center, 356 W. Sixth St.

The program is free and open to the public.

“Having Dr. Turner speak in Erie is an exciting opportunity for people to hear how and why Frank Lloyd Wright’s San Francisco office came to Erie,” noted?Hagen History Center Executive Director Caleb Pifer. “The history of the office, the cross-country odyssey and the meticulous restoration in Erie is interesting to Wright fans and to Erie residents.”

Added?Jefferson President Dr. Ferki Ferati: “Paul V. Turner is one of the finest architectural historians in the country with a deep interest in reconstruction, conservation, and art. We are excited to partner with the Hagen History Center on an event that brings national art recognition and appreciation to Erie County.”

Paul V. Turner, Ph.D., was trained as both an architect and an art historian. He taught the history of architecture at Stanford for 35 years and his publications include works on the architects Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Joseph Ramée, and the history of the American campus. Following the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, which seriously damaged Frank Lloyd Wright's Hanna House on the Stanford campus, Turner oversaw the complicated process of the house restoration, which was completed in 1999. Turner reconstructed Wright’s extensive library stock, which had largely been dispersed, and helped create the “Frank Lloyd Wright's Library” website. Turner was named a Fellow of the Society of Architectural Historians.

This special program in March concludes?the Jefferson’s?2023 winter term which also includes lectures on Erie County’s economy, brain drain, Robert Frost and John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, War in Ukraine, American Tapestry project, Marquis de Lafayette, mental health, and more.

Spring programs will resume April 12. For more information about the programs or to make reservations, call 814.459.8000 or visit?

Media coverage?of the events is welcomed;?Jefferson and Hagen History Center spokespersons?and the presenter?will be available for comment at the events. For comments in advance, please contact:

Angela Beaumont,???????????????????????????????????????????Pam Parker

Director of Programming????????????????? Project Manager

Jefferson Educational Society?????????????????????????Hagen History Center

814.459.8000???????????????????????????????????????????????????[email protected]

[email protected]



Following is a brief listing of the remaining Jefferson’s Winter Term events. All programs are at the Jefferson Educational Society, 3207 State St., unless otherwise indicated.


Monday, Feb. 13, 7 p.m. - Brain Drain in the 21st Century: Current Trends in Developing and Developed Countries. Anjali Sahay, Ph.D., Lecture

Thursday, Feb. 16, 7 p.m. - Robert Frost, John F. Kennedy, and the Purpose of Poetry in a Democracy. Robert Hass, Ph.D., Lecture

Friday, Feb. 17, noon - Bridging Erie County’s Urban and Rural Divide - Infrastructure, Resources, and Service. Representatives of the Jefferson Civic Leadership Academy 2022. Free Community Conversation, $5 lunch optional

Monday, Feb. 20, 7 p.m. - Dr. Martin Luther King and America's Self-Evident Truth. Parris Baker, Ph.D., Lecture

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7 p.m. - The History of Newspapers and Newsmakers in Erie (and PA). Pat Cuneo, B.A., Kevin Cuneo, B.A., Free Lecture

Friday, Feb. 24, noon - Neighborhood Revitalization in Erie’s West Bayfront: OWB (Our West Bayfront). Anna Frantz, M.C.P., Free Community Conversation, $5 lunch optional

Monday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m. - Russia’s War on Ukraine one Year later. Lena Surzhko-Harned, Ph.D., Lecture

Thursday, March 2, 7 p.m. - Becoming American: Sports (“Games”) in The American Tapestry. Andrew Roth, Ph.D., Lecture

Friday, March 3, noon - The NWPA Innovation Beehive Network: helping Entrepreneurs, boosting Business. Jake Marsh, M.P.M., Free Community Conversation, $5 lunch optional

Tuesday, March 7, 7 p.m. - Marquis de Lafayette’s visit to Northwestern PA 200 Years Ago. Judy Lynch, Ph.D., Richard Arthur, M.A., Lecture

Friday, March 10, Noon - Dangerous Indifference: Leading in Times of Challenge, Crisis, and Controversy. Ian Roberts, Ph.D., Free Community Conversation, $5 lunch optional

Monday, March 13, 7 p.m. - “That’s Personal…”: An invisible topic – The stigma of Mental Health today. Annette Franklin, Ph.D., Free Lecture

Wednesday, March 15, 7 p.m. - Frank Lloyd Wright’s San Francisco Office and the Story of its Remarkable Travel. Paul V. Turner, Ph.D., Free Lecture in partnership with the Hagen History Center


Jefferson Satellite Programs:

Thursday, Feb. 23, 7 p.m. - From Trash to Treasure - Maintaining Erie African American History. Johnny Johnson, M.Ed., Free Black History Month Lecture at Erie Center for Arts and Technology

Thursday, March 9, 7 p.m. - Compton’s Table. Tyler Titus, Ph.D., Community Conversation at Erie Center for Arts and Technology

Monday, March 6, 6:00 p.m. - Natural Wonders of Presque Isle. PA Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources, Free Lecture at Fairview Lincoln Community Library

Tuesday, Feb. 21, 6:00 p.m. - Erie County Community College: Our Community, Your College! Christopher Gray, Ph.D., Free Community Conversation at Corry Higher Education Council

Tuesday, March 21, 6:00 p.m. - Guide to Local Archaeology. John Sites, Free Lecture & Interactive Presentation at Corry Higher Education Council

Wednesday, February 15, 6:00 p.m. - Sourdough Culture: A History of Bread Making from Ancient to Modern Bakers. Eric Pallant, Ph.D., Free Lecture at PennWest University Edinboro, William P. Alexander Music Center

Wednesday, March 29, 6:00 p.m. - Bodily Autonomy in a Post-Roe Society. James Fisher, Ph.D., Free Women’s History Month Lecture at PennWest University Edinboro, William P. Alexander Music Center



The Jefferson Educational Society of Erie is a nonprofit and nonpartisan institution founded to promote civic enlightenment and community progress for the Erie region through study, research, and discussion. The Jefferson offers courses, seminars, and lectures that explain the central ideas that have formed the past, assist in exploring the present, and offer guidance to enhance the civic future of the Erie region. As an Erie think tank, the Jefferson Educational Society promotes knowledge and civic pride through research, the publication of policy papers on public issues, essays, reports, and the sponsorship of civic forums.


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