Jeff Sessions & This Pastor's Thoughts
Is Jeff Sessions right about Romans 13?

Jeff Sessions & This Pastor's Thoughts

Attorney General Jeff Session's recently used Romans 13 to justify an immigration policy that separates children from their parents. I've included resources to decide for yourself and a few possibilities to get involved at the end of this blog.

First, his quote:

"I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government for his purposes," - Jeff Sessions, US Attorney General

Sessions is responding to the objection to the nearly 2k children taken from their parents care at the US border since late April. These articles give context.

Second, my thoughts (random...but related specifically and generally):

1. GUT REACTION: It's wrong. That is my opinion for those of you who like simple. If you want me to flesh it out a bit...keep reading. There is always more nuance, perspective, tension...and this isn't just a Trump issue:

2. JESUS: Jesus had compassion on people when they were in need (Mk. 8:2). He commanded us to be good Samaritans (Luke 10:25-37)....loving our neighbors (Mk. 12:31) and even our enemies (Mt. 5:44), not hiding behind religion (Mark 3:1-6). He said that others would know us for our love (John 13:31-35). Do we need to start wearing those bracelets again, "What would Jesus do?" We can't do what Jesus did until we know what he taught and what he we can respond like him.

3. THE BIBLE: Everyone is twisting scripture right now. This particular passage has been used to reinforce slavery, the Nazi regime, & apartheid. The Bible condones NONE OF THAT. People who try to use the Bible to justify these human atrocities do not understand the meta-narrative of a revelation of our DEEP need for restoration & redemption through Jesus Christ, His forgiveness of our sins, & reconciliation with the Father. All of this is both punctiliar and a life long process (and yes...Jeff Sessions is on that journey, too). The Gospel is the Good news of Jesus...coming to our rescue. If we are more upset by THIS twisting of Scripture...but could care less about other ways Christian society is twisting Scripture to support their lifestyle, identity, or purpose...something is wrong! Let Scripture speak for itself. Recognize that the Bible is a complicated but a complementary collection of books....divinely inspired....shaped by literary genre, cultural paradigms, & historical context...for ONE SINGLE THEOLOGICAL PURPOSE. Each book plays a role in the overall story of the unveiling of Jesus. THE BIBLE POINTS US TO JESUS! PERIOD! He is the ultimate filter to read all of Scripture...including Romans 13.

If you want to know how to learn HOW to read the Bible this way...start here: LEARN HOW TO READ THE BIBLE. I compiled some really great video resources to teach anyone how to start. No previous Christian experience needed. As long as you can click and watch some really well done videos.

4. THE LAW: Of course there needs to be laws that are enforced. But a follower of Jesus has a higher law they are accountable to follow. This is why Dietrich Bonhoeffer felt it necessary to oppose the Nazi regime. Civil disobedience. There will always be tension here because man's laws will not always reflect God's laws. To president....and i mean NO PRESIDENT or GOVERNMENT has been perfect in legislating God's laws. GOOD GRIEF. Does anyone think it is even possible that our government will ever reflect the Kingdom?! What other laws are in place that contradict God's Law? We can't pick and choose! Let's give God greater room to show us where our hearts are deficient, broken, and twisted.

5. POLITICS: I am tired of Republicans and Democrats. It is almost as if the labels we have placed on ourselves matter more to us than the love that is suppose to exist in our hearts and actions for each other. That is just as wrong. Democrat Christians have no grace for Republican Christians and Republican Christians have no grace for Democrat Christians. What will you do when God makes you neighbors in Heaven? Oh yeah...everything will be perfect we will only see the the perfect lens of Jesus. Until then...we see through the glass dimly (1 Cor. 13:12). Lets do our best to call each other out in encouraging and constructive ways. What is our ultimate aim? To beat each other up...or to help each other embrace Jesus and people better? Politics in the US has polarized us to a point of not even being able to relate and have civil discussion. My heart is just as grieved about THAT as i am about our sad treatment of hurting displaced people. We are more concerned about being right than the relationships we are losing. What was Jesus' prayer for us? Unity? Check it out below:

20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me. - John 17:20-23

5. CONDEMNATION: I will condemn no one...not an ISIS rebel fighter, rapist, or US President. This is the SCANDAL of grace and of the Gospel. In my pride, it hurts to see Jesus extend forgiveness to people who struggle with different sins than me. Yet, God is willing to extend forgiveness to anyone and everyone who cries out to him. We can't demand judgement for others and embrace grace for ourselves. That is hypocrisy.

We must also extend grace because there is no hope when we condemn. And though all of us ARE condemned because of our sin (Romans 3:23)...there is hope in Jesus and not condemnation (Romans 8:1-4). God will give final judgement at the end of time (Matthew 25:31-46). I will do whatever in my power and strength, until then, to reach/teach people the Gospel and the way of Jesus. My hope is that we will find peace with God through Jesus...and LIVE in the example He set for us. Jesus will separate us in two groups...the sheep and the goats. He uses this metaphor to show us how his sheep truly act...and how those who are not truly his sheep (the goats)...also act. He says this to the goats:

41 “Then the king will say to those on his left, ‘Get away from me! God has cursed you! Go into everlasting fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels! 42 I was hungry, and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me nothing to drink. 43 I was a stranger, and you didn’t take me into your homes. I needed clothes, and you didn’t give me anything to wear. I was sick and in prison, and you didn’t take care of me.’

It seems as though embracing the grace of Jesus must include a transformation of not only our hearts...but the way we treat the hurting people around us. If grace hasn't transformed our hard hearts....we have to ask ourselves,

"Have we truly experienced God's love, grace, & mercy if we do not care? Have we truly experienced the Good news of the Gospel? Are we living as forgiven people? Do we truly kn0w Jesus? Are we Christian?"

6. BLINDERS: We all have blinders about the way we follow Jesus. I can only repent for the things God shows me. I do repent for not caring enough. There have been moments in my own life...where i choose to look the other way because it would be inconvenient to do something. This is wrong. Im pretty sure...we are all guilty here. Where have YOU looked the other way?

7. THE CHURCH: I know many people in the church who are extremely passionate about issues facing refugees and immigrants. The man who taught me, "Mission of God" in seminary, Dr. Joe Castleberry (President of Northwest University), wrote a book called, "New Pilgrims: How Immigrants Are Renewing America's Faith and Values." Our church is currently raising funds for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (Give here: Pentecostals, historically, have sacrificed huge amounts of money, resources, and time to address hurting and struggling peoples' needs. My great grandfather ministered to the inmates in China beginning in 1914. He saw great revivals take place inside the walls of prisons...when few even would venture to China, much less go to the prisons. Pentecostals have long felt comfortable in the areas "on the other side of the train tracks." In fact, i don't know of ANYONE who would align themselves with Jeff Sessions comments. A group of evangelical leaders, including Dr. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, signed the letter. Rodriguez is part of the same denomination i affiliate with, the Assemblies of God. Check it out below.

8. THE NUMBERS: While i think we should have some sort of logical and compassionate approach to refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, and people coming from extreme poverty...we can't take everyone. The numbers simply do not add up. The best solution for any war torn or impoverished country is for the best and the brightest to build/rebuild that country. People must be helped where they are if there is going to be any real dent in the condition of their lives. Roy Beck shows how mass immigration into the Unites States will NOT help reduce world poverty. Check the video out below.

Third, more resources to decide for yourself:

1. MEANING: So what DOES Romans 13 mean? I found an exegetical explanation of Romans 13:1-10 written by Rev. John E. Warmuth. My friend Jeremy Macias posted it. It unpacks some of the literary, cultural, historical, and theological context of the passage. Rev. Warmuth even addresses Hitler's love of these verses:

2. ROMANS: The Bible Project on the Letter to the Romans (Part 1). This video is produced by an organization that desires people to understand the Truth of the Bible in its literary, cultural, historical, and theological context. It covers themes like the one below on justice and covers individual books so you can understand the bigger picture of individual verses like the one Sessions misunderstands:

The Bible Project on the Letter to the Romans (Part 2):

3. BIBLICAL JUSTICE: The Bible Project on the Biblical theme of Justice. This is important to understand the broader Biblical idea of something that impacts the way we interpret individual verses (like Romans 13) that wrestle with this theme:

Fourth, videos of notable voices in response:

Pastor Jentezen Franklin on Jeff Sessions:

Cardinal Dolan on Jeff Sessions:

Stephen Colbert on Jeff Sessions:


What if we started dreaming about the possibilities for hurting people? Think of the millions of people who are hurting in our country and beyond our could we make a HUGE difference in their lives? What if we dreamed of what their lives COULD become since many of them are simply trying to survive?


If you are passionate about these issues...we should do more than just post on social media. There are lots of practical ways we can add our passion & resources to the plight of refugees & immigrants.

1) Reach out to people who are afraid. Listen to their stories. Respond personally. What if we started by inviting a local family we know is hurting over to our house for listen to their story?

2) Pray for the situations of those who are in these desperate situations.

3) Use discernment. Discernment is the spiritual gift of knowing when to stay quiet and when to speak up. It is an art, not a rule. Kenny Loggins (Thanks Pam Mang) sang about knowing when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, and when to run. Many of us do not practice discernment...and we aren't playing our hand well. If we want to make a difference, we must pay closer attention.

Seventh, DO EVEN MORE:

The following ways to help were taken from a FB post from Annette Mac.

1) This Amazon wish list is for a church in Texas that is helping people get their basic needs met after they are released by Border Patrol. This is a super simple way to make a difference. Send 'em a pack of diapers, or deodorant, or tampons, etc.

Amazon Wish List

2) KIND (Kids in Need of Defense)- Help ensure that unaccompanied children get legal representation in immigration court. Because it is insane that this is even a need.

3) RAICES (Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services- "Parents separated from their children at the border (and other immigrants placed in detention) can’t get released from ICE custody to reunite with their families until they pay the full amount of their immigration bond. Bonds are set at a MINIMUM of $1500, and are usually in the range of $5-10K, even for asylum seekers without any criminal history.)" How a person fleeing for their life or had their home destroyed is supposed to find that sort of money, I don't know. Help get these people out.

Devin Gripenwaldt

Graduate of Vanguard University of Southern California

5 年

People think Trump is God-ordained, gross.

Pamela Mang

Deaf Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

6 年

Preach it, brother!! Intense & passionate with useful resources. But it was Kenny Loggins, not Johnny Cash. ;)

Sharon Noble

Associate Pastor at Newport Mesa Church

6 年

Well thought out and lucid!? Wish more could read this response!

Paul Johnson

Retired at Retired

6 年

Mathew 19:14 Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Robert Knutsen, RICP?

Chief Executive Officer at J.Derek Lewis & Associates / JDL Securities

6 年

Great post!



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