Jeff Bollow's "FAST Screenplay" System
Geno Scala
Former Director/Official of Academy Awards Show; Founder of The Script Mentor Screenwriting Program; Creator of The 20-Day Screenplay Video Series; "GHOSTWRITER TO THE STARS".
It is a very rare time when I have the occasion to recommend a screenwriting service or product, as I’m usually warning you about the pitfalls that we often find within our industry, but – GOOD NEWS!
That time has come today!
I’m talking about Jeff Bollow’s Complete Screenwriting System “FAST Screenplay”. It’s called “FAST” not because the speed in which you can write a script, but, more importantly, the screenplay that you will write will READ FASTER, which is a much more desired end result.
Jeff has been an actor, an award-winning writer, a film festival founder and director, a screenwriting teacher, has given a TED talk, and is now a successful producer with Embryo Pictures. He is always seeking quality projects to produce, but rarely has come across a professionally-written screenplay, or one resembling a professionally-written screenplay, that is strong enough to produce without having to go through the extra time and expense of hiring a professional to rewrite it. With this FAST Screenplay screenwriting process, Jeff is hoping to teach ALL screenwriters these steps that they will need to master so producers - like him – can cut out this extra step. Quite frankly, he is also hoping that many of the writers that come through the program end up writing projects that his independent studio will be able to produce somewhere down the road, if only because they mastered the art of writing a quality script that reads fast and tells a great story on screen!
The process is broken down into seven different phases; Setup, Focus, Apply, Strengthen, Tweak, Alignment and Payoff. Jeff has added so many new phases to the “old” FAST program, it’s not even close to what it used to be anymore; it has improved significantly.
He’s added:
- The MasterMind Sessions Coaching Series;
- The ProducerView Notes Package;
- The A-List Advanced Development Program; (add’l charge)
- The SCREEN.PLACE script placement service; a new domain space where, sometime in the near future, conceivably thousands of producers will have access to your screenplays for a nominal fee (currently under construction).
- A clear and achievable path to production.
Jeff and I have been friends for years and have often talked about our theories on the craft of screenwriting. We soon discovered that we shared the very same premise, and had the same goals for fellows writers; we didn’t like seeing them go broke on wasteful screenwriting services, scams, books and videos that didn’t “teach” them anything that truly helped them in the craft or business of writing marketable screenplays. This process is reverse engineered- FROM THE PRODUCERS VIEW. This is what THEY are looking for from a screenplay.
Let’s face it- the main goal of writing ANYTHING is to make money- if you’re doing it as your source of employment. The goal for a screenwriter should be to make money and, hopefully, get something produced, but getting paid is the name of the game.
Those who fail didn’t fail because they weren’t good. They failed because they quit. As Jeff says repeatedly-
“There are no good or bad screenplays. There are only finished and unfinished screenplays.”
This process will make you a finisher- IF you stick with it, do the work and work the process. I just signed up for the first class because I believe in Jeff, his instructional methods, and his process. I’ve told him several times that this was the course I’ve always dreamed of creating, but couldn’t. He could, and he’s honed the process for many, many years.
Help him help you by letting him teach you to take your screenplay to that next level.
See you in class!
Click on link below for more...
WRITER'S BIO: Geno Scala is the owner of "The Script Mentor" (; professional screenwriter; ghostwriter who also specializes in book adaptations; known as "Ghostwriter to the Stars" for his many celebrity clients; Executive Producer at Shark-Eating Man Productions (; former Executive Director of 72nd Academy Awards, Grammys, Soul Train, Saturn and Blockbuster Awards shows; currently developing "Bad Priest", one-hour drama, episodic TV series; two recent TV projects, (“Hell Hath No Fury”, “Sextracurriculum”) for SPIKE TV; creator and producer of reality docudrama "Just Like Elvis" TV series; screenwriter of "Banking on Betty" ?, (action adventure/comedy); winner of StoryPros and Script Pipeline competitions; runner-up in Scriptapalooza Screenwriting competition.
Mr. Scala is represented by Branden Cobb of Starring Entertainment.