Jedi Presentations

Jedi Presentations

Having recently reviewed lots presentation training resources I wanted to post a short blog to share some of my findings. Please feel free to go over the following presentation tips. You probably know them, and do them naturally as part of your killer presentations, however a quick refresh might make you even better. After all Joda said "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear ."

  1.  Try to structure your presentation into 3 main parts (Introduction - Middle - Ending)
  2.  Group your ideas into 3 - 4 clear categories to support your theme and core point.
  3.  Spend some time creating and polishing your links from point to point to ensure a smooth logical flow of your presentation.
  4.  Spend a considerable amount of time visualising your ideas and and thinking how to represent them visually to make them memorable. Always remember that a picture is worth a thousand words.
  5.  If you are using slides in your presentation then stick to this simple rule "Less text and more images". Never use clipart but use high quality images that support your point, makes it more memorable and impress your audience.
  6.  Reduce and edit text on each slide to only the essential key words that clearly delivers your message. Remember nobody wants to see slides of long text lines or bullets. Repeat this process atleast 5 times leaving a gap in between until you are sure you have simplified to the max.
  7. Try to avoid using slide animation and only use it to show change or guide audience attention.
  8. Do not stand behind a podium. Try to remove all barriers between you and your audience.
  9. Keep your audience engaged by asking questions to get them to interact, get them to play a game or do a quick activity.
  10. Develop rapport with your audience and show your enthusiasm about what you are talking about
  11. Keep your presentation simple and include only what's necessary. When it comes to presentations less is always more.
  12.  Be positive, upbeat, humorous and try to include something your audience do not expect.

Remember less is more."Judge me by my size, do you?" Definitely don't add more slides than you need as you will go over time. If you feel you need them just park them at the end hidden if it makes you feel more confident.

When you have finished everything remember these fine words from Yoda, "So certain were you. Go back and closer you must look." Always check for embarrassing typos and spelling. Remember UK v USA spelling.


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