JD,Congressman of the Community
JD Diganvker
Texas Bureau Chief @ New India Abroad. VP of Investor Relations @ ZJetAir. Driving Diaspora Strategic Partnerships | Thought Leader |
JD, Congressman of the Community Implements His Action Plan
“Make Students Safety A Priority" In Light of Recent Florida Shootings.
JD, Republican Candidate for Congress for 8th District, took action to lead the community with a plan to address school safety with students, teachers, and law enforcement. JD stated, "Student?s safety and well-being to learn in safe environments always comes ?rst." Our students are our future"
“My heart goes out to the victims. I commiserate with their loss, grief, and am with them emotionally through these moments of crisis. I condemn the actions of the gunman in the Florida shootings. No Guns are meant to be used in this manner."
"I too relate and feel the pain of all parents as I lost my two daughters in a tragedy of ?re many years ago in Chicago, We need more education and action to be part of the solution, so the people who have guns understand that guns are meant to be used for self defense only.”
During last week following the tragic shootings in a Florida high school, JD has taken action to meet with superintendents, principals and law enforcement in 8th district schools in effort to implement his program "Students Safety a Priority”, an effort to decrease violence from guns, drugs, alcohol, gang violence, and bullying. JD stated “We must identify those in need of help or counseling better, whether from temporary stress or from underlying mental health issues.” Prevention is better than dilemma. These negative in?uences are always there. We must educate and protect our youth. For example, it is the second amendment right to own a gun, but responsibility must come from education as to how to handle oneself with a gun. We don?t just give a car to a student to drive without drivers education; similarly, This will lead to better decisions made by students, who are the future of America. JD described how schools and law enforcement of?cials work with students and parents to keep our schools safe. He stated that he will continue to welcome any one who calls for him to speak to their students or with administrators to implement a better understanding. The plan he implemented has a multifaceted approach with schools and colleges.
Education Initiative for Students
With assemblies and group meetings, students must learn the negative effects that drugs, alcohol, bullying and gang violence can have on themselves and others. In addition, discussed the rights and responsibilities of owning a gun. Knowing how to handle one responsibly is another question that requires maturity and education. If students who are at learning stages can receive education from teachers and others, then they will make better decisions. This will lead to fewer problems. Our students are our future.
Identi?cation, Watch, Report
Everyone?s ?rst priority and commitment is that any student who we identify to be a threat to the safety and security of our schools, will be removed from our schools. Students, parents and staff members are able to identify students in need by hearing concerning statements or observing actions that may be troubling . This can be done anonymously by phone, email or an iPad Device link. All school staff members should be actively monitoring these submissions, and review each report thoroughly. These same policies can be placed in libraries, colleges and youth organizations like gyms or YMCA. When any team member receives a report of any safety-related concern, schools should have teams of trained people available to respond. Each organization has teams of counselors, administrators, social workers and psychologists who are able to identify potential students of concern and to intervene. Schools and libraries should partner with armed Police Of?cer or Retired Veteran or Fire?ghter on Campus at all times.
Partnership With Local Resources
When any student or an individual poses a risk to others, we all should work with families and nearby police departments in order to get the student to a safe place. With over tens of thousands of students in school care, we as a community are partners with many local agencies, including hospitals, crisis workers and therapists. Mental health issues have played a role in many past school tragedies, and responding effectively to students with mental health needs can make all the difference. This also should include anyone with recent or temporary stress like tough time in school, loss of loved one, etc. In addition to working with local hospitals and doctors, .
State Police Reporting
As required by law, in all circumstances we need to report students to a database maintained by the Illinois State Police that becomes part of the review of any individual's request for a Firearm Owner's Identi?cation Card.
Police Presence or Retired Veteran
Each high school campus need an armed police of?cer on campus during hours of operation. In lieu of a police of?cer an armed retired veteran with honorable discharge can be brought. This will also put our Veterans to work.
Safety Drills
The degree of simulated reality of the lock down drills has advanced over the years. Though the state requires only one drill per school year, in the 8th district, and nationwide we should consider conducting four lock down drills each year in order to conduct two each semester to avoid any potential tragic event.
Limited Access/Watch Teams
School buildings are large facilities with many doors leading to the outside. We will limit access to our school buildings. Commonly, multiple staff members (Watch Teams) are assigned to those entrances that remain accessible during the school day to observe students and address visitors to the buildings. All other exterior access doors remain secured and monitored during the school day. Camera surveillance coverage should be encompassing and feed should be readily accessible to police and ?re departments.
Best wishes!