#J.Czabanowski/UrchiTecton, Summary Ph.D.-thesis Human-Ecologically Minded Housing, Bouwstenen 99, tu/e 2006 & recommendations as postdoc research
Juri Czabanowski
Dr. in History & Theory Architecture-Art-Urbanism | Visionary Historian 'Sustainable Architecture'
Original title Ph.D.-thesis “J.Czabanowski / UrchiTecton, Summary Ph.D.-thesis 'Humaan-Ecologisch Geori?nteerde Woningbouw' Bouwstenen 99, tu/e (NL) 2006”
Summary Ph.D-thesis Humaan-Ecologisch Geori?nteerde Woningbouw Bouwstenen 99, tu/e 2006 and post-doc research entering FUTOURISM 21 as coined supervision by UrchiTecton (since 2006-)
Scientific staff and their research
1st promotor Prof. Peter Schmid (Buildingtechnology- AM-section: Afbouwtechniek/Milieu-integratie 1972-2000), 2nd Prof. Wil Derkse (Philosophy on Sustainable Development, tu/e-RUN; co-promotor Prof. Manfred Speidel, Theory of Architecture, RWTH Aachen; assistence came from TU Delft by Mr. Prof. dr. Taeke de Jong, being involved as chair-holder 'Environmental differentation'. Later Prof. dr. Wil Derkse of Radboud University Eindhoven was involved as philosopher, in my case to debate the 'Meaning of Sustainable Development' as an equipement of virtues to handle values and norms: the ethical approach of building and housing.
Ill. 1: photo by Hugo van der Elk de Vreeze, Ph.D.-reaserch by visiting Dijkwoningen als Geluidswal (eng. Dyke-houses as Noise-Barrier (houses covered under one grassroof inclused by natural environment) suburban Delft 1997
Pioneering History of Theory and Praxis of Sustainable Building as Global Target
Based on Architectural Historical Research started End 1990 steadily growing towards 'FUTOURISM 21'
Refreshing Memory...
From Theory to Praxis: Following steps within the Ecological Architecture. The Development of ecological building by case-studies of seven Dutch settlements [Czabanowski Nijmegen 1992; revis(it)ed version Eindhoven 1995]
An earlier article mentioned the Master-of-Arts thesis at Radboud University of Nijmegen (RUN) end 1990 till summer 1992 to re-think and re-order the existing conditions in the building sector being linked to agriculture again, (co-re)creating 'resilient, sustainstable andeatible' cities as more self-supporting urban(ized) systems.
Prof.ir. John Habraken, architect and the first dean of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) research of De dragers en de mensen, Supports: An Alternative to Mass Housing [Habraken 1961] was mentioned and engaged architect Frans van der Werf, VIBA-member and participating with principle Open ontwerpen, involving residients. Last but not least Bernard Rudolfsky marvellous bestseller Architecture without architect [Rudolfsky 1964].
Brief summary of Ph.D.-thesis published as Bouwstenen 99 tu/e with actual recommandations
Chapter 3: Architectural historical study, 1945-1972 (Ph.D.thesis p.61-104)
Genius loci - Scenius loci - critical regionalism AS building CRITERIA
Living here in the 20th Century was more or less identical in my case(-study) to be(com)ing familair with mine-industry as supercharger of the 'spiritual fire' of industrialization in an international zone situated in a triangle of Germany-the Netherlands-Belgium; once 'quadrilateral' of four countries by creation of the mini-state of Moresnet because of the omnipresence of zinc, a valuable resource with worldwide greatest population related who spoke Esperanto, an artificial language constructed by doctor Zamenhof, developed to become the world language worldwide. This Euro-region represents an inspiring place by presence of forces as space for spiritual inspiration or 'genius loci' [Norberg-Schultz 1979]. The Roman 'genius loci' is now known as 'ambiente' or 'coleur locale'. Next to the genius loci manifests an inspired scene as podium, familair with the local conditions, the breeding mentality and behavior of a long and eminant history of the formation and reformation of Europe, a story of rise and decline or scenius loci [Czabanowski 2015]. Both, the local inspiration and the presence of an engaged podium are important criteria for critical regionalism in architecture, the expression of a local and regional type of architecture and historical way of building related to local materials, tools, knowledge, handcraft, craftmanship and rituals, characteristic for the place and it's local or regional population [Mumford 1961].
Mumford as student of the Scotsman Patrick Geddes became involved in natural evolution and revitalisation of cities by parks, pounds, waterfalls and other natural elements, together working as a common collective as 'urban synergy' of natural elements; creating green(er) cities as results of more eco-system related habitats as one of the most multicomplex phenomena ever created by human mankind. This way of re-thinking and re-acting has been vision-actualized in the image-poem 'S(E)OUL: Green(er) Manhattan' as counterpart of functional Modernism, by unfolding postmodern ideas and praxis, entering co-existential Futourism 21.
Criticism on Small scaled as cosy irreality of Housing the Mass by Modernists
Critical regionalism is linked to Schools with typical characters as expression of historical traditions, bounded roots. Modernism and modern way of life called 'modernity' broke with all these existing traditions of conservatism. Traditionalism keeps things, holds on on old fashions, and does not change: 'keep on going' The dangerous risk of these mentality and behavior is the chance of change and exchange, missing the link and missing links till the whole system collaps, getting out of fashion and outdated, becoming old-fashioned and locked up without connection to the outerworld, even get lost and forgotten if next generations leave their roots, becoming global citizens as modern nomads on the road wherever head- and hedgehunters and jobs take them.
Chapter 4: Architectural historical study, 1973-2000 (Ph.D.thesis p.105-207)
French Philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari spoke in their philosophy of Postmodernism of thousands of levels on the platform where people were on the road as global neo-nomads, gspread over global cities, getting lost from their needed roots to hold on feeding and getting feed-back and stability, like the form(atio4) of a mycellium; even their cities look liked a mycellium without a center, growing in all kind of direction but still being connected as a whole structure, that of human mankind.
[Czabanowski 2006; p. 112: "They (author: deluez eand Guattari) compare the society with a rhizome-form ('rhizomatique') of a nomadology: dilocated , not settled, but wandering from place to place." [0].
One School is not yet official be regarded as such, the Herlaer School around prof. Peter Schmid, regarding and respecting his 'Integral Bio-logical Architecture' (IBA) to super-'Holism - Eco-Lifesystems - Architecture'. Members united in the Association of IBA (VIBA) founded in december 1976 spread out these principles being concerned to integrate Human needs, Environment in the most widest senser of Architecture. In 1996 a jubilee review has been published '20 JAAR VIBA' illustrating the resukts of the VIBA-members as consultants of engaged (city)building concerned and conscious of human-ecologically minded or IBA-principles.
Herlaer School This vision is part of a postmodern way of building and housing, a multi-disciplined way, in order with the integral approach of 'bios' and 'logos' concerning architectural style and design. In its approach it confirms to goals of the Brundtland -report Our Common Future [1]. The 'Herlaer School' reflected a huge development as human-environmental mind- and consciousness, criticizing the mass of Modern(ism) by small human scaled [E. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful, 1973] [2], bio-/lowtech in synthesis of global integrated building-theory/ practice in general today.
Space -Time - Architecture - Structure - MegaCity: timetable of 'Style'-ism
Modernism- Structuralism-Postmodernism-Supermodernism-Retromodernism-Futourism (see PPP-slide)
Sustainability contains a balanced process-in-progress, it incorporates a long time of 'measure(manage)ment' [Czabanowski 2018] [3]. It registrates managed measure(ment)s in ordered scales 'in-between', in co-existence between space and time in past-present-future, comparable with development in evolution as continuing process-in-progress(ion) to create order in and between interaction of phenomena; an interaction of relations as result of 'in-between-ness' becoming composition of correlations of inter- and transactive reactions by transition and transformation researched by Charles Darwin [4] and what Herbert Spencer called the 'Survival of the fittest', the most and best fitting new order in ranking or hierarchy, a ranking in existing order(s).[5] Classifications are a helping instrument like a tool to create overview of relations between the existing co-existence, the way how things work being involved in processes. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe analysed the process of metamorphose, a deep reconstruction of the former existing being as result by reaction of process(es), mostly caused by disorder in conditional situation and situational conditions (in situ),...'under certain circumstance(s)' or under condition(s). Metamorphose as a developing process by (re)creation, like the acts of transformations by the Roman writer Ovidius in Antiquity.[6]
Observations of Nature towards 'Ur-Phenomena' in the morphology of plants to the primarily plant (primo plant), homo universalis Johann Wolfgang von Goethe developed his ideas as 'Entwicklungslehre' and 'Formgestaltung' towards the origin of the plant, the primo-leaf (Urpflanze).[7] Naturbetrachtungen zum Urphanomen, in seiner Morphologie der Pflanzen zur Urpflanze.
Metamorphose Lehre und Prozess: Gestaltungslehre und Gestalt(ung)-Prozess
German intermezzo: "Metamorphose ist das Ergebnis des Ablaufes der Entwicklung mittels Prozess(e) der Entfaltung, die Entwicklung des aus sich aus hinaus entfalten, das Innerste nach Aussen drehen, Umdrehung der Existenz als Essenz, exitentielle Essenz und essentielle Existenz, der 'Pudelskern' zum Ausdruck der Gestaltung bringen: "Das ich erkenne, was die Welt im Innersten zusammenh?lt" [Von Goethe's Faustus]. [8]
Reference: (c) Juri Czabanowski, Image Poem 'Den und das Urlaub/ Image poem 'The and A Primo-Leaf', 2018 (not posted!)
Germ: Die Werdung des Werdens und das Sein als Erscheinung des volzogenen Werdens als Gestalt(ung); ein Akt. von Form und Formgebung/ engl: The becoming of the Process of to Be / Exist as Phenomenon of a finishing touched becoming as Design, one playing Act. Von Goethe's Entwicklungslehre and Metamorphorsis became essential for the principles of the Anthroposophists, who were like Rudolf Steiner and his Science called Antroposophy, involved to develop an architecture that was linked to the organic envelopment Entfaltung, the organic way of division functions being related to ewch other; their organic architecture is a consequent result of the functional organic interaction of an organism, the particular part to the whole, the proportion of the organ to the organism. In honur to his admiration Steiner called his masterpiece of archtiecture Goetheanum, a dedication to the Universum of Goethe and his universal genius.
To move in cyberspace (digital/virtual world) and reality (artificial/natural world) in distance ('Zeitraum') as multi-layered and -leveled Space and moving Time ('Zeitgeist') as Time to search more co-existing unknown dimensions and perspectives (Time, Space and Sustainable Building in Co-Existence) [S. Giedion 1941 [9]; in actualized addition to be sustainable based perspective: Czabanowski, Ph.D.-Thesis 2006!
Ph.D.-Thesis Angry Young Architects against Modernism: Dutch Structuralism
Members of Dutch Structuralism traveled to Africa to learn about the social roots of Architecture as social structured and ordered systems. Postwar architecture often in modern functionalism or functional modernism failed in their opinion to house resident in a modest way be(com)ing standard solutions, measured by norms, but missing the essential touch of human creativity of individual expression. Herman Haan researched the tribal folk of the Tellem of Mali in Africa, famous for their Mastaba, oldest form of a step-like pyramide and mud houses hidden in caves during an expidition in 1964. These mud houses have bee copied by th Dogon as fellow-followers of the Tellem who were their ancestors. Structural architects Aldo van Eyck and Joop van Stigt were fascinated by the socio-cultural arranged Architecture of the Dogon People. Later the members Herman Hertzberger and their pupil Piet Blom became also interested in foreign social structured architecture like the kasbah as typical labyrint market of the oriental architecture. Blom designed a social settlement based on the principle of the oriental market, the kasbah-project with collective units and shared rooms next to shops integrated in the complex structure and structured complexity as social experimental housing in the suburb of Hengelo, Province of Drenthe (NL). Their principles of structuralism with a structure as pattern-design like the 'city as a roof' realised by Kasbah-project in Hengelo 1974 and the Cube-Houses in Rotterdam in 1984 of Blom are excellent reported and researched by Wim van den Heuvel in his book Structuralism in Dutch Architecture dedicated to this Dutch variant of Structuralism [Van den HEUVEL, NAi-010 Publishers Rotterdam 1992]. This Structuralism is been mentioned as a n experimental form and reformation of functional Modernism, to regain the human measure(ment)s, 'Human Architecture as if People matter and their proportions as scale and human size' [Czabanowski 2006; Ch. 3. page 67, 92].
Vimeo [Czabanowski/UrchiTecton, Kasbah Hengelo 2017] is made last summer 2017 for postdoc-research by UrchiTecton as docu-visiting of social-experimental Kasbah-settlement Hengelo (Overijssel- NL)
In next part 2 the effect of the iconic photo of our common home and house planet Mother Earth will be part of the summary of the Ph.D.-thesis and its recommandations by postdoc research by UrchiTecton.
Endnotes and references
[0] [Deleuze Guattari 1976]; Gilles Deleuze et Felix Guattari, Rhizome, Introduction, 1976, p. 66.
[1] [Brundtland 1987]; UNCED-commission, Our Common Future, Oxford 1987; Report is also known as Brundtland-report because of the driven engagement of the Nordic premier.
[2] Ernst Schumacher, Small is Beautiful, A Study of Eoconomics as if People Mattered, London 1973.
[3] Juri Czabanowski, Sustainability is a long-term balance of measuremanagement, 2018
[4] Charles Darwin, On The Origin of Species, By Means of natural Selection, London 1859
[5] Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Biology, 1864; 'On the Survival of the Fittest' known as social-Darwinism.
[6] Publius Ovidius Naso, Metamorphosis, 8 AC.
[7] J.W. von Goethe, Metamorphosis einer Pflanze, drawing by pencil, after 1790.
[8] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Dr. Faustus, Tragodie ; Ur-Faustus is first part of the whole tragedy of a man called Faustus, a real fiction of a scientist already mentioned by Philip Marlowe.
[9] Sigfried Gidion, Space, Time and Architecture, 1941.
(c) postdoc research UrchiTecton: (Hi)Story of Art and (Sustainable) (City)Building